My Fabulous Life

Oh the horror!

Leaving Calgary last week, we inadvertently lost our iPod and were in a bit of a frenzy – kids already in the van – looking for the thing.  Searching high and low, checking between the cushions of the sofas, under beds and blankets, it was nowhere to be found.  After we left my sister continued searching, then later commented to me how gross it was to check between the cushions of her leather sofa sets with 2 teenagers in the house.  I understood the experience except I have a household of 3 little kids, 2 of which love to stick things purposely between the cushions.

How often do you really clean there?  You don’t have to answer that publicly.  Even offers tips on how to clean your sofa sets, and the first step is always to vacuum between the cushions.  We are so bad for doing that and it’s truly disgusting the things you find in there (unfortunately there’s no hidden treasure like money…why is that?)

The iPod didn’t  get sucked up by the vacuum cleaner after my sister discovered the horrors in the sofa.  It was discovered wedged in the diaper bag the day after we arrived home.  It wasn’t a bad thing – there’s 2 more households out there with clean, freshly vacuumed sofa crevices as a result.  Got a few minutes to spare?  Lift up that cushion…I dare you.


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  • I vacuum mine out once a week after being embarassed once when my son pulled off the couch cushions in front of company. It was so gross and I was mortified!

  • I vacum between and under my cushions every second day. With a toddler and a fear of mice/bugs coming around because of crumbs….I kind have got obsessed with it.

  • You need the app ‘Find iPhone’. It’s compatible with all apple products and it is like google maps when you need it. You go online to and it shows you exactly where it is. If it can’t track it it can still lock it and even wipe clean or send a message like if found call….

    Or you can just stalk your husband lol

    • GET-OUT! Really? I had no idea it existed…I’m totally going to find that App tonight. xo Jennifer!

  • Hey! I usually find money between the cushions. Needless to say my kids keep this area very clean 😀

  • After a couple months of not cleaning under the cushions I learned my lesson. You can always tell where my husband sits.I now clean them every other weekend.