My Fabulous Life

Merry Christmas to YOU!

Holiday Card 2013

Merry Christmas to you, my readers!  I’m listening to Christmas carols, sipping a (Timmie’s) coffee and eating the (pre-bought cookie dough) shortbread cookies I made last night and reflecting back on 2013 on the blog and the year ahead!  Of course, that means sharing my holiday big-heart-full-of-gratitude with all of you!

This year we are spending Christmas without our extended family, as my husband has to work through the holidays (we’ve been blessed to have a few Christmases with family so we’re taking our dutiful turn this year).  I’d be lying if I said it wasn’t depressing knowing we’re alone and not with family but we’re making the absolute best of it (and perhaps overcompensating some with the gifts for the kids…oh well.)

Christmas always makes us reflect and share our gratitude for what we do have rather than concentrate on what we don’t, so that’s what I’m doing this week.  2013 showed me the courage of the Allan Blair Cancer Centre staff and patients when I accompanied my dad for a chemo treatment (I wish I could say I was stoic but I broke down in tears after walking out the doors).  He’s been fighting for 3 years since an 8-way (yes 8!) heart bypass surgery and I am grateful for these years even though we’re apart more often than I’d like.  2013 also brought in my sister’s thyroid cancer diagnosis which she’s continuing to fight (so far, so good – thyroid and cancer removed in it’s entirety!)

Our little family has been blessed with health and happiness this year and it does not go by unnoticed when we’ve witnessed the struggles of those around us.  I’m so thankful that this little blog I started in 2008 has turned into the opportunity for me to continue to stay home with my kids and build a business that I would never have thought was possible.  You make that possible with your continued readership and engagement.  I appreciate your emails, Facebook posts and tweets and know that you are what makes my job possible!  Thank you for ushering away the crickets and ensuring there’s always chatter over here on Feisty Frugal & Fabulous.

I hope that over the years you’ve had the opportunity to get to know me and my family by me putting myself in front of the camera, sharing my feisty opinions and opening my family life to you.  I will continue to bring the feisty but at the core always being the frugal and let’s face it, the fabulous comes naturally. 😉

Merry Christmas to you.  Thank you for reading.

~ Tenille


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  • Merry Christmas to you!
    I wanna thank you because if it wasn’t for your awesome blog I wouldn’t have been able to give a gift to my husband since I’m a stay at home mom and I feel horrible always buying him gifts with his own money even if he’s totally ok with it.
    Again thank you a I wish you the best Christmas to you and your family!

    • Thank YOU Daniela for sharing that – that makes me smile! I was a sahm with no income of ‘my own’ for 4 years before I started the blog. Actually, that was why I started it – to share coupon finds and money saving tips and great giveaways I was finding on the web. So, I totally get that odd feeling of using your bank account to buy your husband a gift. Even though people told me I earned the income too because I was at home with the kids, it still felt weird to do. Hooray for his gift this year!

  • Lovely pictures, thanks for sharing. I truly hope that you & your entire family have a wonderful Christmas & hope that you give yourself a well-deserved break from the blog so you can really enjoy some family time. We’ll still all be here when you return.
    Happy Holidays & best wishes for a happy & healthy New Year!

  • Merry Christmas to you too… Such a lovely family card. So sorry that you can’t be with your family this year – especially since the true meaning of family must have hit home with both your father and sister’s diagnosis. God bless you and your family – both immediate and extended – in 2014 – and remember, you’re not alone – we’re always here for you!