Giveaways and Reviews

Your Story Matters

Many journalists, screenwriters and yes – even bloggers – say they started on their journey because of a love of storytelling.  While most of us tell our stories by putting pen to paper – or tapping away at a keyboard more likely these days – others can command attention at a table or ignite a room in laughter by sharing stories out loud.

Oddly enough, many who write and tell the best stories may not necessarily tell their own.  The fact remains that we all have  a story to tell, even though some stories may flow better than others.  Have you ever people-watched and wondered what that person’s story was?  Have you created their story in your head and wondered how close you were?

Perhaps our love of people-watching can explain the phenomenon behind Humans of New York (HONY), a photo blog which then turned into a book capturing the photos and stories of every day people out and about in New York.  Countless other blogs have been created since, including Humans of Saskatoon and Humans of Regina here in Saskatchewan!  I’m a recent fan of Humans of Regina myself and I get the appeal.

We walk with our sunglasses on, head phones in (unless you’re a mom like me and can only dream of blocking the noise around you!) and often times are either distracted by our phones while walking, or our children at our feet.  When was the last time you had an actual conversation with a stranger in your city?  What could you learn if you did? What story would you share?

betty-ann-heggie2 500In Betty Ann Heggie’s latest blog post, she looks at how story telling can not only help you personally, but professionally in your career as well. After all, she says, many of our greatest leaders are also our greatest storytellers. She offers tips on how to share your best stories, and insight into the potential result.

No single story will define you, so assemble a collection of options for multiple audiences and situations. Telling them will not only change how people view you, it will change how you view yourself. Initially, you may not think of yourself as a leader but once you’ve started telling your stories, it will be easier to believe and realize. Your story creates your reality so make it good!

This month, we’re asking you to think about your story.  What would you share about yourself if you were approached and asked?  What story shapes who you are?  Think about it, and share just a little bit about yourself – perhaps something you find quirky about yourself, something you’re proud of, or something many people may not know about you.  You could win our monthly contest (and in the process read some great stories about other readers as well!)

a Rafflecopter giveaway


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  • Something interesting about me is that I am obsessed about Disney. It was our family vacation since before I was born and continued every year till I moved out of the house. All 6 of us were together and had fun, best memories ever. I have passed that love of Disney to my kids and taken them to Disney World and Disneyland. True it drives most of my friends /family nuts that I know random facts and would rather go there for vacation, but it’s me..quirky and all.

  • I self-published a book a couple of years ago telling my story. It’s a story about a struggle with dizziness and vertigo that turned my life literally upside down.

  • Not really too much to tell. I’m a stay at home Mom (currently to 4 boys because my oldest son is almost 20 and lives on his own now). I have fibromyalgia which makes doing even simple things difficult for me, and I find that I haven’t received very much understanding from those around me in regards to it. Makes it difficult. I don’t go out much anymore, and I’ve noticed my tolerance and patience for things has steadily decreased in the last couple years or so, and I only sleep a few hours a night now. My favourite things in life are my kids, coffee, hockey and music (I lean towards alternative rock/grunge rock). I don’t do well with large crowds, but I will suffer through that in order to see a favourite band perform live.

  • I am a stay at home mommy. I have a 22 month old daughter with another baby girl on the way (yes daddy is in trouble)
    I am 33 weeks along and as much as I love being pregnant definitely ready to have this baby girl soon as I have been a hermit … way to hot out there thank god for air conditioning. I find myself watching the Treehouse channel more then adult tv and shows I used to love lol. Comes with the mom title 🙂

  • The story I would want to share is my experience with drugs. I know this is not a topic that most people want to hear about, but it’s been almost 14 years since I quit using drugs and made a change to make my life better. I was in a bad place, had lost everything, and had no where else to turn. Then I realized I did have so much more to live for, and knew it was going to kill me if I didn’t quit. After overdosing twice, I finally woke up. God gave me a chance, and it would probably be my last.
    I have not looked back once, didn’t use a treatment program, and did not get any outside help. I did it all alone. I can’t begin to tell you how proud I am of myself, and how much I want to share my story so maybe young girls like I was, know they are not alone.
    Thank you for allowing me to voice it here.

  • I’m a left-handed girl in a right-handed world. Although it’s not entirely unique it has certainly factored into how I do things And who I have become today

  • My Mom passing away from cancer when I was 11, she was 38, definitely made me who I am today! I learnt from a young age to enjoy every day, and I seriously smile and make the best out of each and every moment in life, at work and at home. She had my sister and I, and I, too, had two girls. In those 11 years, she sure left an impact. She was beautiful inside and out, and really don’t think there’s a day that goes by that she doesn’t enter my thoughts.

  • i had a great relationship with my grandparents – we didn’t live in the same city but we visited each other other. I always had fun with them and learned a lot from them. They were my first pen pals. I will always carry them in my heart; they helped me become who i am today.

