Giveaways and Reviews

Five Minute Serenity (With Loacker!)

It’s the (second) most wonderful time of the year, just behind the jolly holiday season. Oh yes, friends, it’s back-to-school season and I am here for it! What I love most about this time of year is how total chaos (all the shopping, all the preparation, all the lists) leads to a beautiful back-to-routine lifestyle and for someone that thrives on routine, I’m like a kid on Christmas morning.

In those moments of chaos, I’ve learned how important it is to take a moment to relax and make sure that I’m not running on empty (you can’t pour from an empty cup!) So, while planning for back to school lunches and snacks, I was introduced to Loacker all-natural wafers!

Since 1925, Loacker products have been made with pure goodness and exquisite ingredients, made from the heart of the Alpes! Premium ingredients include: Italian hazelnuts, real Bourbon vanilla, delicious cocoa, sun-ripened raspberries, fine

Loacker chocolate according to Loacker’s own recipes and high-quality milk and fresh mountain water.

In 2019, it’s pretty cool that Loacker wafers are made with no color added, no GMO’s, no hydrogenated fats, no preservatives and no artificial flavours! With tasty options including Classic Chocolate, Vanilla Classic, Espresso, Blueberry Yogurt and more, there’s an (all natural!) flavor for everyone.

One of the lunch bag additions I’ve come up with for the kids is including delicious cold yogurt in a thermos and then adding Loacker wafers cut into tiny squares on top (tip: put the thermos in the freezer the night before so it’s icy cold in the morning before you add the yogurt.) This adds a delicious crunch and creamy flavor to the yogurt.

While my sister was visiting from Alberta recently, I decided to whip up this super-easy recipe (I hesitate to call it a recipe because it’s so easy) using fresh fruit, yogurt, and Loacker wafers for a sweet treat on the deck after a busy morning with the family.

The recipe is quite simple. Start with a layer of creamy vanilla yogurt on the bottom (you can of course mix and match flavors here), then add fruit (again, blueberries were on hand for me, but raspberries, strawberries or blackberries would be good too), a layer of yogurt and another layer of fruit. Then, chop up 6 Loacker Wafers (for this recipe I picked Raspberry Yogurt Specialty Wafers) and add to the top to create a yummy yogurt parfait!

Intrigued? There is a vast product range available from Loacker including the Classic Wafers, Quadratini, Gran Pasticceria and Tortina in an assortment of traditional and seasonal flavours. Loacker can be found at major retailers and in select specialty food store across Canada including Loblaws, Fortinos, Sobeys and Walmart.

Disclosure: This is a sponsored post in partnership with Loacker. All opinions and commentary, as always, are my own.


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