Happy Monday morning everyone! Found on Pinterest, this made me grin. =)
Author - Tenille
This is one of my top 5 favorite recipes in our household. So much so that I go through phases where I make it once a week and the kids are rolling their...
I feel like I just got back from our last McDonald’s All Access Moms trip to New Brunswick (the details of which will be posted soon!) and here I am once...
As one of the moms chosen to be a part of the Dempster’s Lunch Box Inspirations program, I’ve tried some recipes from the site and also submitted...
Thank you textmessagefail.com for making me literally laugh out loud on what was a previously craptastic afternoon. Baby’s not napping and I’m...
Green Works, company featuring truly green cleaning products, is offering 50 Canadians across the country the opportunity to win a prize that really is...
Have you had a Kinder Moment today? Kinder Moments can be anything you make of them – a special time to snuggle and chat with your kids, maybe playing...
I have been a huge fan of Scentsy for the past 2 years – ever since Scentsy became available here in Canada and I was asked to review a few Scentsy...
Too cute not to share! It’s good to be a (feisty) woman….
1. We got off the Titanic first.
2. We can scare male bosses with mysterious...
October is Vegetarian Awareness Month, and what better way to celebrate than by stopping into LUSH to pick up some of your favorite kind-to-critters cosmetics...
My readers are some of the nicest people I know. They email me feedback on posts, congrats on events happening in my life, and even a gentle spelling...
I love this! Reading through it, I remember when several of these fails were launched, and then disappeared! Still loves me some Facebook though...
1. Sometimes I’ll look down at my watch 3 consecutive times and still not know what time it is.
2. Nothing sucks more than that moment during an argument...
Zax Healthcare has launched Zax’s Original Creams, a made in Canada, pharmacist-developed line of therapeutic creams that use unique blends of natural...
Source: Car Insurance Comparison
When I was recently contacted to see if I’d be interested in checking out a labeller from brother, I was definitely interested! For some reason, spring...