Giveaways and Reviews

Cold & Flu Season – Are You Ready?

Our family all got our flu shots this week. I feel like I earned a mommy-badge too because it’s the first time I’ve taken all three kids on my own for the appointment! In the past few years, flu shots have been a non-negotiable fall routine in our household, and because of that my kids expect it, and for the most part go to the appointment without too much protest.

Just because we get the flu shot, it doesn’t mean we won’t still be hit by a wallop of a cold (if only we could be so lucky to escape seasonal colds too!) so I like to be prepared, especially when my husband travels for work and I’m parenting three kids on my own. Here are three essentials for every household with kids this cold and flu season:Braun thermometer

Braun ThermoScan Ear Thermometer is the #1 recommended brand by pediatricians and mom. I can’t imagine taking my kid’s temperatures the way parents of previous generations did (shudder!) I love how easy an ear thermometer is to use, and brands like Braun make it even easier with features like an added nightlight for ease of reading in dark bedrooms, and even improved ergonomics making it so easy to use even on sleeping kids! I prefer an ear thermometer as the ear canal is the best place to measure a fever because of it’s close proximity the ear drum, and when dealing with a fever, accuracy is important!

Honeywell air purifier

The Honeywell True HEPA Allergen Remover Air Purifier is the #1 doctor recommended air filter brand works to capture up to 99.97% of the airborne particles, 0.3 microns and larger, that pass through the filter. Indoor air can be 2-5 times more polluted than outdoor air, which is why it’s important to have an air purifier in your household especially during the winter months when the windows are always shut. The Honeywell True HEPA Allergen Remover has an easy tap power control with automatic shut-off timer.

Vicks Cool Mist Humidifier

And finally, my favorite product for battling cold and flu, the Vicks Sweet Dreams Cool Mist Humidifier! This humidifier features an independently controlled projector that offers three dream inspired scenes including: Safari, Sea and Starry Night and provide comfort with soothing Vicks VapoPads!


We’ve already put the humidifier to work this cold and flu season when my middle child had an annoying cough that would really flare up overnight. My girls share a bedroom and both loved the projection, deciding which one they would choose on each of the three nights we used the Vicks Sweet Dreams Cool Mist Humidifier. It doesn’t have to be used only when the kids have the sniffles either – you can also utilize it just to combat the dry air inevitable from a furnace running day and night. And, research has shown that maintaining indoor humidity levels between 40 to 60 per cent reduces the survival of flu viruses in the air!

Of course, it’s also helpful to have lots of liquids to combat a cold or flu, along with tissues and cozy blankets! Hopefully this will be a mild cold and flu season in Canada but if your household gets hit, you’ve got the info here on products to help you get through it! I’m with you, mamas!


Vicks Sweet Deams Cool Mist Humidifier

One of our readers is going to win a Vicks Sweet Dreams Cool Mist Humidifier (SRP $64.99). Just enter your name and email address in the form below to get started!


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  • This item is on my list for this year. I haven’t used anything like this before and I have been hearing a ton of great things about its effectiveness. I normally just drink Vitamin water and stay warm throughout the winter. If I start to get sick I use lozenges and cold/flu tablets.

  • I have the Braun ThermoScan Ear Thermometer (have yet to use it knock on wood) we make sure to take our vitamins, wash our hands, use wipes when we are out and vicks really helps too

  • We get our flu shots in November when we see the doctor. We make sure our hands are washed all the time and dress warm when we go out. We steer clear of anyone sneezing or coughing if it can be helped.

  • I definitely have an ear thermometer for my boys. I would love a humidifier. I use Ester C and Oil of Oregano when I get a cold and drink tons of tea, OJ and chicken noodle soup. I also get lots of rest.

  • Lots of washing of hands and all the surfaces, lots of fluids, vitamin C, also make lots of chicken soup. Would love to use a humidifier!

  • We wash and sanitize our hands the minute we get into the house. I also bring antiseptic wipes with me everywhere I go. We also take vitamins daily. I think that this cool mist humidifier would be helpful for my grandson, because he gets lots of nose bleeds when we turn on the furnace and the air gets dry.

  • We don’t have much of a strategy for dealing with it, but we do our best to prevent it – hand washing, flu shots etc. I have a quick scan thermometer that has been super handy to have for my youngest for sure! And I have always wanted a humidifier – every year it is on my list of things to get and then I don’t!

  • Flu shots, washing hands frequently, eating healthy foods and drinking water are the strategies we use to keep the flu under control.

