Giveaways and Reviews

Escape Cold and Flu Season This Year

By Robbin Coedy…

Winter is stressful and tiring. Another six weeks to go! With longer commutes, cold and flu season and those short, dark days, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed. The kids are picking up bugs from their classmates and half the office is out with a cold or flu.

So how can you help yourself escape this cold and flu season unscathed? Aside from gulping down orange juice, here’s how to successfully avoid those nasty cold and flu bugs.

What are some simple ways to avoid catching a bug in the first place? First, the obvious, wash your hands regularly with hot and soapy water. This destroys most viruses lurking on your hands, so when you touch your face or eat food you are less likely to catch something.

Get your rest. When your body is tired, it’s tough to fight off illness.

Boost your immune system. Try to eat foods high in vitamin C, like berries and citrus fruit as well as other immune-boosting food like garlic, yogurt and plenty of other fruits and vegetables. Bring on that glass of OJ! To keep your immune system in tip-top shape, look for a product containing a blend of low dose herbal and homeopathic remedies such as Echinacea, Baptisia and Eupatorium. These products can ward off cold and flu bugs even while those around you are ill.

Keep your body in balance. Many western diets are highly acidic. High acidity places stress on the body, and is associated with disorders like allergies, osteoporosis, digestive disorders and a weakened immune system. Eating products to restore balance and remove these acids from the body is key. An alkaline supplement or foods like celery, kale, potatoes and spinach prevent excess acids from building up in the body, and restore alkaline balance.

What happens when you take care of yourself, wash your hands and still catch a cold? Hey, it happens to the best of us.

Rest, hydrate, take steam showers and eat healthy, balanced meals. Instead of reaching for over-the-counter medications, seek more natural options that make you feel healthy, not drowsy and can be used for the whole family. Homeopathic remedies, like those containing Echinacea, promote a healthy immune system and relieve symptoms. Pascoe Canada offers products like Pascoleucyn, a homeopathic remedy used to prevent and treat colds and flus. These natural products can be found at your local health food store. So you can get back to enjoying snowmen, skiing and skating with the kids in no time.

Robbin 142Robbin Coedy BSc MSc is Managing Director and product specialist for PASCOE CANADA.

She has studied nutrition and nutraceutical science, and holds a Master’s degree in Nutrition. She has written and spoken on the topic of natural health for major lifestyle publications, health care professionals, patient groups and the general public.



Pascoe Canada Giveaway I love the above tips from Robbin Coedy (thanks so much Robbin!)  We have a great giveaway to share from Pascoe Canada today valued at $140!

Ditch the cold and flu this season, naturally.  Pascoe Canada offers four homeopathic remedies to prevent and treat cold and flu bugs this season. Pascoleucyn, Sinupas, Gripps and Tonsillopas can prevent and treat your cold and flu symptoms, includingheadache, stuffy nose, sinus congestion, sore throat, cough and fever. It’s natural flu prevention for the whole family. Find it at health food stores (Gripps $35.00 for 50mL, Sinupas $35.00 for 50 mL, Tonsillopas for 50mL, $31.00, Pascoleucyn $39.00 for 50mL).  More details on each product below.

PASCOLEUCYN is a homeopathic remedy, which can be used to prevent and treat symptoms of colds and flus. It offers relief from headache, stuffy nose, sore throat, cough and fever. It helps prevent the onset of colds and flus even when others are getting sick. Pascoleucyn is safe and easy to use for the whole family. Find it at your local health food store ($39.00 for 50mL).

SINUPAS is a homeopathic treatment to relieve sinus congestion and inflammation. It offers relief from stuffiness, pressure and pain and is safe and easy-to-use for all ages. Find it at your local health food store ($35.00 for 50 mL).

TONSILLOPAS is a homeopathic treatment for sore throat. It offers relief from fever and sore throat. Tonsillopas is safe and easy-to-use for all ages and has fast acting. Find it at your local health food store ($31.00 for 50mL).

GRIPPS is a homeopathic treatment for cold and flu symptoms. It offers relief from infection, cough, runny nose, fever and headaches. This product is safe and easy-to-use for ages 1 and up. Find it at your local health food store ($35.00 for 50mL).

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  • A great post and review…my daughter has had ear, nose and throat issues since she was a baby and nothing seems to relieve the symptoms…will tell her all about this!

  • I try to do all these things to stay healthy and I have not had a flu in years!! My kids have been sick because they get germs at school. I would love to try this product!!

