With one more princess joining our household, I am like a kid in a candy store looking at adorable dresses for “the girls”. Wow, it...
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Halo Innovations, the creators of the well known SleepSack (check out Halo Sleepsack review from 2009 and Halo Technical Comfort System review from...
Beba Bean, based in British Columbia, is the home of the original Pee-pee Teepee. After the success of this innovative product, founder Lisa added...
During my pregnancy with this baby, nearly 7 years after my first pregnancy, I came across several topics of discussion that were not on my radar at...
Have you seen the Toys R Us commercial with the little girl going on and on about Dora The Explorer? I love that commercial because I think it...
When it came time to start looking for a primary infant carrier for baby #3, I knew from previous experience with my other kids what I did not...