I feel like I just got back from our last McDonald’s All Access Moms trip to New Brunswick (the details of which will be posted soon!) and here...
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As one of the moms chosen to be a part of the Dempster’s Lunch Box Inspirations program, I’ve tried some recipes from the site and also...
Thank you textmessagefail.com for making me literally laugh out loud on what was a previously craptastic afternoon. Baby’s not napping and...
Green Works, company featuring truly green cleaning products, is offering 50 Canadians across the country the opportunity to win a prize that...
Have you had a Kinder Moment today? Kinder Moments can be anything you make of them – a special time to snuggle and chat with your kids...
I have been a huge fan of Scentsy for the past 2 years – ever since Scentsy became available here in Canada and I was asked to review a few...