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Cuddle With a Warm Tradition This Winter

warm-traditionBy Tara Richter…

The hot water bottle almost seems like an old-fashioned product in a world of un-ending gadgets and gizmos. It was actually invented in 1903, and yet despite its simplicity I hardly know anyone that doesn’t have one in his or her house.

I was especially thankful to have my Warm Traditions fleece covered hot water bottle today, as I awoke to an outside temperature, including the windchill, of minus 45. Not only was it ridiculously cold outside, but also inside as I learned my furnace had quit. After contacting the service man (who I waited hours for) I filled up my Warm Traditions hot water bottle and snuggled up on the couch with some blankets. I was really impressed at how long the hot water bottled stayed warm, out performing my microwavable heating pad.

warm tradition hot water bottlesUnlike other hot water bottles I’ve had, I liked the fact that I didn’t have to fumble with trying to wrap the bottle up in a cloth or towel to prevent it from burning my skin. The custom fleece cover is the perfect barrier – and best of all, it stays put.

Warm Tradition offers a full page of benefits for using the hot water bottle which include, but not limited to: aches and pains, a bed warmer, flu/chills, arthritic pain, soothing children, animals/puppies, book buddy, RV’s & campers, car warmer, woodworking and ear aches. My personal favorite is using it while camping. I hate being cold at night while camping, so a hot water bottle is a must. I simply fill with hot water before bed and it keeps me toasty warm all night long. I also received the Warm Tradition Lamb Hot Water Bottle, which will make a perfect gift to my sister-in-law who is expecting her first baby. Not only are hot water bottles great for aches/pains during pregnancy, but also warming the bedding area before laying baby down. The cute & cuddly design and fabric make it the perfect choice for young children too!

warm traditions water bottleWarm Tradition hot water bottles are made under strict European safety guidelines in Germany and are BPA and Phthalate free. In addition, they are made from an eco-friendly thermoplastic making them odorless, safe and fully recyclable.

Some key features of Warm Tradition Hot Water Bottles include:
• thermoplastic which allows the heat to last for an average of 6 hours
• ribbing on the surface helps disburse heat evenly across the bottle
• integrally molded (seamless), which prevents leaks and cracks
• extra large mouth on bottle to allow for easy filling
• Easy Grip Cap makes closing the bottle easy, and to open with little effort
• covers on hot water bottles help make heat last longer and protect skin
• all covers are easily removable and machine washable
• come with a 2 year guarantee

There are literally dozens of options available from Warm Traditions, and covers come in fabrics including fleece, flannel, velour, furry, cotton terry, as well as different shapes, transparent, and animal shapes for kids. You can get your very own unique hot water bottle with its unique cover, or gift to someone else, by contacting Warm Tradition by phone or ordering online. Price will vary depending on the style, shape and fabric you select however many are available for 19.95 including the adorable Warm Tradition Lamb Hot Water Bottle.


One of our readers is going to win a Warm Traditions Hot Water Bottle of their choice – to enter to win just use the Rafflecopter form below!
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Tara blogger bio feisty frugal and fabulous


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