As one of the moms chosen to be a part of the Dempster’s Lunch Box Inspirations program, I’ve tried some recipes from the site and also...
Giveaways and Reviews
Green Works, company featuring truly green cleaning products, is offering 50 Canadians across the country the opportunity to win a prize that...
I have been a huge fan of Scentsy for the past 2 years – ever since Scentsy became available here in Canada and I was asked to review a few...
October is Vegetarian Awareness Month, and what better way to celebrate than by stopping into LUSH to pick up some of your favorite kind-to-critters...
Zax Healthcare has launched Zax’s Original Creams, a made in Canada, pharmacist-developed line of therapeutic creams that use unique blends of...
When I was recently contacted to see if I’d be interested in checking out a labeller from brother, I was definitely interested! For some...
It’s Thanksgiving day here in Canada and naturally that makes us reflect on what we’re thankful for, though it’s something us moms...
Back in June, I introduced my Canadian readers to Canada’s online health and beauty store,! The Baby Club at is full of great...
Hooray for Umi shoes getting in the game and offering their customers baby shoes as part of their line of top quality shoes for kids. I’ve...
After a trip to a local department store today my 3 year old was eager to tell her big brother about all the Halloween decorations she saw. The...
The program I use to choose winners randomly is a plug-in on Word Press called “And The Winner Is”
Winners will always be emailed by me...
Thomas is becoming one of those toys that are rather timeless, don’t you think? I remember being 20 and having a friend with a little guy...
The two-week theater run of The Lion King 3D is coming to and end (did you go?!) and now The Lion King will be released on DVD October 4th in...
Now that the kids are getting settled in school, have you found that you still need to make more purchases? I have! I thought having an indoor...
I have been posting more recipes lately, and the reader response has been great I have shared a recipe here and there in the past but lately...
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again – if you’ve found a product from a brand that you love for your baby, that you rave...