Gift Guide Giveaways and Reviews

ecobee Under The Tree

This holiday season, while you’re staying toasty warm by the fire, is your second floor bedroom freezing? If the kitchen is toasty warm with holiday baking and visitors, does that leave your kid’s playroom downright frosty? It’s so frustrating trying to ensure everyone is comfortable, especially during the winter months. Yet, everything flips in the summer when you need the air conditioner on at night to cool down the bedrooms for sleeping, yet the main floor requires a blanket for comfort.

I’ve got the answer for you, and if you’re looking for a Christmas gift OR shopping after the holidays for the new year, you need to check out the the ecobee4 smart thermostat! Here are some of the awesome features our household has come to love:

Room Sensor

Most thermostats are in a hallway somewhere on the main floor of the household. I’m sure you, like me, have been in another area of the house that’s also commonly occupied and noticed how different the temperature is. In the summer, for example, our second floor is always warmer than the main floor, but the air conditioner doesn’t turn on because the temp on the main floor is perfectly fine and doesn’t need cooling.

The ecobee4 comes with a room sensor that you can place in another area, that will help manage hot and cold spots. For us, it’s definitely on our second floor main bedroom.

Smart Home/Away

I can’t imagine how different our home energy bills would be if we didn’t have a programmable thermostat, the ecobee4’s most basic function. All smart thermostats have this very basic feature but where the ecobee4 takes it up a notch is with its Smart Home/Away settings. If you have a regular work schedule, you would set the home and away times on your ecobee4 with specific temperatures to maintain during that time. But, let’s say that you’re home for the day with a child sick at home. The ecobee4 Smart Home/Away capability detects when you’re home during an away time for example, and adjusts the temperature to the Home setting. Amazing right? This, of course, can help save your household money too when you’re Away during a normal Home time, by lowering the temperature accordingly when it doesn’t sense any movement. I love this!

Oh Hi Alexa!

A fun, and useful, feature of the ecobee4 smart thermostat is that it’s Alexa enabled. The whole family has been enjoying this feature, with my youngest (7) asking Alexa to tell her a joke every day, or my older kids asking Alexa to play a particular song or artist. We’ve had a few fun conversations at the table, checking to see if Alexa will play Metallica, for example, or asking Alexa to tell us about the news highlights that day. A quick weather check with Alexa while I’m grabbing backpacks and heading out the door is awesome too. Oh, and you can also add to a shopping list (I haven’t done this yet, which is probably a good thing!)

Comfort On The Go

And, of course, the ecobee4 can be accessed via an App right on your phone so you can easily check in on the household temp and change it as needed (I love this feature in the summer, for example, when coming home from a family holiday and setting the AC to turn on a few hours ahead of our arrival.) I also use it in the mornings if we’re up earlier than my scheduled time, to turn up the heat before we head downstairs. It’s the little things, people. šŸ™‚

The ecobee4 can be purchased directly from for $329, with free shipping and a 30-day money back guarantee (which you won’t need because you’ll fall in love with it in 3 days). It also has a 3 year warranty should any issues come up along the way. You can also find ecobee products in stores like Best Buy, Home Depot and Lowes!

Here’s your chance to win an ecobee 4 Smart Thermostat for your household! Just fill in your name and email address in the form below and click BEGIN! Then,Ā  in the comments below, simply tell us one of your household temperature woes that you think the ecobee 4 Smart Thermostat can help with!


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  • I definitely have a different idea of what our home temperature should be compared to my partner šŸ˜› Also, the power/heat bill is very high this time of year. I would love to try this Smart Thermostat! Thank you for the giveaway and Merry Christmas!

  • I find that we all can’t agree on the “right” temperature and also that the temperature varies from room to room so it could be adjusted before we arrive home.

  • My building has a set temperature and during the winter I have to turn of my heat and turn on an AC device I had installed due to the oppressive heat. Ecobee could help even out my temperature so I’m not sleepless and in angst due to the dry heat!

  • Running around closing heat vents on the main floor so the warm air heats the upper floor instead of creating a sauna in the downstairs bathroom

  • I like that I can easily alter the temperature from an app so I can adjust it before getting home especially if I’m getting in earlier then expected

  • I keep my bedroom cold (I like to sleep with it cool), but I’d like to regulate the temperature so it’s not icy when I get up when the temperature is like -30 outside. Because there are limits, even for me :0

  • I am constantly going and turning down the heat temp! my husband like it too warm. I actually get up after he is in bed to check if he turned it up again!

  • I have not many complaints about my current heating situation, other than the circulation is only slightly lacking. It does takes a while to drain the pump during maintenance. Also to heat up it takes a few hours

  • I think this would control the usage, the temperature in my house is warm on one end and cold on the other maybe this could regulate it

  • I sure need this. Hubby doesn’t know how to run any apps or smart phone so I would have to control of the temp. He is always turning it down and saying it wasn’t him lol

  • I love that you can control it via app – I would like to turn the AC off if I wished during the day to save money!

  • We turn the heat down before bed but I hate waking up to a cold house and this prize could really help

  • I love that Ecobee4 can detect occupancy and adjust the temperature accordingly. Since we are always in and out of the house, I wouldn’t have to worry about adjusting or wasting energy each time, and we would save money too.

  • I have found that we all forget to turn down the thermostat when we leave for the day. This has resulted in a higher oil bill.

