Every year, Scuffles are probably my favorite Christmas baking item. True, there’s nothing really to them beyond a delicious pastry and...
In the past year I’ve made some big changes in my business (determined what I will and will not tolerate any longer), my personal life (declared a...
With a busy few weeks ahead of get-togethers, I’ve been going through my recipes to pick my favorite appetizers to make! I love these all...
I love salad in a restaurant. Why is it that having a restaurant salad is so much better than making one at home? I mean, it’s just lettuce and...
This recipe came across my newsfeed a few weeks ago and I knew it was a must-try! You can always find amazing videos detailing recipe creations, but...
When you’re a thirty-something girl of Romanian decent, you have a few options when craving delicious, comforting and hearty cabbage rolls: you...
I love routine. In fact, I thrive on it! I love having a schedule (says the business-owner who works from home, ha!) and love filling my calendar...
The first frost of the season hit here in Saskatchewan this week, so my kids helped bring in the remainder of the cherry tomatoes from our small...
This summer, we’ve added a few favorite salads to our dinner table and all three have been a step from the traditional lettuce in a bowl. If...
If you have a bounty of zucchini in your garden, found a too-good-to-resist deal at the local farmer’s market, or discovered a surprise...
Nutella asks, do you spoon it or spread it? The limited-edition Nutella Spife is back and Canadians now have the opportunity to WIN their own spife...
A gardener I am not. We have two small container gardens off our deck in our backyard, and while I’m eager and excited in the late spring when...
I love August, when gardens are full of their bounty. When the time you took to plant in May, weed in July and harvest in August pays off! Of course...
I love summer season, or BBQ season more appropriately named! Often in the hottest months of the year, we’re just not hungry for a heavy...
I went to the Regina Farmer’s Market this week for the first time this season. Although there are vendors through the colder months at an...
I’m on a bit of a health kick this spring. No dieting for this girl (because I love booze and potato chips way too much and they make life...