  • My sister was abducted on her way to school when she was 13 and I was 15. It changed everything about me, and formed the person I am today.

  • Well not sure how interesting this will be but I was married at 17, had my first son at age 19 and was divorced at 21. It was an abusive marriage even though I was quite ready to settle down, he wasn’t. We went together for 2 years before we married and yes I was young. I was alone for 7 years raising my son and then met my now husband of 37 years. Together we had two more sons and life is good. I became a hair stylist after we were married and just recently my oldest son was in contact with his real dad and actually met him last year. He has been with a woman for 30 years and is happy so when they say everything happens for a reason I do believe it. He is happy, I am happy and that is all that matters now.

  • I am me for having gone through an extremely painful period in my life; it knocked me down (and kicked me when I was down) BUT gave me strength & courage that I never had before – in the end it made me a stronger and better person!@

  • After my 1st grandchild passed from SIDS at 10 months old, 18 months ago… I’ve completely changed, and it’s perm. I’ve become more grateful, appreciative, I’m more patient and understanding, really learning to truly love I think.

    It’s taking a lot of time to ‘adjust’.. some see me as a push over, but I’m not really. I just try to do what I can when I can. I’m a little older, a little more mature.. I focus on sharing joy, and live by the T.H.I.N.K CODE… if its not Truth Helpful Informative Nice Kind … I don’t say it..

  • I’m in the process of learning to be nicer to myself, and becoming more compassionate every day.

  • I love my two children and I LOVE fitness. I did my first triathlon this year 4 months after I had my son! It was such a neat experience and I HAD the most amazing journey. I love to shop and to visit the city.

  • I am a very quiet person and love spending time with my two toys poodles who are my babies and I spoil them lots! They have their own dresser drawer full of clothes.

  • I love being active. In some shape or form my hubby and myself dive into different charities and help with with photography, technical. Whatever we can do.

  • Quirky is an understatement for me, I’m a proud weirdo, I was born with a disability. Being in a wheelchair was never different enough for me. To separate myself from the world, I started decorating my wheelchair with bright materials seasonally. It gave me confidence and gave me pride in being a wheely girl. I wear mittens to bed in the winter. Dairy products make me cold. When someone scares me, my armpits get itchy. I love Harry Potter. Anything supernatural or paranormal fascinates me. Animals are the joy in my life. I’m a crazy cat lady.

  • I am a SAHM and love photography .I treasure each day with my children and can’t believe how fast time goes! Love to garden and cook/bake.

  • I have always been so afraid of dogs my whole life, but we had the chance to adopt a friends dog who could no longer take care of it, and over the past 3 years I have become the biggest dog lover, and am no longer afraid of them! It was a huge transition, and I could not imagine never having a dog again! Is that interesting enough? Hehe

  • I love to travel, it’s in my blood. I have visited every single continent except for Antarctica…..I don’t think I could handle the cold!

  • Wow – these quips had me reading for a while. I use to love playing with little spiders when I was a little girl. They’d sit on the top of my hand or arm and I’d carry them around for as long as they wanted to sit there. Odd, cause now I’m not very keen to see them in my house.

  • I’m a mother. Freelance Photographer. Pet owner, country living lover. What changed my world and who I am today was after having a miscarriage of twins. I knew from a near breakdown that I wanted children . I knew that being a mom was for me. As I only have 3 living, this is all that has ever meant anything to me. Being a mom is what has rocked my world.

  • I taught myself how to ice skate. I am a stickler for rules and instructions. I always read instructions before starting on anything.

  • I’m an archaeologist! I think that’s pretty cool 🙂 My journey to becoming one has certainly shaped who I am. For example, I have both bachelor’s and master’s degrees in Anthropology, the study of which has caused me to be culturally sensitive, respectful, and appreciative. I think Anthropology courses should be mandatory for everyone attending post-secondary school! Thanks for another great giveaway 🙂

  • The biggest story I have to tell about myself is that I was diagnosed with stage IV lymphoma a little over two years ago and given a 30 percent chance of survival. Today I am cancer free and thank God for the lessons I have learned from being sick. I hear people say that getting sick made them realize that they should make major life changes but I’m the opposite. Being sick made me realize just how wonderful my life is. It definitely shaped me into a more positive person.

  • I refuse to eat green fruit loops or the green lucky charms. I will pick them out time and time again and if no ones around I put them back in the box. My husband loves a giant bowl of green fruit loops, lol.

  • Since I love buying things and often get it during great deals, I like to give some of the things to my family and friends.

  • I have an obsession with cleaning products and love testing them out to see how they work…but I hate cleaning 🙂

  • I used to be a photographer. It was a joy to be creative when I could and not when you had to shoot what was required under the art director’s orders. I loved making prints in the darkroom staying up late at night at the studio. I met all sorts of people. The nicest compliment I received was from a famous person in my city, a portly gentleman, who said that the portrait I shot of him was the best one ever. I don’t shoot professionally anymore. But it was an interesting time in my life.
