Dashing through the snow…
I’ll be home for Christmas…
Many of our favorite holiday songs share the theme of being home, or being together, for the holidays. For many families, sometimes the expense of travel weights heavily on deciding if they really can travel to be with family for the holidays. Shell wants to help in that endeavor!
Shell wants to fuel your holiday and one of our readers is going to win a $150 Shell Gift Card! Amazing! To enter to win, simply use the Rafflecopter form below!
I would prefer not to be dashing through the snow but hey, it’s Canada!
We plan to go on 1 road trip over the holidays, 10 hour drive
Definitely going to be dashing through the snow! Can’t stay in the house forever!
I could use that!
Yes, going to visit my parents and the rest of the crew.
Of course! It’s always a busy week for us!
that would be SO AWESOME !!!!!
we will be dashing from house to house this christmas like we seem to do every christmas while everyone else we visit never do.
I would travel to Chicago or New Jersey to see family
Dashing all the way to my SIL’s House!
Dashing all the way to my SIL’s House!
I’ll be dashing, hopefully not through the snow until AFTER Christmas though
I will be dashing through the snow from Ontario to NYC for the holidays!
Awesome gift idea, especially for those people that drive a lot. I travel 406 km every 2 weeks to my job and home!
We willl be staying home – the dashing happens after boxing day!
Because both sets of Grandparents live close, we will be dashing through the snow, but only short distances
I would drive to Winnipeg to visit my family and my daughter who lives in the US. I haven’t seen them in soooo long.
I would love to win this as I have traveling to do!!
Would love to dash through the snow and visit Niagara Falls…
A sweet little getaway… 
We could definitely use this for all the driving we do on Christmas Day going from family to family visiting
I would prefer not to be dashing through the snow but hey, it’s Canada!
yes i will be , me and my children will be visiting my parents
We need to pick up the family and bring them over for the holidays and take them home as well.
I haven’t purchased furniture online before.
I will be dashing through the snow to visist my mother in law for a few hours…then to my parents and then out of town to have supper with my sister in law busy busy busy…
So much family! Lots of miles driving!!
This would be great for my first weekend getaway with my bf to the mountains in January!
Would b so great to win especially this time of year with all the holiday traveling
Well, maybe not dashing; just trudging!
of course…there is snow everywhere!
Yup! We have a two hour drive to my parents place Christmas Eve morning
We are dashing thru the snow non stop in our household, lol!
Everyone will be dashing through the snow to our house this year. I would like to help my girls with gas money.
<3 Thank you for the chance!
Always driving somewhere!
My husband is starting radiation treatments so we are travelling every day for the next 33 days this would be very handy to have.
Yes, to Canmore Alberta where our family lives to have Christmas dinner!
Heading out to the sister in laws with a nice 3 hour drive. This will sure help
Yes we will be dashing thru the snow to go spend Christmas with my sister’s family in Courtenay, BC
Yes mall to mall trying to find the right gift for my family. Thank you for the giveaway this would help out lots
I’ll be dashing through the Canadian winter for sure!
Yes, all the way to the Yukon
I hope i wont be !!! but being Canadian , i dont think thats a wish that can be fulfilled lol
Thanks for the giveaway!
Would love to. Win and give it to my Dad!
I’m going to Grand Forks North Dakota from Bismarck, North Dakota but I want to win this for my cousin who is a single mom in New Hampshire, struggling and stressing about Christmas time driving to and from events as well as presents and such.
We always drive up to Banff for some skiing during late December so the answer is yes, I will be dashing through the snow.
We dash through the snow at least twice a week! we live 45 minutes from town so this sure would help us out a lot!!
visiting friends and family!
Yes going up north to see family
Driving to pic k up last minute Christmas gifts, dashing through the snow!
Would love to win and give it to my Dad!
not much of a dasher, more of a dancer….
Would much rather be dashing through the sand on a beach!!!
As little as possible!!If we had more gas in the car we might dash a little more
lol! Thanks for the chance 
I will be dashing through the snow ~ much more than I would like!
We are staying cozy for the month of December- hope not to have to travel anywhere too far, and work on some home improvements.
all of our family live out of town so we have LOTS of driving coming up. This would help a lot!
Staying pretty local for the holidays but with gas prices the way they are all of us could use some help in that dept. A gift card would be tremendous!
I would prefer to be dashing through the palm trees, but yes, I’ll be dashing through the snow!
I would visit my daughter and grandchildren in Texas!
no, hiding from it!
I’d like to day trip to a coastal town for holiday festivities!
