My Fabulous Life

Americans Hate Tim Hortons

Ok, maybe hate is a strong word but I was shocked…SHOCKED I tell you, when I walked into the Swag Suite at BlogHer in San Diego and discovered this horror!  The Swag Suite is where BlogHer attendees can drop off unwanted swag and pick up something they envied that they missed getting their hands on (or maybe a double of something for more than one child, etc.)  Leftover items at the end of the conference go to charity.

Looks like some San Diego residents will be getting a helluva lot of Tim Hortons lunch bags and mugs (the mugs also come with a free coffee coupon inside).  I HAD to take a few photos of this horrific site for my Canadian readers, since in Canada Tim Hortons could almost have a church of its own for all it’s addicts followers.

I have to ask, what’s up Americans?  Why no love for Tim Hortons????

P.S. What party was this swag at and how come I wasn’t there??


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  • Wow that is horrible. Maybe they never heard of Tim Hortons or lived near one? We have Tim Hortons here and while it is not my fav coffee shop I don’t hate it.

  • LOL I was going to say I didn’t see this SWAG. I didn’t get to the room I wish I would have. I had some stuff to drop off. I wasn’t in need of baby items.

  • I actually don’t think the bloggers put those there lol. I hate all coffee, so I am no expert. I do know that the Red Plum booth was giving these away as prizes in their little QR code game thingy though and were hiding them behind a wall at their booth, because Rhea won one.

    I think what happened is that the booth had a bunch left on the last day and just went and dumped the leftovers in the recycle room.

  • LMBO!!! Hilarious!!

    As a San Diegan….we have no Tim Hortons anywhere around here. I ONLY know of them for Cheryl…so I actually took home extra Tim Horton swag bags for her! LMAO!

  • I find that hard to believe!

    In my neck of the woods, the lines ups at the drive through of EVERY Tim’s (and they are popping up like Starbucks!) is lined up at least 20 cars deep every morning!

    Those travel mugs are excellent as well – if they are like the ones they sell in the stores.


  • Wow! I can’t believe that! I’m from Texas and when I visited Toronto a few years ago, my husband and I ate at Tim Horton’s more than any place else. So, not ALL Americans have bad taste! 🙂

  • I guess I’m one of the very few that HAS NOT heard of Tim Hortons. Here in California, all we have are Starbucks & The Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf!

    Still, Tim Hortons or NO Tim Hortons, I still would of kept the FREE Swag, especially if I was a blogger. The FREE swag could of been a prize for a giveaway, right? Shoot, I sure could use a lunch bag, that’s for sure!

    Thanks for sharing!

    Hugs – Kim B.

  • I have heard of Tim Hortons but never been there. I have a bunch of Canadian friends that LOVE it. I personally don’t drink coffee but mugs are always a nice thing to have unless you get a bunch of people asking ” What is Tim Horton’s?” and can’t answer the person because you have NO clue.

  • I am amazed at how many people have not heard of Tim Hortons. It is a symbol of Canadian life for us. I actually don’t drink coffee, but the tea is good and the donuts rock.

    For anyone that comes to visit our grat country and wants to sound like a local…. be sure to ask where the nearest ‘Timmies’ is as that is how we refer to it here. 🙂

  • I’m in Las Vegas, Nevada and before YOU taught me about Tim Horton’s, I had no idea what it is. I’m assuming Starbucks status.

    I also recently learned that Canadians call Bloody Marys “Caesars”

    • Oh no no, Bloody Mary’s and Caesars are not the same Marcie! At this point I think I’m just going to have to come to Vegas and explain this all to you in person! 😛

      Caesars have a type of tomato juice in them but it’s called Clamato Juice which is yes, made from the juice of clams (I just don’t think about it when drinking it), tomatoes and a bunch of seasonings. Then, you add vodka, worschestire sauce, tobasco sauce and salt the rim. Garnish with a celery stick and you’re done! You can’t buy clamato juice in the US though – crazy!

      • Hey girlie- it’s Alicia from the plane 🙂

        I think there are just a few Tim Hortons here and if I remember correctly, they are all East Coast.

        Those were leftovers that got dropped off in the exchange- when I went in there looking for socks (long story), everything they had was leftovers from companies.

        If it’s any consolation, I love Tim Hortons and think Starbucks is nothing but brewed dirt 🙂

  • I’ve only heard of Tim Horton’s from a couple of visits to Niagara Falls. Otherwise, I’m not sure of where TH is here in the US but I wouldn’t have turned down a free coffee mug.

  • OK, true confession: I swapped a vibrator for a Tim Hortons mug. We don’t have any in Florida, so it’ll be a status symbol with all the Canadian snowbirds this winter.

    • Those who did not attend BlogHer are left scratching their heads at this comment! LOL

      Though I did see a few vibrators in the boxes too!

  • I’ve never heard of Tim Horton’s until just now. Sounds like it’s a pretty popular place. They do, indeed, sell Clamato Juice in America. At the campground I visit every weekend, there’s quite a few people who make drinks with Clamato Juice that are very similar to Caesars. Pretty tasty!
    I sooo hope I can make it to BlogHer next year.

    • Gasp! Now we just need the bars and restaurants to start using it so I can have a decent drink when I’m in the US!

    • Yup, cringe-worthy for sure. I knew I had to document it or no one would believe me!! 😛

  • Some of us LOVE Tim Horton’s, I think they dropped off the swag because they didn’t want the painful reminder that it is not available here!