
Cuban Taxi Delivers Surprises in Toronto

Cuban Taxi in Toronto TransatEven if you – like me – have never been to Cuba, you know how Cuban taxis from the 40’s and 50’s are a part of the landscape and one of the most photographed things in Cuba itself (it rivals the beautiful beaches of course!) Fun fact: cars from the 1950’s and before are seen everywhere in Cuba because they’re the only cars Cuban citizens can legally own. Only pre 1959 cards that were seized from their original owners can be privately owned and worked on. All newer cars are owned by the government.

Does something look off about the photo above? That’s because it was taken in Toronto!  A few days ago, Transat organized a super-fun stunt involving this Cuban taxi driving Toronto streets inviting people to experience Cuba by simply taking a ride.  The best part? Sometimes they ended up at the airport with a surprise of all-inclusive tickets to Cuba!

Although we’ve never been, Cuba has definitely been on our vacation list. Cuba is renown for its music, bands play everywhere in the capital Havana, and I think that’s one aspect of the culture that I’d love to experience. Another aspect, of course is the food! Coffee lovers rejoice – a common breakfast food in Cuba is a piece of buttered, toasted Cuban bread called a tostada dipped in a cafe con leche, espresso coffee with warm milk. For dinner, meats are often marinated in lime or sour orange juice, then slow-roasted over low heat and served with black beans and rice (my stomach just growled!)

Check out the video above highlighting all the fun! Have you ever been to Cuba?



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