Gift Guide Giveaways and Reviews

Avon Pure Essential Oil Blends


Did you know that Avon now offers customers Avon Pure Essential Oils? They’ve recently launched with the company and now customers can order them right to their door along with all their favourite Avon products.

Since I’m relatively new to using oils in my household, blends are a great option because it takes the guesswork out on the scent and feel I’m looking for in my environment. Take a look at 3 of the Avon Pure Essential Oil Blends available:

Avon Pure Happiness Essential Oil ($17.00)
Sparkling. Revitalizing. Fresh.
Exhilarating mix of grapefruit, orange and lemon. Infuse the air with fresh scent. Highly concentrated and expertly crafted, with your well-being in mind. Tested to ensure there are no adulterants present or chemical residues of any sort, guaranteeing that the oil is pure.

Pure Zen Essential Oil ($25.00)
Calming. Refreshing. Relaxing.
A fusion of Lavender, Sweet Fennel, Peppermint and Roman Chamomile combine to create a general sense of tranquility. Highly concentrated and expertly crafted, with your well-being in mind. Tested to ensure there are no adulterants present or chemical residues of any sort, guaranteeing that the oil is pure.

Avon Pure Sweet Dreams Essential Oil ($25.00)
Relaxing. Restful. Soothing.
This infusion of Lavender and Roman Chamomile helps create a serene and calming environment and promotes restful thoughts. Highly concentrated and expertly crafted, with your well-being in mind. Tested to ensure there are no adulterants present or chemical residues of any sort, guaranteeing that the oil is pure.

Disclaimer: Not for oral use. Do not use on skin or hair. Read and follow label directions and precautions.

It’s super easy to order Avon products online now, or through your local neighborhood representative. Don’t know one? The easiest way to find an Avon rep is to ask on your social media – friends are always eager to help friends out!

Avon is always great for gift-giving – I miss catalogs and appreciate that Avon still has brochures (as they call them, I call them catalogs) to flip through, with items inside for the kids too! Avon Pure Essential Oils are a great gift idea for Christmas and make shopping easy when they’re delivered right to your door.

One of my readers is going to win all 3 Avon Essential Oil Blends seen above (ARV $65.00). To enter to win, fill in your name and email address in the form below and click BEGIN. Then leave a comment on this post sharing why you like using essential oils (or maybe you’re brand new to it like me!)


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