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SwaddlePod and SwaddleMe – Helping The Swaddley Challenged Everywhere!

Summer Infant LogoThis post is brought to you by blog contributor, Lisa Dutton…

When was the first time you felt inadequate as a mother? For me, it was when my son Jesse was about 1 hour old.  The nurse handed me my baby burrito and I un-swaddled him to admire his perfect little pink body.  Ten fingers, ten toes, and tall even for a newborn; now cue the shivering and screaming.  I hurried to swaddle him back up and quickly realized;  I am swaddley challenged.

The art of swaddling isn’t easy. I couldn’t wrap and tuck that stiff flannel hospital blanket around him for the life of me.  Nearly 5 years later and weeks away from baby number 2 and I still can’t swaddle! (Tickle Me Elmo is laughing in this photo)

summer infant swaddle pod review

But this time around I don’t need to feel like an inadequate mother who’s all thumbs.  As I nest away in my nursery, ready and waiting is the ‘Summer Infant’ Swaddle Pod!  It’s a simple solution to swaddling.

summer infant swaddle podThe SwaddlePod is made of soft organic cotton and has just a touch of elastane to hug your baby just right.  It simulates the coziness of a mothers snug womb, while still allowing a comfortable amount of movement.  So why swaddle?  The cozy environment of the SwaddlePod limits a newborns startle reflex that often causes them (and YOU) to wake up!

My first SwaddlePod (I plan to invest in a few) is a fresh gender neutral green, and fits a baby 5 to 10 pounds.  Simply slip baby in and zip!  Now for the question you are all asking; what happens when the baby poops?!  A handy 2-way zipper makes diaper changes a breeze.

‘Summer Infant’ takes the guesswork out of purchasing the right size of swaddle.  If you make big babies like me, the original SwaddleMe is an adjustable wrap the fits a baby 7 to 14 pounds.  Instead of a zipper, the SwaddleMe features soft fabric wings that fasten securely yet can readjust as your baby grows.  Diaper changes are as simple as opening up the leg pouch.

summer infant swaddle podThe warmth and security of a snug swaddle is waiting for my ‘baby to be’ thanks to ‘Summer Infant’!  To check out the simple and easy SwaddlePod and SwaddleMe for yourself visit



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