My Fabulous Life

The Third Child

Oh mommies of two.  When you’re considering a third, remember pictures like this.

My third child is a climber.

A screamer.

A hair puller.

And a toddler that will wait for your back to be turned to do any number of questionable “I thought only cartoon characters did that” kinds of things.

This 19 month old adorable little cherub climbed onto her change table last night, dumped out a bottle of baby powder and played for a good 5 minutes all while her brother and sister where in the room with her (playing DS and obviously completely unaware) and her mother and father were in the next room watching TV.

That haze in the air is the baby powder still settling.

You can deliver my mother of the year award next week.  I’ll be home, still wiping down walls and trying to get the baby powder scent out of the room and the bathroom where, in my wisdom, I took the change table pad to dump into the bathtub.

And my throat.

And my lungs.


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  • Oh my word, this is hilarious. Only because it’s not my child of course. lol Seriously though – a third is on the negotiation table at some point….when I look back at fun photos of my kids young I realize I have forgotten how fun they were. Then I see photos like this {despite how adorable she is} and I’m scared spitless, back into my parenthood of two life.

    Truth is though, I never wanted *just* two kids. So I know we’ll have more {I actually always wanted 8…yep} – but I think I’ll need a daily dose of super patience. haha

    Seriously – she is adorable and this photo is awesome!

  • mine did that only with vaseline at 15 months. the change table was taken down that night. he also enjoyed table dancing. we couldn’t keep chairs in our dining room without eventually getting a show

  • Kids do that and they don’t have to be a third child. I only have two. My oldest, and only son, did many mischievous things. One morning I woke at 6am, hearing soft noises in the bathroom. So I got out of bed to go look. My son was in the middle of the bathroom floor, with a razor in his hand. Thankfully the guard was on. He was acting like a big man and shaving. Also around him was a mess. He had taken all the shampoo’s, conditioners, anything in a bottle, and dumped it or splashed it everywhere. There was soap from the ceiling to the floor. It was on everything. As much as I was scared, especially with the razor in hand, I think back and laugh now. He was 4, and is now almost 18. It might have been tough at times, especially being single, but crap happens and it’s usually only messy. 🙂

  • My third was easy… Number 4… a climber and into everything (I was told it’s cause he’s a boy, but then why is there any family out there with more then 1 boy?) I have photos of his head slathered in so much vasaline he couldn’t open his eyes, and it did not all come out of his hair for almost 2 weeks. Change table and bedroom filled with baby powder, absolutly! Crib and baby covered in diaper rash cream… yup. Office filled with shredded paper bits (fun!). Kitchen recycling bin filled with said paper bits and water. Kitchen floor covered in every plastic cup we own… all filled with water… needless to say all that water did not stay only in the cups. Face and stomach, arms and legs covered in black tiger stipes made by a permanant marker (lets just say I was embarrased to take him out of the house for the next week or more). But it doesn’t matter how mad we are at the exact moment… I love that we all grab the camera… becasue 1 day… 1 day it may be funny… and if nothing else, maybe I can use them to embarass him at his wedding… Pay back right?

  • Love it – and she just looks so innocent standing in the midst of it all. My son did the vaseline on his head. I have to admit he looked pretty darn cool – 2 yrs old and super spiky hair. BUT it took a long time to get that out – the vaseline was moved to the top cupboard in the kitchen after that. I can’t believe your daughter is that big! seems like she was just born? time flies, for sure. I think she’ll keep you fit – chasing her all over 🙂

  • My second is like that, man he is a monkey! He is 17 months old but has such a personality. He can be the sweetest, cutest little thing you ever did see or he can be the child that makes young couples scared of ever having children. A climber, temper tantrum expert, into everything, way too smart for his age, incredibly great at giving hugs and kisses little monkey, and I love him to death:) My first is also a boy and was nothing like this so it’s not a boy versus girl thing. I am due in 1 month with baby #3, my first girl. We’ll see what she brings to the mix, lol.

  • Ugh! My two boys were angels (22 months apart) then my daughter showed up 17 months after my 2nd son, and all hell broke loose. She is now 11 and has not changed one bit, except we are adding hormones and even more attitude.
    Heaven help those who choose to be outnumbered!

  • I have 4 kids and they are all now adults and let me tell you what, they all did something at one tume or another! Number one “lotioned” the end table in the living room once! She also dripped and rubbed milk from her sippy cup(before they were leakproof!) onto her legs under her Great grandma’s kitchen table! #2 and her cousin loved powder, my good smelling Avon or perfumed kind! They powdered my bed together, then another time they painted their toenails with brush on lip gloss! Had to move my makeup! Those two could get into lots of trouble together! #3 climbed up onto the kitchen cupboard and “buttered” her legs with margarine! Got into the bathtub fully clothed once! #4 the only boy, ate poo from his sister’s potty chair after I had him dressed and ready for Sunday morning church! Required a quick bath and change of clothes!

  • Awwee she is so adorable! And she has grown so much. My son has four and lives with us. We have the kids four days out of the week. It is his youngest daughter that is hell on wheels. 1st grade and they have a behavior system of colors. Black is the worst and seems to be Katies favorite color. LOL

    Have fun and maybe think about adding another to the mix ;).

  • oh lord i am screwed cause my first who is only a year old does this and i am due in a month with my second

  • It’s funny how cute little ones can look when they’re doing something they shouldn’t. When my son was 3 he took diaper cream and ‘painted’ his brand new race car bed. He was only in his room alone for 5 minutes. It took him 5 minutes to do that and about 2 hours for me to get it cleaned up.

  • When my younger brother was about 2 1/2 to 3 yrs, he got up early (and quietly) one morning to play in our living room. I got up shortly after (I was 7 yrs) and our parents were still sound asleep. He had got into the cupboards and dragged a 5 lb bag of flour to the stone hearth of the fireplace and made it ‘snow’ for his cars. The entire bag.
    My parents stopped at 2.