  • i love that the products are homeopathic all natural ! thank goodness my family hasnt really been sick this year but in case it happens we do not have any remedies to help fight it or prevent it! thank you for the giveaway

  • Love learning about stuff like this. Just bought Omega 3 6 9 and Vitamin D yesterday to take in addition to Vitamin C. Hey, if you can prevent health issues, why not?

  • love to try the products! Our daughter tends to be the virus and germ magnet and brings things home from school and activities..we follow many of the ideas but will try Echinacea, Baptisia and Eupatorium containing products now …

  • I love the comment Rest, hydrate, take steam showers and eat healthy, balanced meals. I agree and try to stick to it, but still manages to get a touch of a virus now and than.

  • Sounds great! We try to eat well, lots of fresh fruits/vegetables and I cook from scratch so I know what goes into our food, rest is hard but I try, we definitely drink lots of water and fruit juice, and we take our vitamins, and we even had our flu shots in the fall, yet we’ve been sick (the kids and I) almost non stop since October. Colds, the flu, sinus infection and we’re currently down with strep throat. Been a hard year, we can use all the help we can get 🙂

  • This was a great article, very informative. It can be so hard deciding between natural products and prescription meds. I believe in a combination of both. interesting read !

  • This is great that it is a homeopathic natural product. My husband and son are two people that are always sick with the flu or something else. This would be great for them to try.

  • She has some great tips on how to avoid getting colds and flu.. I also avoid touching my face if at all possible. Touch wood, we’ve been cold and flu free this year.

  • good info – Esp. the…”Rest, hydrate, take steam showers and eat healthy, balanced meals” part. Very important.

  • Informative article. Pick up some new medications I could use. Really want to try the Alkaline supplement.

  • My little guys started school this year and have brought home lots of viruses. I prefer using natural products to help them through their illnesses like Pascoe’s.

  • I like the article a lot. I try to use natural approaches to health and focus on keeping our immune systems healthy.

  • Awesome article! I practice all of those things, one not even realizing. Garlic? All this time I didn’t know it built your immune system. I thought it was only heart healthy. So happy to read that. I eat sooooooo much garlic and absolutely love it. Maybe that’s why I’ve tripled my life expectancy. Yay garlic!!!!

  • great stuff I love this article. I believe in washing hands often and taking victims, Eating well helps too

  • I agree with the article and do much of the suggestions now. Since I started eating better (and exercising) daily 3 years ago, I haven’t had a cold or flu ones. My hubby and kids who aren’t so great about staying fit and eating healthy, have had a cold 2-3 times a year. So the suggestions definitely help. I haven’t tried homoeopathic products for cold and flu, but I am very interested.

  • “Get your rest.” – I need to work on that one. No wonder I get sick. Would like to try these out. Thanks

  • I thought it was a practical article. I agree with all of it, and it made me feel good about eating lots of potatoes :).

  • My diet is probably highly acidic which could explain why I have most of the disorders mentioned in the body is being stressed to the max! I really enjoyed reading your article, thanks for sharing and this giveaway!

  • Grest tips! I do drink plenty of OJ,but I must admit,I should be eating more fruits and veggies and getting more sleep!

  • I’ve never used homeopathic remedies for colds and flu before. Interesting products. I’ve used the Bach Flower Remedies a few times (UK anti-anxiety remedy), but that’s the closest I’ve got.

  • great article. its mostly common sense which is unfortunately lacking and these things still need to be explained to people.

    although my mom is a nurse and we grew up learning these things so maybe its not as well known as I think it should be.

  • Really interesting article. Over the last few years I’ve become a lot more interested in naturopathic and homeopathic remedies. I’d much rather food and nature be my medicine whenever possible as opposed to chemical and synthetic products.

  • Great tips! I’ve never used homeopathic remedies but would be interested to see how they compare to medicinal ones.

  • interesting article,and some great tips,I’ve never used homeopathic remedies for colds and flu before

  • These are great tips for prevention, for me washing hands frequently and boosting my immune system are a must.

  • I agree with the article. I think natural ways to get over a cold goes a lot further then using medications.

  • I like the tips. I agree, naturals to prevent cold or flu work for me and I am sure benefit me in the long run, whether I was due for either or not. I also, like the idea of the alkaline supplements – something to look into!

  • We go natural as often as we can, especially dealing with colds, headaches and tummy upsets. Like the posting says the key is to boost your immune system.

  • great article, I love homoeopathic medicines and I’ve loved every Pascoe product ive tried so far!

  • I guess even if you get sick when following this advice, you’ll still be doing good for your body so it’s definitely worth trying. I often up my healthy habits when I feel sickness coming but really I should be doing theses things all the time instead of just when I am already starting to get sick and then maybe it would be preventable.