
Easy Holiday Appy Hack #ShareTheFresh

The holidays are here, and with it comes work gatherings, holiday parties with friends, and family get-togethers. It’s my favorite time of the year for so many reasons, but I admit I’m a big appetizer fan so this is like…well, Christmas for me! The recipes on my blog seem to favor appetizers more than anything too!

The thing with appetizers is that you don’t have to go crazy making something extravagant and typically most appetizers take no time at all. I’m also absolutely in favor of bringing in the experts to help; adding a dip or topping bought from the store is perfect, especially when you find a brand you love that not only tastes great, is reasonably priced and uses quality ingredients.

Summer Fresh makes easy-to-serve and healthy gourmet meals fun, entertaining and vogue. Because if there’s one thing that’s never going out of style it’s enjoying food with loved ones!

I typically grab Summer Fresh Hummus because they have a great variety of flavors – Roasted Garlic Hummus is my favorite but Lemon Dill Hummus is a close second. For today’s easy recipe hack, I used Summer Fresh Bruschetta.

Found on the Summer Fresh site, the The Best Homemade Guacamole recipe combines avocados, lime juice, salt and pepper with Summer Fresh Bruschetta. The trick is having guacomole-ready avocados of course, but I like mine a little chunky so this one worked for me. Simply mix up the avocados, lime juice, salt and pepper and then top with Summer Fresh Bruschetta. I also mix a little of the Bruschetta in with the avocado mixture too for more flavor.

Visit Summer Fresh online to see more great appetizer recipes, and look for Summer Fresh products at your favorite grocery retailer!

Summer Fresh has a lovely prize package to share with readers! Enter to win a Summer Fresh prize package consisting of a lunch bag, S’well Bottle and $50 in FPC (free product coupons). Just fill in your name and email address in the form below and click BEGIN! Then just leave a comment on this post sharing your thoughts on this post – are you a Summer Fresh fan? Maybe you’ve found another great recipe while visiting the Summer Fresh website or have a favorite way to eat a Summer Fresh dip?

Disclosure: This is a sponsored post in partnership with Summer Fresh. All opinions are, as always, my own.



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