
Get Cracking This Holiday Season

After an incredibly busy week, and fast food more than I’d like to admit, this morning I made one of our family’s favorite recipes – Turkey Bacon Quiche, and for at least a few minutes, all was right with the world again.

There’s something so wholesome, so satisfying, about serving your family eggs on a quiet weekend morning, don’t you think?  And, of course, I always think to myself at the time, “I should do this more.  This should be a Tuesday morning thing.”

And then, the hustle and bustle begins Monday morning again and we’re swept away.  Perhaps I need a reminder of the goodness of eggs, and a mental image of those quiet Saturday morning breakfasts to push me to serve eggs more during the week.

Did you know:

1. The protein in eggs can help you with weight loss.  How?  The protein controls the way in which your body absorbs calories!  Amazing!

2. Eggs are good for your brain!  They contain an essential nutrient called choline that our bodies don’t produce enough of on our own and choline stimulates brain development and function.  Two eggs is all you need to reach your daily required amount.

3. I’ve heard this before and was shocked when I read the details but it’s true.  Nutritionally, eating an egg is like taking a multivitamin!  An egg is packed with 14 essential nutrients and has only 70 calories.

4. Eggs are an easy, versatile and affordable food to incorporate into your diet.  These are all great points for busy households to remember.  How many of us love those breakfast-for-dinner nights (easy, inexpensive and delicious!)

5. As seen in the video above and by visiting, there’s the pride of Canadian farmers in every egg.  Egg farmers right across Canada bring their product to your table and sustain their own families within the industry.

One of my favorite holiday meals (aside from my weekly quiche which works as well) is our Christmas casserole breakfast with eggs, bread, ham, peppers and cheese – oh my!  I think it’s time I get cracking and plan out my holiday meals. 😉


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