What a generous offer – would love to receive this!!
Dashing? Uh, no. Snow is not my fav thing. I prefer sun.
I would like to win this so I can do some visiting with family and friends …
Dashing through the snow to a hockey tournament during the holidays, would definitely come in handy
Would definitely help with the dashing through the snow! Will be starting the dashing early this year!
I sure am dashing through the snow! I live in the Rockies so we get tons of snow. I want to go shopping in Calgary which is about and hour away so hopefully the roads will be good!
We have an hour and a half drive on Boxing Day so this would be great to win!
Hopefully I won’t have to be dashing through any snow this holiday season
OOOOHHH free gas…love it
Yes, I will be dashing through the snow this holiday season.
Hope not ,can be white for Christmas then leave town
I hope so but we don’t always get enough snow to do so!
We are all over the place driving over the holidays this could really help!
Thank you
This would be fantastic! Paying for gas is just another unwanted expense, especially this time of year. Pick me, pick me!
driving to family this Christmas which is about 4 hours away
I probably wont be dashing through the snow to much lol , don’t like driving in the snow !
Not as of yet but i assume any day now we will be
Yes we will be. Not too excited about driving in the snow though…..
OMG this would be awesome. Thanks for the chance and have a great week.
I will be, hopefully no snow though!
Since my mom stopped driving I’m doing double duty, which means double gas costs. This would be very helpful.
Of course, for sales and to win stuff.
Here there and everywhere this great Gas card prize form Shell would sure be most welcomed! Thanks for the contest
Absolutely! Many family members and friends we must visit!
As little as possible due to weather and me being 8 months pregnant and also have a 2 year old that I don’t want to carry around. But it would be nice to have gas in the Truck for when I go into labour and for my husband who will be going back and forth from home to hospital since the hospital is about 45mins away! It would definitely help!!
I would love some free gas!
Yes I will be dashing though the snow, I have things to do and places to go
Ill be dashing through the sand
Sure am! And loving every moment of it! Thanks.
No dashing through the snow. I’ll be hiding away from it
Dashing threw the snow with my little one !!! **
I would love more gas money to visit family and friends!
I’m walking through the snow lol. i don’t drive, so for weekdays I am on foot to get the kids to and from school, but this would be great for my husband who does drive daily
I will be dashing through the snow for sure! family Family visiting is a must and are located in many different provinces.
I would love to use it on my long traveling!!
Don’t like snow but it doesn’t keep us from travelling, especially at Christmas
would send it to my daughter as she is in university
I want to be dashing around on Shell gas.
This would help us get home for Christmas!!
I won’t be dashing through the snow. My Christmas shopping is done!
Would sure be nice for Christmas. A little extra gift for my Daughter and son inlaw, they will die !
Yes we are this would sure help!
No big drives and it probably won’t be snowy but a few little dashes.
As little as possible, but it is unavoidable during the holiday season!
This would really help with all the short and the long dashing through the snow this Christmas if I should be lucky enough to win!
yes,I will be dashing through the snow all winter for hockey games!
We will be dashing through the snow to family and friend’s homes.
I will be dashing to pick up my kids at different school.
Ill definitely be dashing through the snow visiting family over the holidays
I’m moving – so this would help with the costs!!!
we moved a little bit further away from our family so now we gotta drive an hour for my grandmas and then over 3 hours to go to my husbands parents !!
yes and making snow angels too!
This would be come in handy to go to friends and family homes and church.
free gas would be awesom!
of course, home for christmas, in laws 26th, moms 27th and still working on dads and of course no one can live in the same city lol.
I haven’t started my Xmas shopping yet, but, I will be done this weekend, with the Black Friday sales. So, I hopefully, will not be dashing through the snow
yes I will be dashing in the snow this winter. trying to get my shopping done and dropping off presents to friends
No, dashing through the snow. We are staying close to home.
We don’t have too busy of a holiday planned as yet, so probably not too much snow dashing.
Would love to win this!!! Than I will be dashing through the snow!!!
I most certainly am!
A little extra gift for my Daughter Janet
No dashing through the snow this holiday…we usually dash through the rain.
no A lot od dashing unless I win the card
not A lot of dashing unless I win the card
I’ll be doing some dashing. I have family coming to me this year for some of our visits so that helps.
We haven’t had to dash through the snow yet!
yes, i have a toddler to pack & dress & try to shop with,, but dont have to go far for the holidays,
We’ll be dashing through the snow (probably) to visit relatives in Oshawa
I’ll be dashing to Shell if I win.