  • I use a lot of Kleenex, Vicks VapoRub, and cold medicine, that’s usually my strategy. I have never used anything like this but I am sure it would help my little one! Thanks so much for the chance!


  • Flu shots, wash hands a lot, try and stay away from sick people and dress appropriate for the weather. I would love to win the vaporizer for my 6 month old grand daughter!

  • My one boy seems to always have colds and runny nose from October -march. My baby seems to be following suit. We do flu shots and wash hand regularly. We have reg. Humidifiers but this would be awesome!

  • We use humidifiers a lot and always have Tylenol and Stodal on hand. Boogie wipes and spray mist are also useful for runny noses.

  • At our house I go through the medicine cabinet and toss out the expired stuff and make a shopping list for the needed items, stock up on lysol wipes and Gatorade and tissues! I also ensure that each child has a change of clothes in each car! We use the same thermometer and love it!

  • We get flu shots and disinfect our door handles, light switches and remotes a lot – our ear thermometer quit working last year and I just haven’t been able to pick another one up yet

  • We do lots and lots of hand-washing and I try to keep lots of fresh fruits and veggies around to keep us all eating healthy. We have that thermometer you mentioned and I could never live with out it now. It’s so quick and easy!

  • We use a cool mist vapirizor, vicks vapor rub, tea and honey and essential oils. Other than that, lots of snuggles!

  • I continue to offer lots of fresh produce, make sure the kids dress in layers and for the weather, lots of water. I use vicks vapour rub to help keep their airways clear, and to help them sleep.

  • We get flu shoys but they dont always keep the flu away. We wash our hands lots and clean door handles to try and prevent grems spreading. Thanks so much for the chance.

  • Wash hands often, sanitize things like faucets and doorknobs, and eat properly. I use the thermometer and humidifier

  • Hand washing, keeping things wiped down, lots of healthy food and shakes and stock up on vicks vapo rub, lemon tea, and kleenex

  • My cold and flu strategy for my family is proper sleep and nutrition, including water intake. I use essential oils in a nebulizer and we take vitamins. I air out the house by opening windows on warmer days. We could use more help to stave off the nasty bugs and appreciate your tips!

  • we have our vicks vapourizer just in case…we have our humidifer, we wassh and sanitize our hand regularly, and if my kids are coughing we tend to use the vapo rub on their feet trick to ease their cough

  • I eat fresh garlic on toast, bread, in hot milk with sugar and butter, lots of hand washing, no touching the face. I have not used anything like this product but I have always used Vicks even as a little girl with my mom.

  • Lysol, vicks and essential oils when possible are a mainstay for our household. Of course a lot of washing hands and asking that visitors wash hands!

  • Don’t own anything like this. I do make sure to clean surfaces, door handles and taps at home more often during the winter months though to keep the germs at bay. Also make sure that everyone is washing their hands more often too

  • we have a cool mist humidifier and ear thermometer, and we make sure we eat foods with lots of spices, onion, garlic, etc to help keeps colds away

  • We wash our hands a lot, eat nutritional foods, get plenty of sleep and always have pain relievers, gravol and gingerale on hand

  • We do have a air cleaner , not quite as nice as this one , but it works πŸ˜‰ I keep lots of fruit and juice on hand , natures way to battle and i remind everyone about washing their hands very often ! πŸ˜€

  • I love my Braun thermonitor. When daughter is sick I put Vicks on her feet and use a natural cough syrup with honey.

  • I wash my hands as often as possible, as well as drink plenty of OJ.. and dress appropriately for the weather!

  • We wash our hands often, take extra vitamin and we do use a cool mist humidifier when colds/flu bugs do happen.

  • We constantly wash our hand and diffuse Young Living’s Thieves. Our house gets so dry I love having a humidifier in each room, especially our sons. But my son’s just broke last winter so we need a new one, winning this would be awesome!

  • I get the flu shot but if myself or any one gets sick I double up on their Vitamin c and I make sure we wash our hands when we come from town or school. I believe in rest/sleep is the best medicine too

  • We had been using a gun shaped digital thermometer for the two boys 6 and 4 which worked extremely well but broke. We have been searching for a reliable replacement and will keep Braun ThermoScan Ear Thermometer in mind. Grand baby little darling Miss Autumn Rachel born in sept still needs a vaporizer for her room. It sure gets expensive! Cold air vaporizer ,infant vicks ,boogie wipes lots of rest , and snuggles are the prescription we rely on.

  • I get the flu shot, I also steam with Vicks and hot water and breathe warm saltwater up my nose. A humidifier sure would help for the dry air.

