Giveaways and Reviews

Dempsters Naturally (With Giveaway!)

dempsters whole grainsHow are those new years resolutions coming along? By March many of us have given up on the biggies. In fact, it’s probably best that we don’t make any huge resolutions but rather look at an overall new approach to situations. Instead of aiming to lose 10 pounds, commit to exercise more.  Instead of saying no to your weekly pizza night, commit to adding more whole grains in your diet the other days.  Perhaps having steadfast, specific goals works for some people, but a general approach works better for me.

No one can argue that bringing more whole grains into your diet isn’t a good idea.  It’s a matter of determining how to do this in a way that works for your lifestyle.  I’m a white-bread kind of mom, and won’t be crushing flax seeds and baking my own bread any time soon, so I look to my local grocery store instead.

dempsters naturally comparisonDempsters Whole Grains bread contains many of the same vitamins and minerals that fruits and veggies do (which better explains the photo above, no there’s no yellow peppers in your bread today!) and it’s one way to get more whole grains into your diet.

The campaign at Dempsters explains to Canadians what vitamins and minerals are in the bread, in a comparison with other foods like broccoli or asparagus.  It’s an interesting way to look at your bread products and a great way to help determine where your usual bread brand may be lacking (I know the store brand white bread I buy is hugely lacking in vitamins and minerals compared to Dempters!)

The Get Nutrition Naturally site has a wealth of info, recipes, and videos sharing more about Demspters Whole Grains products, including a recipe of mine selected to be on the site!

Doesn’t it look delicious?

Mediterranian Chicken Sandwich

This Mediterranean Chicken Sandwich recipe can be found at  I am so not a fan of plain bologna sandwiches (yet my son could eat them every day!) so I need to create sandwiches that have a bunch of ingredients!  AND, if I can get added vitamins and nutrients in my sandwich as well, it’s a win.

Right now, when you visit the Dempsters Facebook page you can enter to win $3000 towards free groceries!  How, just by watching the latest Gerry Dee video posted on the site!  Have you seen these videos?  They’ve been creating some buzz and are a hilarious look at nutrition and health aspirations, shall we say, with Gerry Dee.  Check out the Watch & Win contest with Dempsters at the link!


Time to stock your freezer!  One of  my readers is going to win 10 Free Dempsters Product Coupons!  This is a fabulous way to try out all the Whole Grain Bread products from Dempsters, as well as a few favorites as well (I love Dempsters Oven Fresh baguettes!)  To enter, just use the Rafflecopter form below.
a Rafflecopter giveaway


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