With added doctors appointments for baby that is due shortly after Christmas, and extra $150 in gas would help! We also fill up exclusively at shell, so that would really be nice!
Sadly, I”m always dashing through the snow!
I hope to be dashing through the snow! I hope the snow waits until I get my snow tires on my car first though!
Yup, lots of snow here.
I will be dashing through the snow visiting friends and family
Yes I will be. Visiting friends and family for the holidays
we will be dashing through the snow to visit my inlaws
Dashing to visit family in the snowbelt…
This would be so helpful!
Great to have some extra gas to get around the holiday season…
If I get this gift card, I am thinking road trip with the kiddos!
Yea please
Sure would help with all the holiday driving!
Yes! I will be.
You bet we will be dashing through the snow, or at least we hope to be! Bought a ski-doo this year and if it EVER decides to actually give us enough snow to use it then we will be dashing across the fields with the family on Christmas Eve!
I will not be dashing through the snow as I have bought most of my gifts already and I am hosting Christmas this year. Of course that means I will be doing a lot of dashing around my home.
not likely! We dont’ get much snow in Vancouver!
When it snows too much i prefer not to dash anywhere…except back into my jammies!
Yes, we’ll be dashing through the snow to friends’ and family’s houses.
dashing through the snow… that’s me. Dashing to work, shopping for rest of presents and dashing to the farm for Christmas
I am dashing from home to work
Dashing through the snow will happen a little bit for us as we have most of the shopping out of the way I think but something might catch our attention to purchase and visiting family and friends will keep us busy.
silverneon2000 at yahoo dot com
I’m dashing through the snow because I finally got my winter tires on and now I can go,go, go!
To Thunder Bay
yes i will be dashing here there and everywhere
Absolutely!! We do a LOT of visiting all year round…snow doesn’t stop us! We get a little bit more visiting in during the holidays though. LOVE IT!!!
In the pacific northwest, it’s more like “dashing through the rain!”
Just a few little road trips to do some out of town holiday shopping, nothing major.
Yes we will be dashing through the snow to my daughter’s place.
Yes I think I’m dashing through the snow this year…should be fun driving everywhere
Sadly yes. But hopefully in one more week teh dashing will be done!
Hope not. Saving on everything this month. I’ll save it for a happy hom christmas.
I hope I don’t have to go too far.
We will be dashing to my mom\s and friends between Christmas and New Year’s
I could be if it is snowing when I go and see my relatives and friends.
Love this! Thank you so much for such awesome giveaways! Although we are not travelling too far this holiday season, this would sure help out with the all of the trips to the grandma’s and grandpa’s and auntie’s and uncle’s houses this year!
I would use it to go home to Ottawa to see family with the kiddos for holidays!
Holy smokes, girl. You sure are having a lot of giveaways!
I will be dashing through the snow this year – have already been, as a matter of fact!
Yes I am! I live near Brockville and I’m heading down with my husband to visit my family in Niagara for a few days before Christmas.
No we won’t be dashing away this holiday season because hubby has to work but we will be early in the New Year to celebrate a little late with family.
I’ve been dashing through the snow for a little while now, and will continue to dash until the New year.
No, staying at home this year with family.
No, we will be local this year
Dashing through the snow to work and to celebrate with friends and family!
Yes I am…
Saskatchewan to Manitoba
I will be dashing, but not too far.
i hate winter and prefer to stay indoors…so i’ll be dashing nowhere
Still don’t have my snow tires on, so I’m sliding through the snow. *eek*
I wish I were dashing through snow
Here in Victoria, we consider ourselves extremely lucky to get snow!
We dash through the snow to family and friends places over the Christmas holidays
dashing to the malls xmas shopping
Not really, we are having Christmas at home this year
No dashing happening. We will be sticking close to home
Staying local
Yes I’ll be dashing through the snow if it snows here at home!
Luckily, our families don’t live TOO far away! We do have to drive up Vancouver Island to see our families though, so a gas gift card would be amazing! Thanks!
Dashing through the snow everywhere! They will call me Mrs Dash!!!
not so much snow as rain in Vancouver…but definitely dashing to see friends and family
no dashing through the snow here, we’ll stay home this Christmas & have everyone come to us.
yes I will be dashing through the snow
Dashing to finish my Christmas shopping
Already dashing through the snow . Cant wait for the dancing to start
providing we get some snow… yes!
Yes, dashing through the snow to and from work and shopping!