  • I got my flu shot, we wash our hands every time we come inside and try to stay away from sick people if possible. Always wash our hands before we eat too

  • One of our cold and flu survival strategies at home is to consistently wash our hands throughout the day.

  • Hubby and I get our flu shots, I carry lysol wipes with me , wash my hands alot and try to avoid ppl who are sick

  • Thanks for this post and generous giveaway opportunity. We haven’t used products such as those mentioned. Usually we try not to keep the house too hot and dry. Sometimes we put out pails of water by the heating vents in the bedrooms and that helps humidify the air when the heat is on. We take extra vitamins and try to stay as healthy as possible. A cool mist humidifier would be super. I’d be able to put my water buckets away. lol

  • Lots of fluids and cuddles. We have one cool mist humidifier but it seems my boys are always sick at the same time and could really use a second one.

  • I encourage my kids to wash their hands a lot. We have an ear thermometer. it is the best. So quick to get the temp!

  • We take Oil of Oregano three times a day when we are sick. We also wash our hands often and get plenty of rest. Warm tea and vitamin c also helps:)

  • No. We us the old style Thermometer, our old Air Purifier & Humidifier broke down a few years back(no money to replace)… So we generally make sure to wash our hands especially after we arrive home after going out, we get our yearly flu shots, do yoga…to name a few things…

  • I wash my hands frequently, avoid others who are sick, and if we do get sick we drink plenty of fluids, take ColdFX and get lots of rest and pile on the blankets. I used to use a humidifier until ours quit working.

  • I make my kid wear a hazmat suit to preschool. Tons of hand washing. When the flu/cold breaks through our defenses we increase liquids and rest. We would keep track of temperatures if our thermometer hadn’t bit the big one.

  • We do a lot of hand washing and sanitizing during cold season! We also make sure everyone takes their vitamins!

  • We stock up in September on flu supplies- Vicks, cough medicine, etc at Costco so when and if it hits we are covered πŸ™‚ We just tried a product from Watkins I got from Shoppers Drug Mart, its a spray that has the smell of Vicks Vapor Rub and you can spray it in your shower or sheets when you need to breathe when your sick. It was amazing!

  • We use an air purifier and have had our eyes on a cool mist humidifier but haven’t gotten around to it yet. We also use the vicks straight up.

  • We also get our flu shots, except for hubby, we practice hand washing and we use Boiron homeopathic cold remedies! Thanks for another great giveaway! πŸ™‚

  • We get flu shots and if we do get sick, we make sure to get lots of rest so it doesn’t stay with us too long.

  • lots of hand washing and love my lysol wipes for bathrooms and kitchen especially –lots of rest and fluids

  • Definitely take all precautions by taking vitamins, wash our hands and flu shots. I always make sure that I am stocked up with cough and cold meds along with tissues, tea, honey and lemon. My daughter would benefit from having a cool mist humidifier as unfortunately the upcoming season is not her friend and she gets sick often as her immune system is weak.

  • we use humidifiers, drink plenty of fluids, take our vitamin c & d, and dress for the weather, when I feel a cold coming on I take vitamin C and it seems to keep it away

  • We wash our hands lots, apply baby Vicks on the bottoms of our little one’s feet at bedtime, and add grated organic orange peel to smoothies, oatmeal etc. I also like to use eucalyptus disks in the shower (for myself).

  • We wash our hands frequently. We use Vicks but I don’t have a humid ire, this looks cool. I’ve been eyeing one for a bit

  • I use Sanitizer like a psycho….with my Son in SK he is always bringing germs home. One tip I can share is when my Son has a cold I always dab some vasoline on his nose, with all the blowing his nose doesnt get chaffed up.

  • We make sure we get plenty of fresh air and exercise as well as take vitamins and wash our hands well. I keep thinking about getting a humidifier but I haven’t yet.

  • Always have the tissues handy! Plus the snot-sucker for the little ones. Always think about getting a humidifier too…this would be perfect!

  • We have an air purifier going in our kids play room. We use essential oils in our nebulizer and take vitamins daily!

  • My kids all got flu shots hopefully we are not going to need to use our cold and flu stuff too much. We have a humidifier and they also take vitamins.

  • I keep warm honey tea by my bed, wash my hands, stay warm and try not to take a scalding shower or a freezing bath so as to change my temperature drastically. A cool air humidifier would help!

  • We try our best to wash our hands and not touch our face, we love the use of humidifiers and love that we have a chance to win this one.

  • I have an emergency cold and flu kit at home. But when the flu is BAD its bad and only time will make it go away.

