Giveaways and Reviews

M-Edge SuperShell for iPhone and iPad

Earlier this summer, after one too many road trips, our iPad case was destroyed (it actually tore, not very good fabric obviously).  I didn’t like the case anyway because I felt that it protected it while in my own bag traveling to media events but did nothing to protect it from the wrath that 3 kids can put an iPad through.  I wanted the most protective cover I could find without having the iPad be too heavy and cumbersome for the kids to carry.  I found the SuperShell by m-edge at Staples locally, and loved it so much, I contacted the company to see if I could write about them in exchange for SuperShells for our iPhones (I’m a deal-maker, we know this!)

The SuperShell is made from super-protective foam that helps absorb the shock when the iPad or iPhone is dropped.  Not only that, the material and ridges make it easy for little hands to hold on to, to help prevent drops in the first place.  It definitely adds some size to your device but this isn’t a bad thing – for me it just made our iPad much more child friendly and I feel better with the kids carrying it around.

There’s a toddler behind that SuperShell somewhere…

I know first-hand how the SuperShell actually allows your iPhone to bounce when it hits the ground because my toddler tossed my phone (more than once!) onto the floor of a bowling alley and it really did bounce (and was perfectly fine). Literally just last night I dropped my phone on our hardwood flooring and it bounced. Here’s a video from the company on YouTube sharing just how durable the SuperShell is:

The SuperShell covers definitely stand out (I get asked about mine often and am happy to refer people to Staples to purchase one!) and though I thought my husband would balk at changing out his old cover, he’s been happy with his black SuperShell case (his phone gets tossed by the kids more often than mine does!) and I’m loving my purple SuperShell for myself.

You can find the SuperShell online on the M-Edge website, and there’s a list of retailers on the site here.  The SuperShell for iPad2 retails for $34.99 and for iPhone $29.99 – well worth it!


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