Dashing to all my kids activities
only dashing to get back indoors.
to the hospital to deliver my first baby!
Dashing through the snow carefully. Don’t want to start a multi-car pileup, heh.
not dashing yet we have no snow
We have a few friends that we dash through the snow to visit during the holidays – fortunately they’re not too, too far away and we can usually pick an alternate day to visit if the weather is really bad.
We have tons of snow to dash through here so yes:)
I am dashing through the snow, tons of it and residential street are a mess. Good news they are starting to clean them today. It will take 20 days to do. Wow!
Try to avoid snow!!
Technically, I’ll be dashing to Blue Mountain Ski Resort!
No real snow here yet, thankfully. But we may make plans to dash away for a night or two.
Dashing through the snow to all the sales!
Ferrying family members back and forth across the city.
Hopefully not, but who knows what the weather is going to be on my next groceries trip
I’m dashing in the snow to and from work and off to the mall for Christmas shopping during this holiday season.
Preschool, shopping, and back. Go go go!!!
Can’t say I’m dashing.. but I’m not that bad looking either LOL. Got lots of snow so we’ll need the Shell gas to make it through the slow traffic.
I was dashing thru the snow, but the roads are decent now… no more snow forecasted for the next 5 days.
I hope not!
I’ve been dashing through the snow the past 3 weeks!
No snow to dash though yet, but dashing everywhere
So dashing through the snow this holiday season! Between work events, school events, dance events, personal commitments and all of the other responsibilities that come along with being a busy mom around the holidays I will be “dashing” all over the place!
No dashing in the snow here in Vancouver as of yet!! Although will be taking a ferry ride to the island over the holidays, so this would help! cheers!
No dashing in the snow here in Vancouver as of yet!! Although will be taking a ferry ride to the island over the holidays, so this would help! cheers!
no dashing through the snow , unless we get some
I’ll be dashing but there’s not much snow where I live.
I may dash through the snow to Lake Louise if I find the chance to! It’s beautiful out there in the Winter.
hopefully no snow to dash through, grinchy yes, but i don’t want to be 8 months pregnant dashing through anything!
staying local and no plans to dash through the snow – haven’t had any snow yet and would be thrilled not to have any at all – ever.
We’ll be doing a lot of visiting – just around Ontario, so will be able to use a Shell gift card.
We will be dashing to family in PEI
We will be dashing through the snow as we visit relatives hours away.
pam w h
No snow here yet, but we might be dashing to Nova Scotia!
I’m dashing though the snow to hit the sales!!
Dashing through the snow. With a new baby!
We wold dash to Florida. This is our first holidays without our parents and my duaghters first everything without her grandparents. I would love to be able to take her because i mever got to meet my grandma. Good luck everyone.
I hope to be dashing through the snow to go meet my very first nephew for the first time this Christmas, as they live quite far away and I can’t afford to go see them very often
I’m dashing from one place to the next and there is snow so, yes, I guess I am dashing in the snow!
Yes, I will definitely be dashing, hopefully not too much snow.
I would be visiting all my family during the holidays
Love snow! Except when I have to shovel …
There’s a snowstorm coming tonight!
Would love to win this prize!
I’m just dashing around town and into the city once in a while. Hopefully my family will come out this way so I don’t have to dash over to the next province at Christmas!
i’m going up 6 hrs north to visit my in laws!
I am dashing through the snow! Snow Skiing at Blue Mountain would be perfect!
Yes!! lots of dashing in the snow ….. We have family parties every weekend in Dec. ..all over an hour from home
I don’t like driving in the snow lol But I do because I have to haha
Visiting family and friends as we live in the country this prize would be handy.
Yes, we are dashing through the snow. We are travelling one hour to a family party and will probably sleep over because I don’t like driving in the dark. We will also be dashing through the snow in our snowshoes. Yahoo.
No snow to dash through as of yet
Dashing to Maine! Only I hope the snow is limited.
I am dashing through the snow. Going to visit my parents this Christmas.
We hit Hwy. 16 a lot. Any gas money is so helpful.
i would love to win this gift card for christmas….
depends if it snows haha
driving a bit so this would help
I think we are staying home during the Holidays which is fine with me!!!!
yes I will be doing some dashing, but hopefully some realxing too!
My sister & I will be dashing so I’d share the gas card with her:)
Niagara falls
yes, with snowshoes!
Yes I will be dashing with my family
Absolutely, will be dashing through the snow with bells on to visit my mom for Christmas!!
We are staying home this year and having guests come to our house.
Heading south!
