Giveaways and Reviews

Creating a More Loving Environment

betty-ann-heggie1Ah February, the month of love.  We’re inundated with advertising and messages to promote February 14th, though really we all know that we should be showing those we love how important they are to us year-round.  I still appreciate Valentines day and the month of February for bringing those messages to the forefront.

Take, for example, the most recent blog post shared by Betty Ann Heggie on her blog, titled “Leading With Love“.

In it, Betty Ann shares how the wise words of a friend helped change her approach in the workplace.  Previously, she had used military-language at work.  She explains, “I regularly peppered my presentations with military language such as secret weapon, may day, hold that line, drop dead date, strategic assets and precision execution, etc.”  It was only after she realized the impact of her words, how it created an environment at work, that she worked to change it.

Betty Ann continues, “Language leads thoughts and war is intense. It pits one against the other, establishing winners and losers. When we use military terms we don’t feel love, there is an underlying message of anxiety, danger and uncertainty.”

She worked to change her language and work towards establishing a more loving environment in her corporate workplace.  She validated feelings, shared compliments and created positive energy around her.

mom working from homeThis post got me thinking about not only my work environment but my home environment as well.  The thing is, they’re one and the same since I work from home!  I started to analyze the type of energy I was creating around me, and the result it was getting.  While I don’t think we use military language (and perhaps would more so if we had kids in competitive sports, discussing the day at the dinner table?) I realized that my energy – when I’m stressed about a deadline or a challenging project – can permeate the room and then become the energy of the whole house.

So, taking the tips Betty Ann shared in her blog post, I’m working to create a more loving environment and energy at home (and by association at work!)  It’s as simple for me as using direct eye contact when I’m interrupted in my  office, or acknowledging the emotions from my girls when they’re in the middle of an argument (rather than coming up with a direct solution and implementing it without input from them).

Betty Ann and I thought this would be a great topic starter for discussion this month.  After reading Leading With Love, leave us a comment below to share ideas on how you can work to create a more loving environment at work or home going forward, and you will be entered in our monthly draw to win $100 PayPal cash. Use it to further create that positive energy and loving environment around you!


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  • I am at the most part a very positive person. So i try to create and maintain a positive atmosphere at home. But I can definitely work on a more LOVING environment. By paying more attention to my daughter, spend more time with her playing and reading and to give my husband a hug and kiss when he comes home. I cant remember the last time i did that! but especially when he comes home from work and has had a bad day, a hug definitely goes a long way

  • At work we were all given a note pad so we can write I appreciates. Basically when you see something great someone does tell them with a note. I got one, and it’s sitting on my fridge at home. It makes me smile and feel good about the job I am doing. A simple few words go a long way. I look at mine daily!

  • My thought for creating a more loving environment is to always say thank you and let people know how much you appreciate them (as people) or just what they do and have done to make your day better or help you out (both at work and at home).

  • Remember to take the time to praise/compliment others… we are quick to criticize but not always quick to do the opposite. A small compliment can make someones day

  • i try not to micromanage and nit pick..because i really think it’s a form of bullying wether it be in your house or at work.

  • Our office started off with one person putting up one of those sarcastic humored jokes about not being appreciated, then someone else added another. Then one got photocopied and taped to another department’s door. Then someone brought in a plaque that literally read “If being happy meant feeling trapped, then yes I am happy.” Finally the manager clued in and cleaned out the “crap” We would like to add positive, happy motivating things to our bulletin boards and walls.

  • My home is my safe place. I feel it is important to have a place that brings you peace and safe and when I say safe I me safe to be who you are and feel like you are judged. I have also. Now in place in my life that what. Other people think of me just is not important. What is important is how I feel about myself without making other people fell less than you.

  • I can create a more loving environment at home by thinking prior to speaking and choosing my words carefully. By counting to 5 before responding, I would be more likely not to say something I would regret later on.

  • I think too much communication at work is done through cold, informal emails so its good to go visit someone in person and chat.

  • Take time to stop and listen to others. Always say thank-you and let others know you appreciate what they are doing/did.

  • I work from home and have for some time now. Our boys are grown and on their own now. So since both hubby and I are retired so to speak, it means we are in each others faces 24-7. My hubby is very good about all this, he stays in the living room watching tv or doing his own thing while I work on the computer. He will come in and ask if there is anything I need or want, anything I need help with etc. Our home is small right now so for him to be quiet and out of the way is kind of difficult but it works. He goes to bed early most nights so I have my time then.
    I do spend time watching a movie with him, going shopping etc. Its not all work for me and all tv for him. We make it work out and its all fine. One thing we have done from the day we got married we always say I love you before going to bed. Even if I am upset with him and vice versa. My mother always told us, “Never let the sun rise or set on an argument”. It works.

  • It’s so easy to get into a habit of making negative comments about people- even about people we love. We don’t think about the impact these “loving” or “just kidding” jibes can have. I want to make a point of listening to myself when I talk to my family, so I can recognize these negatives and remove them from my talk.

  • She worked to change her language and work towards establishing a more loving environment in her corporate workplace. She validated feelings, shared compliments and created positive energy around her. <— This is so true! I've worked in workplaces where feelings have been validated and compliments shared and it has a HUGE positive impact on staff morale!

