My husband hates the idea of swaddling babies. He’s seen it done in the hospital, he half-heartedly agrees to do it once the baby is...
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April 13th is an important day for 18-year-old Alex Vander Vlugt, founder and executive directer of SPEAK OUT, a student-lead anti-bullying movement...
Playtex baby products have been a part of our household since we’ve had kids. With our first two kids, we used the Playtex Drop-Ins bottle...
This fall, I was counting my lucky stars when I called the furniture store I purchased our leather sofas from, concerned that they seemed to be...
Have you considered bringing your own delivery gown to the hospital? With my first two pregnancies, it never crossed my mind – mostly due to...
We just got home from the hospital today. Thank you for all the messages, posts, emails and good thoughts. You guys are amazing! We’re...