Yay, how much fun is it to wake up each morning and pick a contest winner? How great is it to be able to make someone’s day with a “you...
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I am a girly girl. I love pink and bows and hate bugs and dirt! When I had Miss Nevaeh I couldn’t wait to start dressing her up in pretty...
I just picked the winner in the See Kai Run Giveaway! With 167 entries, See Kai Run is sure popular! Stay tuned to my blog….er…just...
“Don’t let your style fall through the crack.” With a tag line like that, this company piqued my interest. I love companies that...
I used Random.Org to pick a winner, after going through all the posts to ensure entries were valid and there were entries that were not! Please...
Pssst…I have a bit of a secret to share! Miss Nevaeh, who just turned a year, is sleeping through the night in her crib. The. Whole...