Gift Guide Giveaways and Reviews

Feisty Things

With the holiday season officially upon us (I say November 1st it begins, even if we don’t decorate anything until November 12th) it’s time to start sharing some great gift ideas and giveaways!

Of course I’m going to utilize my own website, my own blog, to share info on my own other fun project right now – Feisty Things!

I know many of you have visited the Feisty Things page on this site, saw the posts on my Facebook and Instagram before I created their own dedicated social media pages, and even ordered shirts before today. If not, here’s your introduction right on the site itself, within the holiday gift guide.

If I were to write an intro to the company like I do others, I’d say that Feisty Things was started as a result of a shifting climate during the pandemic. Times change, and as my readers know, businesses and brands have had to change too. I’ve wanted to make my own shirts and little fun things for a few years now, but the time was never right. With extra time thanks to a business slow-down, the time became right!

A spring and summer of tank tops and tees has now rolled into a fall and winter of sweatshirts and hoodies (or, if you’re in Saskatchewan like me, bunnyhugs)! All the designs shown in this post are on tees for a reason (the giveaway of course) but remember that these look ahhhmazing on sweatshirts and are super cozy and warm (though you can make a tee look awesome with a blazer or cardigan all winter long too).

I suppose I should share other shirts in this post that aren’t about the spirit(s) of the season, so I’ll pop in a few of my favorite tees to highlight here as well and explain more about the shirts, where to find them all, and how to order!

Ordering is easy, though not as easy as an e-commerce site would be. I simply don’t have the capability to run an online store with inventory and filling orders as they come in. I’m much more hands on, discuss sizing and options with you, and the majority of orders placed are within the Regina area, enabling people to avoid shipping fees.

Of course, I don’t want all my readers and friends across Canada to miss out, so I’ve been able to (again because I’m hands on) offer you all a flat rate of $15 shipping for shirts via Canada Post Express Post. This means I can usually ship one sweatshirt, or several (sometimes even 6) t-shirts in a box for that price. Or, we can talk about shipping t-shirts oversized lettermail which has been super easy so far.

Where can you find all the t-shirts, sweatshirts, baseball tees and even onesies available? Right on my site, just on a different page dedicated to uploading way too many pictures and being way too difficult to view on a mobile device (sorry about that). Feisty Things is where you can see everything including colors, sizing, and pricing (basic tees and onesies are $20!) You can email me directly from that page to ask more questions or order!

Or, you can find Feisty Things on Facebook and Instagram (I figured it made sense to have separate accounts for those are are interested in shirts but not so much my chihuahua or labradoodle or the recipe I made last week). If you follow me there, you’ll see when new shirts are posted right away.

Remember – any design can go on any style shirt! I make them to-order, meaning your shirt may be one of a kind or one of a few, depending on who picks that same shirt/color/design combo!

And, as you can see from what I’ve shared here, my shirts are exactly my style – feisty and to the point. I make shirts in designs that I’d want to wear or that I’d want to gift to someone. That was the whole point of starting Feisty Things – I could save money making my own shirts and now I get to save that with you. When you visit the page you’ll see the pricing is very reasonable, and that was important to me too – being frugal is who I am too!

And, I like to share! SO, let the first giveaway of the 2021 holiday season commence!

I’m giving 5 of my readers the opportunity to win their choice of t-shirt from Feisty Things ($20 tees). To enter to win, just fill in your name and email address in the form below and click begin! Then just leave me a comment on this post sharing what design from the page you’d pick to put on a tee! There’s bonus entries as well and you know that includes following Feisty Things on my social media channels (thank you!). ** T-Shirt size/colors subject to availability.


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