Gift Guide Gifts for Kids

Cloud b Dreamz To Go Groovy Globe Pink Flowers Nightlight

cloud b groovy globe pinkEarlier in November, we introduced you to Cloud b Dreamz To Go Octo – an adorable little blue globe of happiness that helps kids banish fears of the dark, and light up their bedroom ceilings at the same time.

Now, we’re sharing the Cloud b Dreams To Go Groovy Globe!  It’s the same design as Octo, but a funky, more grown up design for older kids.  Hey, it’s not a nightlight, it’s just a funky little lamp, right?

Groovy Globe has a 45 minute shut-off which is plenty of time to drift off to dream land, yet ensuring a comfortable sleep without the light intruding (pediatricians recommend darkness during sleep which I agree with too, nightlights bother me when I sleep!)

Perfect for little kids and big kids, look for the Cloud b Dreamz To Go Groovy Globe in pink or blue at stores like Walmart (regular price $24.99) this holiday season.

cloud b groovy globe



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