My Fabulous Life

Strange Sounds Across the Canadian Prairies

Strange sounds have been occurring over the Canadian prairie provinces over the past few weeks.  It’s a phenomenon that’s been captured several times and placed on You Tube with thousands of hits.  Discussion has been fast and furious.  What do YOU think these sounds are?? 

Me, I say it’s nothing more than snow-plows scraping the cement when clearing large areas.  I’ve heard similar sounds my whole life living here. 

At least I hope so, because some people are going bat-shit crazy with end-of-days theories. Yikes!

This first two are from North Battleford, SK the city I live in right now (ok that does make it seem a little more creepy since it’s like right here.)


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  • it sounds like before the trains arrive at the front of my house… You hear that same sound… and then about 5 min later it seems to bring a train… I think the tracks are just vibrating. I have heard it for 2 years since I moved here…

  • If it’s not railway sounds, or snow plows…I think one possibility is HAARP. Google it…There’s a lot to explain. Or its just aliens. LOL

  • I have been hearing a lot of strange sounds here in Stettler too. I refuse to Google it anymore since the doom day theories freak me out a bit. A lot of them have been proven to be hoaxes but who knows about the rest.

    • Yeah day and night I guess – but most videos seem to be at night. The first time I heard it I said “definitely snow plows” but now I don’t know. Local news has covered it and said it’s electromagnetic noise? Uh huh….

  • I think it’s electromagnetic noice coming from deep within the earth. Supposedly, the poles are supposed to flip this year… I have no idea what that means or how it affect everyone… hopefully not at all.

    • Yeah I think you are dead on. Our poles have actually already started to shift, since the huge earthquake in Japan last year.

  • Okay, people. Let’s just calm down and get a hold of ourselves. You are all freaking out about nothing here. The sound you hear is easily explained and quite normal. What you are hearing is called an “Armageddon Soul Blender”, or ASB. Before you start panicking about that, you should know that the ASB is not really a blender per se, but rather like a soul compacting machine. Yes, it is true that the world is coming to an end on December 21, 2012. I have actually chosen this date to get married because if the worst thing that happens that day is that someone spills something on their tux, we can still count ourselves lucky. Anyway, the reason that you are hearing the ASB now is simply because the Four Horsemen are getting an early start on their work. Let’s face it- about 95% of us are going to perish that day because the only ones getting into heaven are the ultra-churchy. 95% is a lot of souls, and because they really want to have this Armageddon thing finished according to schedule, they are starting now. Before you complain that you are still “entitled” (don’t get me started on entitlement and today’s youth) to another 10 months, take comfort in knowing that these preliminary souls are strictly those of the truly evil, like people who can’t merge or use signal lights, or that old lady who writes cheques when buying a loaf of bread at the grocery store. So, enjoy your last few months, and every time you hear the ASB, smile! The world is getting better by the day… well, until December 21, of course. That day is going to look like an Apocalypse! (Bring a change of underwear)

  • I found the last one the creepiest… maybe because they are out in the woods all alone. haha. I wonder what it is!

  • That’s no ice scraping I ever heard and from AB I have heard alot! That is creepy sounds like the movies when aliens arrive!

  • Those noises are really cool! My kids are saying that it’s too bad the brothers from Supernatural aren’t real, because this’d be right up their alley. Yes, we have watched too much junk tv lately – how did you guess?

  • Holy freak!! Sounds so scary. I’d for sure piss my pants if I ever heard that here. Sounds like something out of a movie before people get killed!!!

  • These sounds are due to underground tunneling. I have a large section in my blog called “Underground Bases” that gives clues to this rapid tunneling construction that has been going on for years! Most of the united states has had reports of these events in the past, now its Canada’s turn.

  • I am wondering if its a clever viral campaign for some upcoming movie – rather like they did with Cloverfield…..just a cynical theory I have 🙂

  • I have no idea, and I’m not sure I want to know. It’s definitely freaky. The one video, with the dog who starts to bark, that’s really loud!