
Join The Alarm Force Twitter Party Sunday

Now that summer is slowly winding down (it is, I’m a little in denial too, but it is!), families are getting back into the routine of day-to-day life with school, work, activities and gatherings. Our routines start to form in September for the rest of the new school year.

While we go on with our day-to-day lives, others may sometimes be aware as well. Did you know that most burglaries take place between 10:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m.? Contrary to popular belief, the majority of home burglaries take place ​during daylight hours​, not at night. That’s because most people are at work or school—which reduces the chance the burglar will be noticed. Just last weekend on my neighbourhood Facebook group, a member shared that his camera equipment was taken from his vehicle at 9:30 on Sunday morning, just as he went back in his house for a few minutes. It’s infuriating to hear stories like this. My first comment was, “Do you or your neighbours have security cameras installed?” It’s a great way to hopefully find some information on a potential thief.

We have had our Alarm Force home security system in our household since April, and it’s been so nice knowing that our home has that extra level of protection, whether I’m in the backyard with the girls in the afternoon or we’re away in Alberta visiting family. We’ve never had a home security system before, and now after having one we won’t ever go back to being unprotected.

If you’ve been curious about home security systems in general, or are looking to change things up with your current system, join me for the Alarm Force Twitter Party on Sunday night at 9 p.m. ET (7 p.m. Central). We’ll be sharing a wealth of information on Alarm Force, home security, and their products as well as some great giveaways just for attending and chatting with us! I have $600 in Visa Gift Cards total to give away, along with our grand prize of a one year monitored subscription to Alarm Force with a CONNECT Bundle (value $500+)!

No RSVP necessary, just pop on by and join in the conversation! Follow myself @RealTenille, our awesome moderator Rossana @RossanaWyatt and of course @AlarmForceInc and note our hashtag #AFcommunity so you don’t miss out on any of the conversation. See you there for our 1 hour chat Sunday night!

*Open to Canadian residents only, please see official Twitter Party rules here.






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  • We had our home broken into a little over a year ago & my teens electronics & our Family Room TV, my jewelry & some old coins from my kids great grandparents were taken. What was worse than losing our possessions was that our sense of security was gone. That was one of the worse feelings in the world. The kids didn’t even want to go back to school & I was terrified being at work thinking someone was gonna break back into the home since they knew we were gone all day. Its been a little over a year ago & just the thought of it makes me sick to my stomach. Can’t wait to join in, learn some tips & have a chance to win a security system for a year, which I am sure gives such a sense of security back to someone like us, who has lost it because of what happened. Will see tweet you Sunday! – @Trying2Mom

    • Oh Chrissy what a terrible experience! I can’t imagine what that would do to a family. Thank you for sharing – see you Sunday night!

  • When our place was broken into a number of years ago I actually moved not long after as it just didn’t feel the same. Everything had been disturbed if it hadn’t been stolen. It was amazing what a creepy feeling home had afterward for me.

  • I’ve mostly given up on Twitter parties. But I may attend yours because I know you’re a legit contest host. I’m guilty of going to work and leaving all of my windows open. So I know I need some (re-)education in home security :0

    • I hope you do Alison! I haven’t done a Twitter party in YEARS so I completely understand. This company resonates with me more than a hot dog brand. 😉

  • I dont know a lot about home security systems. I am sure that it would feel awful to have someone going through my things. I would have to do some sever cleaning and then probably move. I really hope not to ever have to deal with this.

  • In our old house which was pretty isolated we were broken into twice. An alarm would have been great just for the peace of mind!

  • we live in the boonies ,i have never had to use a home security , but sounds amazing thanks for sharing !

  • We’ve not been broken into but I do know that the Christmas before last vehicles left on the road in our little cul-de-sac were broken into and things stolen. It must be a horrible feeling if it’s your home that’s been broken into. I’m afraid that I suck big time at twitter parties so I won’t be joining you for this 🙁

  • We have never had a break in at our house but we probably should get an alarm system for the extra security.

  • I’ve stopped attending Twitter parties and I know that you had too so this one must be pretty good for you to consider hosting. Maybe I will attend. I think it’s an important topic to discuss for sure!

    • Yes, it’s been 2 years. This company is one I use in our household and feel that the message is a valuable one worth sharing. I hope you come out Sunday and keep me company Andrea!

  • Years ago, someone broke into both of your cars; they stole the radio system our of my husband’s car. I felt violated, almost as if I had been physically attacked. It was very unnerving. We don’t have a security system or camera at our current home, although when it was built, it was wired for security. I’ll try to join the twitter party on Sunday and collect more information about home security.

  • In the last month or so there have been 3 break and enters just on my street alone and all in the daylight hours. Two have been at night on other streets. Home securty is the answer.

  • My hubby travels a lot for work so I am often alone with my kids. This would definitely make me feel more confident and secure having a system like Alarmforce.

  • I will totally be there! we actually do not have a security system but such a good idea and so important to have one! i wont miss this

  • We do not have any security alarms but I am sure it would make you feel safer in your home. We live in a small town where break ins have never been an issue but I do realize that even rural areas are being targeted.

  • I have heard commercials about Alarm Force. We have AT&T right now but are willing to change if something better comes along.

  • We just moved into our new house the end of June and we weren’t in there eight days when we got a security system installed. It gives me & my husband a piece of mind especially since he works way.