Giveaways and Reviews

Globber Evo 4-in-1 Convertible Scooter

By Brittany Caffet

One of the hardest and scariest things about being a parent is watching your child gain their independence. In less than two years, Elizabeth has gone from needing me to provide literally every single thing she needs to demanding some alone time while she plays make believe with her dolls. Finding toys that allow her to explore her newfound self confidence is really important, and the Globber Evo 4-in-1 Convertible Scooter is the perfect solution!

The Globber Evo 4-in-1 Convertible Scooter grows with your child as they become more independent. Right now we have the scooter set up as a ride on seat. We are able to push Elizabeth around, almost like a little tricycle! Once she gets the hang of it, we will remove the T bar handlebar and she will be able to maneuver herself around using a little bit of leg power! As her balance improves, we will be able to completely remove the seat and reattach the handle bars… and voila! Our little girl will have her very own scooter!

The Globber Evo 4-in-1 Convertible Scooter is insanely easy to assemble. It only took a couple of seconds to click all of the pieces into place during the initial assembly, and switching the seat and handlebar heights is easy peasy! There’s nothing worse than trying to painstakingly put together a million little pieces while your child anxiously waits to try out their new toy, so the simple assembly was a pleasant surprise! It is quite sturdy, but do pay attention to the weight restrictions if you have older kids (or a husband who asks if they can take the new scooter out for a spin) as it is designed for smaller children! I do wish the scooter was a little bit easier for the parent to steer while it is in the ride on/push configuration, but it works absolutely perfectly for going up and down the sidewalk in front of our house. Don’t worry – once your child is completely in control of the scooter, the steering becomes much easier!

It seems like Elizabeth gets more grown up with every single day that passes. Watching her become more brave and bold is terrifying, but so rewarding. With the Globber Evo 4-in-1 Convertible Scooter, I know that as soon as she is ready to take the next step and try something new, we’ll be ready too!

Look for the Globber Evo 4-in-1 Convertable Scooter (best for ages 2-6) at Toys “R” Us, Canadian Tire, Indigo, and Mastermind for a suggested retail price of $129.99.

One lucky reader is going to win a Globber Evo 4-in-1 Convertable Scooter (ARV $129.99)! To enter to win, just fill in your name and address in the form below and click BEGIN! Then, simply leave a comment on this blog post, and you’ll be in to win!


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