Giveaways and Reviews

My New Nog.

almond fresh

Tis the season for good friends, ugly sweaters, and holiday cheer!

Isn’t it odd how there are certain items that are so inheritantly Christmas that you wouldn’t consider consuming it at any other time of the year?  Candy Canes in April?  Not really.  Egg Nog in July?  That’s just wrong!

So, I like many others take the holidays as a time to indulge in all my favorites with the presumption that hey, we only have it during a very small window every year, and besides working it all off is what January is for anyway!

One of my favorites is Egg Nog, though I have to not think about it.  Because you’re drinking egg yolks, people.  If I think about it too much, I can’t drink it no matter how much Rum is added.  So – when I was asked if I’d like to try new Noel Nog from Almond Fresh, I was definitely intregued.

I have a new nog.

Almond Fresh Noel Nog tastes like the real deal, though with a lighter more nutty taste for sure (thanks to the almond base) and best of all, no drinking egg yolks!  It’s also lower calorie than a typical Egg Nog (100 calories per serving)!  It’s hard to find though, I looked at Co-Op and Sobey’s for a few weeks until I finally saw it on the shelves (list of where to find Noel Nog) so I don’t know if that’s because it’s selling out quickly or if retailers are not ordering much of it to begin with – but if you see it, grab it!

Then, if you want to give your french toast a new twist, check out the recipe below (obviously, Almond Fresh products contain almonds so they are not nut free, my daughter does not consume these products).

4.8 from 4 reviews
Almond Fresh Noel Nog French Toast
Recipe type: Breakfast
  • * 4 eggs
  • * 1 cup (250 mL) Almond Fresh Noël Nog
  • * 2 tsp (10 mL) cinnamon
  • * 8 slices bread or brioche
  • * Slivered almonds and maple syrup
  1. In a shallow dish, beat together the eggs, Almond Fresh Noël Nog and cinnamon.
  2. Heat a large frying pan over low/medium heat.
  3. Soak bread in the Almond Fresh Noël Nog/egg mixture, one slice at a time.
  4. Lightly coat the pan with vegetable oil or butter. Cook each slice of French toast on both sides until nicely browned.
  5. Serve with slivered almonds and maple syrup- enjoy!

Win It Holiday

One of my Canadian readers is going to win $20 in vouchers for Almond Fresh products!  To enter to win, just use the Rafflecopter form below.

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