Gift Guide Giveaways and Reviews

15th Annual Holiday Gift Guide Is Here

Yes, it’s actually still happening! I actually had to search “holiday gift guide” on the blog to ensure I was getting the year right. Last year was 14 years which makes this one the big one! I feel like I should have made this a bigger event than it is but I know you’ll understand when I say work, and family, and health takes it’s toll and I haven’t been as productive as I should have been leading up to the holidays (if your household has not been hit by a respiratory virus that isn’t Covid, or another round of Covid, then you’re magic and I need some).

I’m happy to share that, once again, throughout November and December I’ll be sharing some of my latest Christmas gift-giving finds and, as always, each one will come with a giveaway set aside for you – my readers! I get approached by brands for the holidays in late summer but if they don’t have a giveaway for you, it’s no bueno. It’s what the holiday gift guide is about – giving readers the opportunity to find some gift ideas and potentially win something to make their holiday shopping a little easier too.

Naturally, I’m going to remind you that my side-biz over at Feisty Things has a sleigh-full of holiday themed shirts ready for your very-overdue holiday gatherings with friends and family. Plus, there’s always a ton of great gift ideas waiting there too, including some of the most popular shirts lately here.

While local pick-up is available here in Regina, I do ship across Canada and use Canada Post flat rate shipping boxes, giving you the ability to ship several items in one medium-sized box to try and be as efficient as possible (I loathe shipping prices in Canada). Have questions? Send me a message here or via email anytime. You can also see more from Feisty Things on Instagram and Facebook.

Look for more giveaways in the days to come – I’ll share them as I can find the space to post them during this busy time of the year! Enter them all, tell your friends, and have the best holiday season, friends!

For now, I leave you with my own giveaway – 3 winners will each win a tee of their choice from Feisty Things! To enter, just visit Feisty Things and scroll through the mountain of shirts available. Then, just leave a comment on this post letting me know your favorite design – that’s it! Check for bonus entries too!


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