Giveaways and Reviews

Mountain Buggy Terrain (plus Giveaway!)

Sometimes our family receives an item for review and it’s a pretty quick turn around of a few weeks.  Other times, like in the case of our Mountain Buggy Terrain jogging stroller, the review period can be upwards of 6 months!  Though not entirely by choice (we received the stroller in the fall and were blanketed in snow weeks later), we have had the opportunity to review the Mountain Buggy Terrain in many types of terrain!  I much prefer pushing a stroller in warm weather!

I almost feel guilty with such a high performance jogging stroller, being a mom that prefers not to sweat when at all possible!  The Mountain Buggy Terrain is a favorite among several Olympic athletes including Kara Goucher, Carrie Tollefson and Brent and Sarah Vaughn.  Check out the specs below to see why:

The first time we used the Mountain Buggy Terrain, it was noticeably different than any other jogging stroller we have tried.  The swivel front wheel makes the stroller unbelievably easy to maneuver and I can see why athletes would love it so much – when jogging the last thing you need to be doing is trying to push something awkward and bulky – this stroller would flow right along with a runner without any excess energy wasted on trying to keep it under control.  It even has a safety wrist strap for those who really get moving, to ensure no baby goes rolling away from mom (or dad’s) energy burst!  There’s also a hand and foot brake should you need to slow down in a hurry.

Other features that I really liked include the two water bottle holders (my other strollers have only 1, if any, and this is frustrating when we’re out for a walk as a family) and the fully reclining seat that also sits upright nicely.  What I mean by that is that many seats give you either one or the other – the child can either relax fully reclined but never sit up nice and straight or can sit up seeing everything there is to see, but the seat won’t recline all the way for a good snooze.  The covered storage area (or gear tray as they call it) can hold up to 11lbs which I’m sure athletes use for other things than I.  When I read that, I thought about the amount of groceries I could haul home in it!

The 5-point harness is easy to use, and Everleigh (13 months) is comfortable seated for longer stretches.  The sun-shade is an ample size allowing for maximum protection and the peek-a-boo flap at the top allows me to check in on her (with a silent wish that she’s fallen asleep…annnnnd….no.)

As mentioned, I do feel guilty walking (strolling!) with such a versatile stroller that has huge potential for jogging and more all-terrain action than my neighborhood streets provide.  But you know what?  This stroller makes me happy, it’s  never let me down trying to push it through a crowded grocery store aisle, and I can push it through the spring slush with ease too.  You don’t have to be an Olympic athlete to own a Mountain Buggy Terrain.  In fact, being a mom is an Olympic sport all its own so I say it’s passed my own mommy test and has earned a Gold Medal from this family.

You can find the Mountain Buggy Terrain at and other retailers across North America!


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