Gift Guide Giveaways and Reviews

Adorable (and Helpful!) Stocking Stuffers From MAM

By Brittany Caffet

There are many different ways to feed a baby. Some breastfeed. Some finger feed while trying to establish breastfeeding. Some bottle feed. How will you nourish your little one? It’s a hard decision to make, and it’s even more difficult when the decision is forced upon you.

When I was pregnant, I was bound and determined that I would breastfeed. I have never had an issue with formula, it’s a miraculous alternative that we are so lucky to have access to, but everyone else in my family had breast fed their babies and gosh darn it, I was going to as well!

Then Elizabeth was born…. and my milk didn’t come in the way that I had expected it to. I spent hours a day for weeks on end hooked up to a breast pump, and I still wasn’t producing enough to feed my child. When the decision to supplement Elizabeth’s diet with formula was made, I wanted to make sure that the bottles that we used were safe and would not throw my breastfeeding journey completely off track.

MAM came to my rescue. Thanks to their SkinSoft textured nipple, Elizabeth never struggled with nipple confusion. All of their bottles are BPA/BPS free. The vented base of their anti-colic bottles ensured that no air would get into her tummy. We were able to successfully achieve a combination of breastfeeding and bottle feeding for six whole months.

Fast forward to today, and I have a wild one year old! She is now eating solid food but still loves to snuggle up with her MAM bottles a few times a day. She’s gone from a sleepy, toothless newborn to a hilarious toddler with a toothy grin in the blink of an eye. Her needs have changed, but we are still able to find MAM products that meet them!

When she is crying in pain thanks to teething, I reach for Max the Frog! This teether is made of 100% natural rubber and is nice and soft – perfect for sinking those sore teeth and gums into! The bright color and different textures over Max’s body create a ton of interest and stimulation, perfect for a busy toddler!

My breastfeeding struggle was one of the most difficult things I’ve ever gone through, but I know in my heart that fed is ALWAYS best. I am so grateful to have found a company that made our transition from breast to bottle as smooth as possible. I know that as Elizabeth grows, we will continue to find MAM products that will suit her ever changing needs.

Perfect as a stocking stuffer for a little one or a mom-to-be, the MAM Feed & Soothe Gift Set ($10.99) includes two 5 oz. Anti-Colic bottles, two 9oz. Anti-Colic bottles, and two newborn pacifiers. It’s the perfect starter kit for any new parent! We’re also giving away the other MAM teething items seen above and mentioned in this post! Happy baby, happy parents!



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