Giveaways and Reviews

Networking: It Goes Beyond Social Media

networkingSocial network.  Social networking.  Two phrases you’ve undoubtedly heard over and over these past few years.  With the rise of social media, social networking has most certainly evolved into a world of its own.  Networking is crucial to success – whether that be in business, or part of the school parents association or your child’s soccer team.  We network to grow and learn.  In our digital age it’s important to remember that social networking for women goes beyond the web.

With back to school season upon us, it’s a time for new beginnings (a cheat head start to new years resolutions in a way!) so what better time to evaluate your networking than now, with a new school year  and networking opportunities ahead of us.  For those of us in business, blogging, and social media it’s a primer for the busy holiday season to come as well.  Networking is key, but are you doing it effectively?

Betty Ann HeggieBetty-Ann Heggie looks at networking in the following posts on her own blog:

Why Women Don’t “Give to Get”
On the surface, “Give to Get” seems simple but for some reason women have a hard time understanding this concept. Yet, it is a key element in developing a coalition and achieving one’s goals. Leaders build networks of followers and men do this more naturally than women. The consulting group, McKinsey and Company, confirmed this when researching successful female leaders. They found that, on the whole, women often fail to reciprocate. Furthermore, they discovered that women find expectations that they should reciprocate to be offensive. We women expect things to be given to us with no quid-pro-quo…(read more)

Be Authentic But Consider Your Audience
Discover yourself and live your life authentically but always consider your audience. It is natural to want to bust loose and reveal who you are down deep but that conservative corporation where you want to make a sale may not be ready for the wild-child. None of us want to be fake and, presenting a plastic person, isn’t palatable. Yet, first impressions count and people make their judgment about you looking through the lens of their value-system and expectations…(read more)

The 5 W’s of Networking
We all need a community – people we can call on when things get tough and we need a hand. A network is nothing more than friends helping friends. Here’s the 5 W’s to making that happen…(read more)

networking betty ann heggieConnect Emotionally for Effective Networking
The best guides brought their history and culture alive through personal antecedes, expressed with feelings.  The more emotion they expressed, the more we empathized.  The more we empathized, the deeper the relationship we developed. Nothing felt staged – it made it real for us.  It is the same with you and networking.  We are taught that our business and personal lives should be separate but when we share stories of our families and discuss our feelings, we are more human and people relate.  Everyone has a family – it’s a place to find common ground…(read more)


Be Really Present to Make Real Connections
Successful networking comes not just from meeting people but from truly connecting with them. And, that is best accomplished from being in the present moment. In his book, “Never Eat Alone,” Keith Ferrazzi says successful networkers don’t just meet people, they make friends. He cites Bill Clinton’s “unique ability to create an almost instantaneous intimacy with whomever he’s talking to” as an example…(read more)


There’s a lot of helpful information in the above posts (and on Betty-Ann Heggie’s blog in it’s entirety!)  This month’s giveaway looks at networking, how would you use $100 to network more?  Would you use it to go out to dinner with a few contacts you’ve been dying to get one-on-one time with?  Or to print more business cards or flyers for your home business?  Perhaps it could be put towards a BBQ to get to know your neighbors more?  Use the Rafflecopter form below and you’re entered to win!
a Rafflecopter giveaway


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