
Toronto Honours 2014 Children’s Miracle Network Champions Presented by Walmart

Champions 2014

Earlier in November, 12 Children’s Miracle Network Champions were honoured for their bravery in battling life-threatening illnesses and injuries with a visit from Ben Mulroney from CTV’s ETALK and Adam van Koeverden, Olympic kayaker at the Ripley’s Aquarium in Children’s Miracle Network’s Champions presented by Walmart celebrates the lifesaving work at children’s hospitals across the country. The 12 Canadian Champions selected as ambassadors for each of the member hospitals across Canada visited Toronto en route to Orlando, Florida.

“At Walmart, we’ve always been committed to the communities we serve and focused on helping Canadian families in need. We’re incredibly proud of our 20-year partnership with Children’s Miracle Network,” said Dirk Van den Berghe, President and CEO, Walmart Canada. “The Champions’ touching stories of courage and inspiration demonstrate the incredible impact children’s hospitals across Canada have every day.”

Since 1994, Walmart Canada and its associates have donated and raised more than $90 million to Children’s Miracle Network. “We are very appreciative for Walmart Canada’s long-standing support of the Champions program,” said John Hartman, Chief Operating Officer, Children’s Miracle Network, Canada. “Their generosity provides important funding needed to enhance care at Canadian children’s hospitals.”

The 2014 Children’s Miracle Network Champions are:

Hans Gabriel Rana, 6, BC Children’s Hospital Foundation, Congenital Heart Defect
Violet McDonald, 4, Alberta Children’s Hospital Foundation, Cataract, Detached Retina and Hearing loss
Ben Woodlock, 6, Stollery Children’s Hospital Foundation, Kidney Disease
Aidan Bohle, 12, Children’s Hospital Foundation of Saskatchewan , Cholesteatoma
Aiden Anderson, 9, Children’s Hospital Foundation of Manitoba, Kartagener Syndrome and Situs Inversus with Dextrocardia
Andie Morrison, 7, Children’s Health Foundation, Diamond-Blackfan Anemia
Jessica Wilson, 15, McMaster Children’s Hospital Foundation, Stricture in Esophagus
Jordan Jeyananthan, 10, The Hospital for Sick Children (SickKids), Stroke from an Intracranial Hemorrhage due to an Arteriovenous Malformation
Annie Underhill, 16, Children’s Hospital of Eastern Ontario Foundation, Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia; Eosinophilic Fasciitis
Eloïse Beaupré, 15, Opération Enfant Soleil, Humoral Immune Deficiency, Arthritis and Celiac Disease
Frédérique Ouellette, 12, MK Health Centre Foundation, Neurofibromatosis
Brooke Gidge, 9, Janeway Children’s Hospital, Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia

For complete patient profiles please visit: childrensmiraclenetwork.ca/About/Champions


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