
Coca-Cola Helps Women Entrepreneurs With #5by20

Women entrepreneurs are certainly a force! Around the globe women are taking their ideas, their initiative, and their heart and putting them into their business plans like never before. From fruit farmers to artisans to vendors, women around the world are already pillars of the business within Coca-Cola. That’s why they’ve launched a global initiative called 5by20 to help women entrepreneurs.

How? Through 5by20, Coca-Cola is addressing the most common barriers to success women face. They intend to do this by giving them access to business skills training courses, financial services and connections with peers or mentors. The end goal is the empowerment of 5 million women micro-entrepreneurs by the year 2020! Amazing!

As my readers know, I am a proud supporter of women in business (one of my mentors, Betty Ann Heggie, has certainly helped me understand why it’s so important and how to gain strides in that endeavour) and that’s why this program really speaks to me personally.

Take a look at this fact filled infographic for full details on the 5by20 initiative.



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