  • I can help by encouraging an open work environment where everyone feels they have a voice and can express their opinion without worry.

  • At home I am going to stop and take a breath and say something positive first to my kids when we have a conversation. I work from home, so the only one to be nicer to is me 😉

  • I create a warm and positive home by just being that, positive. Not stressing about things that I have no control over. Using little goals everyday and every step counts as a huge success…Mum loves coming here for tea to distress!!

  • I am trying to not make everythign into a competition of who did more, etc. but rather be appeciative of what ever other does

  • One of the ways I can support a loving environment at work is to choose my words carefully. If other people are complaining or negative I can choose to INSPIRE them, not to agree with them.

  • A positive environment is a goal of mine, I leave anything negative out and I think before I speak instead of just saying something, I weight the impact it will have on others around me.

  • I try to watch my tone that i use at home and to be patient and loving with my family at home. I have also started praising my kids more when they do something right and try not to dwell on the negative.

  • I think my workplace environment could definitely use a little pick me up. Everyone is always so stressed and unhappy and those feeling can be contagious. If change came from the top it would help tremendously, but in the mean time there’s no reason I can’t do my part! I like the thought of thinking positive things about the people you work with to change your own demeanor when interacting with them. It’s something that I can definitely see helping so long as I can keep it in mind and make it a habit. A very good habit.

  • I think taking the time at home to smile is a big deal. I have little children and sometimes we just take a break and smile at eachother. It helps.

  • Making sure to say ‘thank you’ when you do appreciate something someone has done is such a simple thing with huge positive impact.

  • Being more patient. Don’t be hasty to see fault. Try and see the good and focus on that and leave positive comments.

  • I always try to offer a little extra help to those who feel stressed for falling behind at work and once a month I but coffee and donuts for every. It helps boost moral at work.

  • The part about military terms hit home for me , I’m always using them with the kids . Will be watching what I say from now on.

  • When my coworkers fight, I take one of them away and ask them to take a deep breath. It sounds a little more adult than count to 10, but gives the same break in the action.

  • To create a more loving environment, I tell my boyfriend how much I love him at least once a day. It’s a little cheese, but even boys need to hear it!

  • I can listen without waiting on my cue to talk. I can start lowering my voice and avoid yelling.

  • no question that listening . taking the time to consider what effects your words can have both to yourself and others. Then empathize as much as you can since most people have had similar thing happen to them.

  • I think a big part of creating positive energy is to accept others as both unique people AND part of a team, at work and in your family. I have not been in the work force for a long while but remember what divided people was their personalities. If we thought of those people like we do family…that it is OK and a good thing to have differences, then there would probably be more positive outlooks. I also remember thinking of something I read somewhere…how when a person enters a room we almost disregard them as distractions or “work”. That made me sad that even when kids come into a room we don’t celebrate their lives in OUR lives like we should. Same goes for work people. We all get into a family or work situation for a reason, it is too easy to blow each day because of poor attitude. Man, I need to work on this a lot.

  • I think showing appreciation when others do nice things for you, listening , going out of your way to do something nice for someone.

  • We make a point to say please and thank you to each other often.
    We don’t criticize each other in front of the children and we show affection.
    If we can’t do that to each other, why would our children?

  • I know i need to stop more and really listed to my family. Especially with a toddler who cant communicate well, its easy to brush off what he’s trying to say/show me as antics but I could use to stop and make eye contact and really listen to what’s important to him!

  • I struggle with this one as I have often found myself as one of the few wOmen on my teams thoughout my career. I have been steam rolled by men because I was too soft and empathetic. I am a feeler for example in Meyers Briggs. I have had endless coaching and still struggle to achieve the right balance of love at work without being seen as too wimpy and emotional.

  • I should answer the question! One way I could show more love at home is to stop being so darned negative about things-it really annoys my husband.

  • Forget the routines once in a while and just stay home and spend real quality time together melts my stress away!! A good family day will make me more positive, it is what really counts in the end. While speeking to each other in a more positive and loving way, no rushing each other around this way real communication takes place.

  • A more positive work environment can be created by involving your co-workers, listening to their ideas, not gossiping. Thanks.

  • Listening to others for sure, really listening! Especially at home, stuff around the house can wait, just stop, and listen 🙂

    Enjoy the little things…

  • First off, I agree with Betty-Ann (quoting Arianna Huffington) in advocating the “Third Metric” which places WELL-BEING as a measure of success, alongside money and power. –

    And in my book – that not only means one’s own well-being – but also everyone else’s! (Awhile back , My husband Whole Foods and he said their emphasis on team spirit and support played a big part in keeping employees motivated, productive and happy to be there.

    A genuinely positive attitude (looking at and/or for the bright-side) having a healthy sense of human and creating an atmosphere of fellow feeling, support and appreciation.

    I agree too, with Mark Twain that one can live a long time (a couple of months) on (the energy and good will) created by genuine recognition and a sincere compliment.

  • The one way I find I can help create a more loving and positive environment around me, is to validate others experience. Everyone loves being acknowledged and complimented, so taking the time to notice the best, positive attributes of my partner, co-workers and neighbors makes for much more positive energy all around you.

  • I try to be very positive about all aspects of my life at home and everywhere. I do not work as I am unwell and being positive and loving is my way of life. MY motto — Live, Love and Laugh Always!!!