The official title of this book is: Chicken Soup for the Soul: Tough Times, Tough People: 101 Stories about Overcoming the Economic Crisis and Other...
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Tigger: You can’t bounce the bounce if you can’t even pronounce the bounce.
Roo: What is this doo-hickey?
Tigger: Why that’s no...
There’s a great sale on right now at ShooShoos! Stock up for the months to come or for planning ahead for the holidays! There’s a huge...
Ni Hao Kai-Lan DVD
#28 cherdonSponge Bob Squarepants DVD#335 FDP 4 Life
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My Fleur de Lys Mediterranean Fig candle from Himalayan Trading Post is, hands down, the prettiest candle I have. What a big difference a silver...
When I was a pre-teen (tween is the term now right?) I had no skin care regimen at all until my sister, in her 20’s at the time, gave me one of...