Dashing through the snow, chasing after my boys
I’ll be dashing,but I hope the snow is only on the fields-not the road. We need to go see my kids in the morning, to see my mother in the afternoon, my sister in the afternoon, my mother-in-law for Christmas supper then to my father-in law’s in the evening all on Christmas Day.
We’ll be dashing a few times this winter (though hopefully not through too much snow) since we’ll have a new baby to introduce to the family. Would love to cut down on the gas expense!
Travelling to both montreal and toronto during the holidays. Nothing like being with two amazing families in two incredible cities
I’m not a “dasher through the snow” kind of person, more like a “making footprints in the sand” type.
We are dashing through the snow all the time as we live Northern MB. Seriously though we are travelling just after Christmas to visit family.
We’ll be driving to the Kitchener/London area and they already have snow.
Would love to win for a trip to Edmonton.
Would love to win gas for a trip to Edmonton
staying put – except to get groceries
Not dashing far but could use the gas card
no dashing. just mildly stumbling
nice for the weekend
Probably no dashing, but a gas card would come in handy
Yes we will be dashing through the snow this holiday season! Our son & daughter-in-law are expecting their baby on Dec. 26th, so our family is celebrating Christmas early at Grampa & Gramma’s so that they can stay closer to home near the due date. We will be traveling to their home when the youngster makes an appearance! Can’t wait! Awesome Christmas present!!
Well, we’re in Vancouver, so there won’t likely be much snow involved.. but we’re heading to the island to visit family.
No snow here yet but I hear we may get some soon
I hope to have some snow to dash through! I am praying for a white Christmas!
We will be covering three cities on Christmas day!! Phew!
Snow snow snow gotta love it we are Canadian after all
A little bit of snow and rain is in the forcast for today snow day for the kiddies
To Pennsylvania
About an hour commute so not too bad
Hopefully not too much dashing but lots of travelling being done getting everyone the perfect present.
I’ll hopefully be dashing through the snow to visit family.
Already over 40 cms of snow here..with an expected 35 more this weekend..no dashing..plodding. =)
We might be “dashing” to my grandparent’s house 2 hours away for Christmas
We are not travelling a very long distance ,but a lot of small trips
We’re dashing here there and everywhere, nobody ever comes out here… I can’t say I blame them LOL
We are ALWAYS on the road for Christmas. My husband wants to stay home this year for the first time so we will see what happens….
this would help with the christmas drive to the grandparents.
We are having everyone dash to our house this christmas!
Yes we will be Hunstville bound this Christmas…gas money would be a big break thats for sure .
We are spending Christmas with our close friends…our family all live overseas
this would be perfect for all the traveling we have to do this Christmas season
No snow in Cali but and gas prices are too high here to dash to anywhere so…thanks for hosting the promo
We are traveling to Texas for the holidays. This would be good to have!
unfortunately, we’re staying close to home this year.
Back and forth tomy brother’s three hours away.
We are dashing all the way to Toronto this year (from Ottawa!)
yes to my moms house lol
Yes- Dashing all over town!
yes, to visit relatives
Yes, visiting friends
going to family dinners
Im Dashing thru the snow to the lake for ice fishing this season!
I will be traveling a lot during the holiday season.
We’re staying home, but we want to spend the winter going on lots of outdoor adventures which is going to involve lots of driving
not too much, thankfully!
nope…Christmas is at my house this year and my parents live next door!
not to much yet!
I’m hoping to strap on the skates and hit the ice with my little guys, but if they want to dash through snow, then we’ll do that too!
I hope to dash to the Ottawa Valley where there is usually lots of snow.
Dashing thru the snow, all the way to Toronto, Cavan and Ottawa. Hopefully there will not be too much snow for all this dashing.
Dashing through the snow all the way across country
we are trying to stay close to home this holiday season
There is no snow in Victoria, BC
we dont travel to much in the weather
This would come in so handy this Christmas as we make our way to my sister in law place in AB.
Running the road visiting friends & family long the QEW Toronto.
This would be awesome!
Staying close to home this year
Yup! Doing the 7 hours drive to go get my stepson on Boxing Day!
Would give it to my daughter to drive home for Christmas.
I’m always dashing through the snow especially at the last minute.
This would be good for my Holiday travelling.
We are travelling to the airport to fly to Mexico
Nope, we are staying close to home. Last year we travelled and I would’ve loved to do it again but time doesn’t permit.
This would be perfect as we are driving 12 hours one way to see family this Christmas
I would give this as a Christmas gift to a relative that has a 1.5 hr commute each way, every day!
