My Fabulous Life

Constructive Playthings Launches Constructive Moms Ambassador Program

A new program has just  been launched by Constructive Playthings – a group of 12 mom bloggers have been selected to be a part of the Constructive Moms Ambassador Program, and I was chosen as part of this group (cool, right?)

The Constructive Mom Bloggers will be sharing a ton of content with their readers including product reviews, giveaways and exclusive discounts throughout the year.  I am 1 of 2 Canadian Moms as part of this group (Constructive Playthings has some exciting news in store for Canadians, coming soon!)

The 12 mom bloggers and their blogs are listed here.  Stop by and visit and stay tuned for my Constructive Playthings posts in the coming months.  I’m so pumped to be a part of this program (my kids have no idea how much fun is in store for them!)

Lee @ My Sentiment Exactlee
Allie @ No Time for Flashcards
Karen @ 3 Garnets & 2 Sapphires
Keri @ Toy Queen
Melissa @ Consumer Queen
Dwan @ Momma DJane
Jody @ Mommy Moment
Lisa @ Crazy Adventures in Parenting
Gina @ Wrestling Addicted Mommy
Bridgette @ Not So Blog
Kimberly @ Raising Olives

On Thursday, Constructive Playthings leader Lee discussed the program on her weekly web show and I was a guest. If you want to chuckle at mass mayhem when it was my turn to babble, take a peek here. Can you hear me now? Now? NOW?!


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