
Petz Nursery for Nintendo DS

One of the Nintendo DS games the kids received this Christmas was Petz Nursery. I thought the kids might like it since they both enjoy the Nintendogs Dalmatian game we also have. My daughter is only 2 but loves seeing the puppy on the DS screen and by using her finger she manages to make the puppy bark or give him food.

Petz Nursery takes the cuteness to a whole new level by giving you newborn baby animals to take care of and love. Children will like having the ability to choose which animal to take care of and as they progress through the game, they can unlock access to more exotic animals like tigers, pandas and more.

To me, Petz Nursery seems more advanced than Nintendogs Dalmatians and so, although the animals were adorably cute, my youngest prefers the Nintendogs. My son who is 5 played for awhile but didn’t have that nurturing instinct like my daughter does. For this reason, I think Petz Nursery is best suited to little mommies who love taking care of others (though I know there are some great little daddies out there too…my son just doesn’t happen to be one of them, lol!)

One part of the game worth noting, is that once your pet is grown up a bit more, you as the player actually take the pet to the pet store to sell! As long as you give your little caretaker the heads up ahead of time, there won’t be any unwelcome surprises at that point in the game. 😉

Find Petz Nursery for Nintendo DS at your favorite gaming store or online at Amazon (currently priced at $29.96).

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