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Let’s Go Mom!

mom on the go collageSometime between my first and second child, I suddenly became a mom on the go! You see, when my first was born I was a big homebody. I loved following the old-school parenting advice from my mom’s generation, which gave me the ability to stay home and be a hermit all in the name of doing what was best for my little guy (according to the old wives, you see). Then, once my second child was born it became a necessity to go out and get things done – I didn’t have much of a choice!

Her older brother needed to get to preschool, soccer and other activities and so I was a mom on the go, carrying my youngest in her bucket seat everywhere. By the time my third child came along, I had not stopped long enough to tie my shoes, much less pay any attention to the advice of my mom and the old wives tales they spun! I had become a mom on the go, kids in tow, and I discovered that it wasn’t that bad.

In fact, when my youngest was only eight months old we went on our first big family vacation, and boy did we ever do it big! We flew to Los Angeles, visited Disneyland, and took a Disney Cruise down to Cabo, Mexico all in the span of 11 days. Mom on the go, indeed.

After three kids, I certainly became a packing ninja – especially when packing my diaper bag. Unlike a suitcase, the diaper bag comes with me everywhere on our travels since it fits easily in a stroller or can be slung across my shoulder. So, I not only need to ensure I’m packing efficiently, but strategically as well. When my kids were under two, a diaper bag contained several necessities:

Two Soothers, Two Clips

Why two? Because inevitably if you only pack one, it will get lost and you will be searching for the nearest wine store to drown your sorrows (and drown out the cries of a distraught baby!) The clips are to save you from having to make that tough decision when the soother has fallen to the ground – germ mouth or happy baby? I won’t judge.

Pain Reliever and Diaper Rash Cream

Don’t leave home without either. Ever.


Depending on the age of your little one, snacks may range from extra formula and a bottle of water, to cheerios for new eaters and gummy fruit snacks for toddlers. The point is that you always need to have snacks on hand with wee ones – lest you end up with a terribly agitated child when stuck on a late flight or in a line-up at a restaurant.

Baby Wipes

Always check your supply of baby wipes in the diaper bag before leaving the house. I know a mom that changed a baby’s blow-out diaper in the back of a Toyota with just 2 diaper wipes. True story (and not a pretty one!)


It seems like an obvious item for diaper bags, but if you read #4 you’ll see that the obvious doesn’t always happen. Always pack more than you need when considering diapers and wipes for your diaper bag! For travel, we liked Huggies Snug and Dry diapers because they didn’t let us down when baby was kept in a diaper for longer than usual!


Whether that camera is on your phone or a pocket digital, keeping one in the diaper bag assures you won’t miss any of the family’s precious moments on the go! Even the not-so-fabulous ones. Can you imagine if my friend had a camera with her for her back-seat diaper fiasco? That’s the stuff of mommy-legend my friends!

At the end of the day (or vacation!) what matters is that you’re present and enjoying the moment with your kids. Being prepared with the essentials gives you the ability to focus on the fun.

The ultimate test for Huggies® diapers & wipes is in real life – from messy first birthday parties to playground playdates. Put the new and improved products, including Huggies® Snug & Dry Diapers with NEW SureFit Design and Huggies Natural Care® Wipes with Triple Clean Layers, to the test in and out of the nursery. Become an Official Huggies® Tester at
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“Disclosure: Compensation was provided by Huggies® via Glam Media. The opinions expressed herein are those of the author and are not indicative of the opinions or positions of Huggies®.”


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  • Lol, my diaper bag is much less stuffed now with 2 kids than it was with one – I learned to pick the most necessary things. Sometimes there are just Huggies, wipes and a set of spare clothes.

  • Gravol has been added to our Diaper Bag necessity list after recently learning that my son gets car sick. Also, a couple of plastic bags for super smelly diaper disposal.

  • Great list. I would also add a change of clothing in the bag too. Even if it’s just a onesie or a shirt/pants. Accidents always happens.

  • Great tips – I’d also add an on the go toy (usually attached to the handle!). We don’t use a diaper bag now , but still keep a smaller knapsack with us when on an outing with many of the same items (just minus the diapers!)

  • Must have in mine is Johnson n Johnson everything wipes and I now use my pocketbook as a diaper bag. I have a very expensive diaper bag I had to have and used it like 5 times.

  • Love these tips especially the 2 pacifiers i have been without one before and have almost lost mind with a baby bawling like crazy and you aren’t far behind!

  • Always add your favourite shade of lip gloss to your diaper bag. Who say’s mommies who are crazy busy can’t look really cute too?

  • First day of our drive across Canada I realized we had no baby wipes packed in the truck. And when did I realize this ? When my son had pooped of course! So we had to scrounge around for paper towel or kleenex to clean him up. That night we bought baby wipes!!