  • I’ve generally done nothing but this year I desperately want to get a humidifier as I’ve developed allergies and am constantly congested!

  • We try to avoid the flu as much as possible (fluids, healthy food, flu shot) but if it hits, we use lots of soap – hand and laundry!! πŸ™‚

  • We get Flu Shots , vitamin D , cold fx use lysol spray and wipes and lots of hand washing , i have an Ear The thermometer and vicks is a big life safer in our home , thanks for the chance πŸ™‚

  • We use our thermometer a lot in the winter. We also have a really old humidifier. We make sure our daughter gets a lot of fluids and rest also.

  • I always have a digital thermometer and air purifier on hand all year round. During the cold and flu season, I stock up on Vicks vapo rub and tissues. When the cold and flu hit our house we use all of the products and drink lots of fluids and rest.

  • We use the thermometer and would benefit from the Honeywell Allergen remover. We use Vicks in this house, lots of hand washing and staying home when sick.

  • We were given an in ear thermometer when our first was born. It has been a fantastic life saver on nights when the kids have been sick.

  • Currently suffering from the worst flu I have ever had. I am coping with tea, vitamins, a humidifier and a neti pot!

  • Typically when sick I would reach for Day-Quil or Night-Quil… now with a wee 6 mth old I know I NEED to acquire Vicks Babyrub and a cold water humidifier before I need it!! (I love the Vicks Sweet Dreams Cool Mist Humidifier, looks great!!)

  • We LOVE our digital thermometer! It was given to us as a gift when my oldest was born. So nice to have something non-intrusive when they’re feeling sleepy!

  • Right now I just have a rectal thermometer for my son, advil and vicks. This would definitely help out in my house!

  • I like to ensure I get lots of rest, vitamin C is a must. And I do humidify the air, we have to as the house is heated with electric heat.

  • As soon as someone is sick in my house, the Lysol wipes come out and EVERYTHING gets a daily wipe down! I also get the Scentsy going in the necessary bedrooms with eucalyptus wax in it. Also, vicks on the bottom of the feet before bed works MIRACLES!

  • Whenever the kids get sick we HAVE to use a humidifier – my one child has asthma and colds/flus hit him pretty hard. We’ll be getting flu shots this year too

  • If my kids get coughs I always rub Vicks on the soles of their feet at bedtime and have them wear socks to bed. Seems to completely stop the nighttime coughing!

  • A lot of hand washing to combat even getting sick and if it creeps in, I give the kids Vicks and Benedryl to help them cope.

  • We use Vicks vapo rub a lot especially for my littler ones as I don’t like to use cold medicine. My fiance’s mom has an old trick where she used to put Vicks on the bottom of her children’s feet before bed. I’m not sure if it actually works but I try it every time my littles have a cold!

  • Emergen-C and crock pot chicken noodle if that doesn’t work, gets us through the dreaded cold and flu season.

  • We stock up on all kinds of medicines this time of year, tissue, hot water bottles and we had a humidifier but it stopped working last year and I forgot to replace it! Would love to win this prize!

  • Wash hands regularly, stay hydrated, and wear warm clothing – that’s my strategy to avoiding the cold and flu.

  • We use vapourizers all the time for colds and chest infections. Vicks has always been our first choice as we use the Vicks products too. Excellent idea to add projections to it.

  • First sign of the flue I made a large pot of chicken soup! Always works. I turn off the furnace and open all the windows to change the air in the house!

  • I have never used any of these before, when I feel a cold coming on, I lather up in Vicks, for me and for my kids. Lots of fluids and rest

  • We currently do not have a vaporizer so this would be awesome!! I have a essential oil diffuser in my bedroom, and when the kids were sick a few weeks ago we used it a lot with eucalyptus essential oil πŸ™‚

  • I purchased the Vicks Starry Night humidifier for a girlfriend about a year ago…My husband loved it and said “We could have used that you know” lol! In our house I usually melt down a bit of vicks vapo rub on my candle warmer and burn that for a little while πŸ™‚

  • I could totally use a humidifier for my son – he is always struggling with his sinuses! We usually just tough out the colds πŸ™

  • I use lots of Lysol wipes for all surfaces, wash hands often and covering our mouths when we cough or sneeze. Lots of vitamin C as well.

  • I do utiliz e a hepa air purifier which is my best cold and flu survival strategy at home, as well as helping with allergies.

  • We wash our hands a lot and take Honey and Lemon to feel good. My mouth and throat get so dry, I think the Vicks Sweet Dreams would be helpful.