Luckily all my family lives in town
I travel all summer and a lot at Christmas! I could REALLY use this one
I will definately be dashing through the snow bet his Christmas because we will be traveling a lot to get our shopping done ! We could really use this gift card !
You bet I am. I live in winterpeg, always dashing through the snow!!
I am only dashing to the mall and visiting.
Hopefully not too much snow as we travel 3 hours away on Christmas day.
Dashing? Not quite but will be traveling to visit family and friends. This would be a great help!
I definitely am dashing. I wouldn’t have it any other way.
if only it would snow! but alas it rains. heading down to seattle for our christmas shopping!
Most likely dashing through the snow. Depends on how much is sent our way.
I will be dashing through the snow
No I have not purchased furniture online
I’m dashing through the snow all winter long.
My husband is working through Christmas so no dashing until new years.
I may not be dashing much through Christmas and New Years but will be driving the highways through the New Year.
nope, staying around our lovely town.
…LOL…Sometimes I am Sometimes I’m not !!!
usually… not sure this year
have family to visit across states
Well, certainly there’s plenty of snow and I’ll be spending Christmas with my daughters..so YES, the answer is YES!
live in beautiful Victoria, BC. not much snow to dash through. We might get a sprinkle this week.
I can only hope so, but I think we only get a white Christmas about once every 20 years.
The snow has already come and gone so no dashing through the snow here, at least not yet, but there’s supposed to be more snow following the expected Arctic cold front.
actually the best gift ever…………
We do have some snow down here in Simcoe, tonight was lite up night of the Panorama , pushing sixty years of this light festival with life size displays..:-) The Simcoe Panorama is the very first permanent display in north America…. its one of Simcoe’s Claim to fame..:-0 If you have never seen it, and live in South Western Ontario consider dashing through the snow to come see..;-) We don’t have to leave home to see it, our home is right on the edge of the parkland, I can look out my windows and see it…and its breathtaking, just beautiful and it will be on every night until at Least New Years Day evening…. if you come down enjoy….it is really something to see young and old come by bus loads to visit us…:-)
We had a bit of snow but it is gone now, but it will be back this week so I will be dashing through the snow for the holidays. I only wish it was gone by Jan. 2nd..lol.
Yes we have had lots of snow!
My daughter is moving back home from school this winter and we have to travel to move all of her stuff! This would help.
Yes, lots of snow to dash through this year.
No snow here…yet! Expecting some next week!
nope! but my family are! we are hosting this year!
A bit of snow here way more this early in December than last year
We’re staying put but still drive a lot!
Staying here with family.
We are staying local… but I will be dashing back and forth from home to my brothers, and chances are there will be tons of snow.
not this year
just to moms! not too far
Unfortunately I will not be dashing through the snow this christmas…have to stay home to take care of hubby
We always dash through the snow here
I’ll be doing a bit of dashing.
Between the 24th and the 26th I’ll be spending half of my time in a car.
I may not be dashing very far this holiday season but with all the extra visits and trips to and from family and friends…it all adds up!
I am letting people dash my way as I am hosting Christmas dinner
No snow here…yet, but expecting some soon!
there’s tons of snow here – i tend to keep things indoors – especially when its extra cold out
I only have to drive a small distance so no snowy drives for me!
happy holidays everyone and stay safe
Yep – all the way to the airport!
Family is close by thankfully!!!
Yes always lots of snow here!! Drive safe
Not this year!
I live in Winnipeg so yes lots of snow!
Hopefully! We love snow!
Slipping on the ice is what I’ll more than likely be doing. :-p
yes,, dashing to work at the hospital
Yes we will.
I will not be dashing through the snow, but everyone else will be. We celebrate on the 26th and will have people flying in the US that day and 5 others coming from Timmins that morning. Happy to not have to dash!
i always dash through snow, i love snow
All I do is drive from city to city, so definitely!
Not sure of our plans, but always need gas!
Not me but I wish I was!
Headed to my husband’s family in the Crowsnest Pass for New Years…
The only snow we’ll get to dash through ia the snow on the way to our cows.
Definitely dashing through the snow. We got our first significant dump last night and this morning.
maybe go back home depends on money
Yes, we have a yearly Christmas party for our large extended family. This year it at my brothers out of town!
always…we go north about 6 hours every holiday to see family
Yes! To celebrate the holidays with some good friends!
Yes, we have lots of friends and family to visit.
No snow here yet!
yes we are dashing through the snow as we normally get quite a bit.