After a trip to a local department store today my 3 year old was eager to tell her big brother about all the Halloween decorations she saw. The...
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The program I use to choose winners randomly is a plug-in on Word Press called “And The Winner Is”
Winners will always be emailed by me...
Thomas is becoming one of those toys that are rather timeless, don’t you think? I remember being 20 and having a friend with a little guy...
It’s been so much fun these past 5 months being back in the baby-stage in our household. It’s true that the 3rd time around, you take...
There’s something so satisfying about having dinner in the slow cooker before 9am in the morning!
This is one of our favorite family recipe...
The two-week theater run of The Lion King 3D is coming to and end (did you go?!) and now The Lion King will be released on DVD October 4th in...