Yesterday, we all slept in after a very late night (due to a late flight coming back from BlogHer). The kids were super excited to check out all my...
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The program I use to choose winners randomly is a plug-in on Word Press called “And The Winner Is”
Winners will always be emailed by me...
These days, it seems I do a lot of my sight seeing out of an airplane window (I always ask for the window seat, heh.)
These shots were taken on the...
When a company has a product that they dominate the market with, one would think that would be the definition of success. Dyson has been making and...
Set the stage for independent reading with rocking songs, the fun, loveable characters of the Us band–Og, Al, Gus, Izzy and Meg–and...
Ok, maybe hate is a strong word but I was shocked…SHOCKED I tell you, when I walked into the Swag Suite at BlogHer in San Diego and discovered...