  • It could help with keeping the temp down in the rooms that we’re not using & turn down the heat for a comfy night’s sleep

  • I would love being able to control the heat from my bed! I could turn it down when I’m hot in the middle of the night, then back up before getting out of bed in the morning.

  • During the summer time, I definitely want the temperature inside my home to get lower before I come home from work. And for winter, I would love to keep the temperature warmer at night.

  • This would be great to control the temp as i like it cooler and my husband not so much, and if it will help lower the bill just a bit, I’m in!

  • The last one to come upstairs at night is supposed to turn the thermostat down. That is usually me and I often forget and have to go back down once I am cozy in bed and realize it. It would be nice to have it preset or turn it down from an app.

  • I would like to be able to set the thermostat so it’s at an ambient temperature when we get up in the morning as we turn it down at night. It’s freezing in the morning.

  • We currently have a 20 year old thermostat that can’t be programmed.
    One of our household temperature woes that I think the ecobee 4 Smart Thermostat can help with is programming it to drop the temperature in our home a couple of degrees at bedtime, + warming it back up, prior to us getting up in the morning.

  • We turn the heat down at night as we roast if we don’t but get up to a freezing house! I’d love to be able to turn the heat up an hour of so before the alarm.

  • Our second floor is always too warm at night, making it hard to sleep. And when we turn the thermostat down, when we wake up in the morning and head down to the main floor, the kitchen is FREEZING!

  • This would help me to get the temperature turned up before we get home. No more colder house for the first hour after getting home.

  • It would be great to be able to change the temperature with my phone. My house would never be to hot or to cold. I have trouble keeping the house at just the right temperature.

  • This would help instead of the closing off vents to get cold air upstairs in the summer, and keep warm air downstairs in the winter.

  • My woes are that my thermostat marker is broken so I always have to guess an approximate temperature & go by the “feel” of the house after. Too many times I have to get up in the night to turn it down.

  • this would be great when we are heading to the cabin for the weekend….just turn up the heat before we arrive and walk into a nice warm cabin…would love this!

  • Weird, but in our house it’s always more comfortable in the basement than on the main floor. We live in a raised bungalow.

  • I tend to crank the heat where we live now, but we don’t pay the heating. We will move into our own house in a couple of months and I will need to get that ‘issue’ fixed!!

  • I totally think this would help with living in a bi-level to help keep the temp consistent! What a great product:) Love the idea of being able to control well away.

  • I would love to have the convenience of adjusting my home temperature wherever I am. It would also be great to be able to check the thermostat if I am away from home.

  • I would actually gift this ecobee 4 Smart Thermostat to my mother who doesn’t have a programmable and isn’t as mobile as she once was

  • I can’t hardly breathe in the heat so it’s 65 degrees is what it is on. Otherwise I’m sick all the winter.

  • Our bedroom is often too cold but the rest of the house is fine, which is OK during the day but not ideal at night. The Ecobee and it’s sensors could solve the cold bedroom issue.

  • I love the fact that even though you’ve already set up a home/away schedule it’ll switch if it senses (or doesn’t sense) activity!

  • Since moving to a rural home, my heating bill has gotten so high. I’d like to monitor the temperature better and lower it when no one’s home.

  • our room is the coldest room in the house. i would like to regulate the temp in the early mornings so it’s not so frigid when we get ready for work

  • Our electricity bill is often over the top. So, I would love to see if we can be more energy-efficient with the ecobee.

  • I am so tired of turning thetemperature down, then feeling cold, rushing to get blankets and turning up the heat. It would be nice to have a smart thermostat to control the temperature.

  • The ecobee 4 Smart Thermostat can help me by being able to find the right temperature so i’m not always playing around with our thermostat, it would also help with being able to control the AC so that in the summer we can come home to a nice cool home.

  • Our energy costs are so high we we try and keep the heat lower when overnight or when we are not home. It is such a pain to always be getting up to change the temperature or realizing after we have left that we forgot to turn it back down. The Ecobee would really help with both these annoyances.

  • I would love to have the house warm before I get up in the morning. I like it cool at night to sleep better.

  • I like that you can control it from an app. It would be great to be able to adjust the heat/AC before you get home when you’ve been away. Our basement is always much colder than the upstairs so having the multi sensors would be amazing.

  • So we just got a new heat pump, and I think the Ecobee 4 could control it? If so, this would be amazing. We already LOVE the heat pump as a good option when we are away, but having something to control it before we arrive home would be huge. When we arrived home on Boxing Day after being away for a couple of days, the temps outside were -20, so the house was pretty cold. It took a good 12 hours to get the whole house warmed up again! So as I said, we love the heat pump on its own, but I love the idea of saving more money by installing an Ecobee4 smart thermostat šŸ™‚

  • I love that you can access it from your phone. I hate walking into a cold house and Iā€™m home at different times each day. Could turn up the heat on my way home from work šŸ˜Š

  • The room sensor is a great feature. Our thermostat is in a room with lots of windows so the sun can hit it and falsely tell it that it’s warmer than it is. My wife is always complaining that other rooms are too cold.

  • We love our bedroom colder during the night and it would be nice to have that ease off a bit by morning so we’re not freezing when we get out of bed.

  • I turn down the thermostat when we leave the house but if we’re gone all day the house is chilly when we get home and takes forever to warm up.

  • I am convinced that my current thermostat is off by 3 degrees, so I would love this so I can get my house to the right temp!

  • Currently my thermostat doesn’t even allow for changes in temperature unless manually changed. Would love to have setting for at night and during the day when no one is home.