Giveaways and Reviews

A Fresh Start With Oreck

With back to school quickly approaching we’re getting our home prepared, cleaned up and cleaned out, after the long and carefree summer we’ve had. One of the products we’ve integrated into our home over the summer, which is sure to help us in that endevour, is the Oreck DualMax Air Purifier.

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Here’s why I’m loving this new (and quiet) little addition to our household:
1. The DualMax® Air Purifier, features two fans that produce twice as much airflow which means double the air cleaning power and performance.

2. When the air is drawn in to the purifier, it captures pollen, dust, pet dander, and other allergens in our household air. With two kids with asthma in our household this is a big deal. Even though we have a hypoallergenic dog, our pediatric allergist rolled his eyes at me when I explained that. Dander is dander and all dogs have it, so it’s great to have the DulaMax Air Purfier for that issue as well (plus, we kind of like our dog a lot!)

3. The Helios Shield® inside is composed of an aluminum honeycomb substrate and infused with titanium dioxide. Through photo catalytic oxidation using an imbedded UV light the Helios Shield® breaks down odours and volatile organic compounds from the air passing through it, leaving cleaner, fresher smelling air. I keep our air purifier on our main floor to help with cooking odors (I love what we had for dinner but don’t want to smell it at 10pm before bed!)

Oreck DualMax

4. The Oreck DualMax Air Purifier is actually less expensive to operate than others. Most air purifiers rely on expensive filters that have to be replaced and can eventually end up in a landfill. The Oreck®DualMax Air Purifier features a permanent Truman Cell® that never needs to be replaced. Simply wash with soap and water, rinse clean and let dry.

5. The remote control makes me feel fancy using it when guests are over. I also have my lamps and outside water fountain on a remote control so this just works with my fancy remote control household use. It’s also great because you don’t have to contort yourself in weird angles to reach the plug or switch to turn it on and off. That too.

Look for the Oreck DualMax Air Purifier at a retail price of $499.99 at or at






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