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Walmart #SpringInspiration

walmart #springinspiration

Recently, I was challenged by my friends at Walmart to see if I could purchase what I needed for a #springinspiration spring cleaning project.  What would I theme my project?  Organizing the kid’s bedrooms perhaps?  Maybe my bathroom needed a good purging (how many half empty shampoo bottles does one family need?)  Or maybe it was my windows that needed a good spring cleaning.  After considering all my options, I decided I wasn’t going to shop for just one room’s needs.  Oh no, this was a spring cleaning full house overhaul.  And thus, CLEAN ALL THE THINGS! became my mantra when heading out last week to purchase my spring cleaning products for under $100 total.

What are the basics one needs for a spring cleaning overhaul?  Certainly the first thing to cover is cleaning the floors.  We have a 7 month old labradoodle who has now given me spring dirt on my floors than I ever could have dreamed of (I’m so lucky!)

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I love my Swiffer Steam Boost so I picked up some refills for that along with some Swiffer Dusters refills to dust all the surfaces in my house.  I also spotted this Swiffer 360 Duster Extender and knew it would be perfect for cleaning all the dust off our walls and ceiling fans (don’t you just love the commercial with the old couple trying it out for the first time?)

#springinspiration at walmart

Now that I had my floors and walls covered, it was time to think about other surfaces in the house.  Mr.Clean could handle that and these smaller concentrated bottles are perfect – no big jugs of cleaner taking up room under my sink!


And, of course, any spring cleaning in my house is going to involve paper towels!  Go big or go home!


Next, I thought about what items I needed to help me organize my home better this spring.  My husband made a special request, “More space saver bags!” so I obliged.

space saver bags at walmart

I also wanted to grab some baskets for my bathroom closet, and since these were such a great price and fun and decorative, I grabbed three!

#springinspiration at walmart

And finally, we have a weird problem in our household – the laundry hamper full of clothes goes downstairs to the laundry, yet it never seems to make it’s way upstairs for a few days.  So, I decided it would help keep our home cleaner and more organized if we had a second one to rotate!  That way, clothes never end up on a pile on the floor.

#springinspiration at Walmart

So here it is, my spring cleaning #springinspiration purchase in its entirety!  CLEAN ALL THE THINGS!

walmart #springinspiration

All my spring cleaning #springinspiration shopping is complete, for a frugal subtotal of $93.47 plus tax (which took me just over my $100 spending limit, I say that’s a win!)


What would you purchase for your #springinspiration cleaning, if you had a $100 Walmart Gift Card like I did?  One of my very lucky readers is going to have that chance!

a Rafflecopter giveaway


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