Giveaways and Reviews

Dairyland is Celebrating 100 Years {And I Have a Huge Giveaway for You!}

Living in Western Canada we have a unique story to tell, all our own. While growing up, our media was often heavily influenced by events in Eastern Canada and this is still the case today. Living in the Prairie Provinces gave us a unique identity and a unique voice. It wasn’t until I was a teenager and started talking to people outside of Western Canada (long before the days of online chats, I had penpals!) that I learned how unique my upbringing was.

I was stunned to learn that outside of Saskatchewan, a bunny hug is actually a hoodie and those little dessert squares we have at weddings and baby showers are not called dainties out east. A dainty is much fancier, don’t you think? Chocolate milk in our province is referred to by many as Vico, as that was the name of the product before 1995. See? If you were to share a photo of yourself with a friend in Ontario explaining that you’re at a baby shower wearing a bunny hug, sipping a Vico, holding a dainty on a plate – they’d look at you perplexed!

Yes, being from Saskatchewan is a badge we wear proudly.

Dairyland has been a part of our childhoods and a part of being a Western Canadian for all of us. In fact, Dairyland is celebrating their 100th anniversary this year, and that’s a huge reason to celebrate! Since 1917, Dairyland has been a part of Western Canadian culture and while the delivery service has changed from horse and buggy to grocery store giant fridges, what hasn’t changed is their commitment to delivering the highest quality products to Canadians and – most important to me – the fact that they’ve always remained here in Western Canada.

Dairyland 100th Anniversary

To celebrate this monumental anniversary, Dairyland is launching a limited edition logo and design on their core milk products so you may start seeing them on store shelves soon! I love vintage packaging; it instantly takes me back and reminds me to cherish the simple things in life. Funny how just a logo can make you smile and remember something about your childhood.

Do you have any childhood milk memories that take you back? Perhaps seeing the vintage logo instantly brings you there! For many of us, that childhood memory of milk is closely tied to waiting for Santa on Christmas Eve. Long before Pinterest and reindeer snacks or elf on the shelf, we had only jolly old St. Nick to focus on, and Christmas Eve was a big deal. I can distinctly remember our living room in my childhood house – it had a big brick fireplace with a low mantle in front, perfect for placing milk and cookies. Another memory is making ice cream floats and milkshakes in the kitchen!

dairyland 100th anniversary

It’s fun to think about what memories your children will hold onto through the years, because as we know those little tidbits of memory have no rhyme or reason. I can distinctly remember making a milkshake in the kitchen, the brown counter-top and mushroom shaped canisters (so 80’s!) on the counter in front of me. I love that Dairyland is embracing this nostalgia and memory makingΒ  as part of their 100th anniversary – and, naturally, we were excited to celebrate with milkshakes in our kitchen this week. I wonder if my kids will remember the tile back-splash and think it was “oh so 2017” when they’re parents. Yikes!

milkshake recipe

To celebrate this momentous occasion, Dairyland has an amazing giveaway for one of my Western Canadian readers! Someone is going to win a one year supply of Dairyland milk!!! Imagine how much that will help one very lucky family’s budget for a full year! Thank you so much to Dairyland for sharing the anniversary fun with us! Details on how to enter are below!

Visit Dairyland’s website and Facebook page to learn more and join in on the anniversary festivities.


Fill in your name and email address in the form below to be entered to win. Then, simply leave a comment on the blog sharing your favourite milk memory! Don’t forget that there are lots of bonus entries in the form too!


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  • My favorite memory was when I was 5. My best friend and I took 5.00 out of our neighbors milk crate meant for the milkman. We then went to the store and use it all for candy. When we left the store owner called our moms who met us halfway home. We got into so much trouble and I have never taken a thing since.

  • My favourite memory was about 20 years ago when my son eldest was little. We mad green milkshakes for St. Patrick’s Day. My son loved it and we have been doing it ever since. A great family tradition made with the goodness of milk.

  • I remember making chocolate syrup with my mom, stirring slowly on the stove. And then sitting on the porch with the crate, waiting for the milkman. When I would see him coming, I would run inside and yell to mom to get the syrup out…..I couldn’t wait to have chocolate milk, it was a treat! I make moms chocolate syrup for my boys now! They use it on ice cream, in their floats and of course to make chocolate milk! lol Great memories!

  • When I was young Milk was delivered in bottles to our step. It was my job to bring it in and put it in the fridge.

  • Mine is definitely getting milk delivered on the farm, for some reason it was a pretty exciting day for us as kids. At night we would have cookies as milk with my dad after he came in from a long day in the fields and talk about our day.

  • I remember drinking a whole ” Quart ” of chocolate milk from the bottle ( yes it was glass ) that had been delivered by the ” Milkman ” in his horse drawn wagon with my Mom.

  • I remember as a child, we used to make ice cream floats with our milk.. The mess we would make and my mom used to yell at us for such a mess.. LOL… but, it was so worth it – the milk shake was delicious..

  • I have very fond memories of baking our Christmas cookies with my mom and sister – we would always sample the finished product fresh out of the oven and ALWAYS with a glass of milk to go with them!

  • well being raised on a farm my fondest milk memory is when we were young we always waited for Mom to bring in the milk just after she milked the cows as we loved the fresh warm milk, it was so frothy

  • I was sick a lot when I was young until I had my tonsils removed. Many late nights up with my Mom as I was coughing. She would make me warm milk for me and would sit up with me and cover me in blankets. I always associate milk with comfort

  • My favourite milk memory, when I was a little girl our class went on a school trip to a dairy farmer, I think I was maybe 6 years old.

  • My favorite milk memory is coming home from school as a kid and always having a glass of milk with chocolate chip cookies! I loved dipping my cookies into the milk, I still do this today! Yep I am at kid at heart.

  • We lived on a farm and produced our own milk. Sometimes, our parents would buy milk at the store. I can remember “pouring store milk from a box” into a glass…. and how different that was from pouring our own farm milk from our glass pitchers!

  • Milk is such a big part of our every day, but it’s so normal I rarely stop to think about it! We eat it in our cereal in the mornings, add it to tea throughout the day, bake and dip cookies into, have a glass to combat heartburn and add it to 101 different recipes.

    My favourite milk memory is of dipping our peanut butter sandwiches into a cold glass of milk. It’s something my dad always did when we were growing up and it’s something I do now. My husband thinks it’s disgusting though lol. You won’t catch him eating them that way!

  • One of my greatest MILK MEMORIES is my Father in Law coming to Canada from Ireland back around 1951. HE HAD A JOB WITH DAIRYLAND DELIVERING MILK TO HOMES. Of course, the Irish have different EXPRESSIONS than Canada! One morning, he accidentally woke up a pregnant lady. He said to her: “Sorry to knock you up”. He just meant that he was sorry that he had woken her up. Well, this became a FAMILY JOKE for the rest of his 98 1/2 years!

  • My favorite milk memory is from when I was a child. I remember going out to the farm for summer vacation to stay with my grandparents. My grandfather took me with him to milk the cows. What an experience as a city girl to be able to see first hand where milk comes from AND to be able to milk the cow too. ‘It is utterly delicious’ he would say.

  • We love milk and with 3 growing boys there is a lot of it consumed in our house. My favorite memory is getting Vi-co (chocolate milk) on milk days at school.

  • My favourite milk memory? Going to my Grandma’s where she had chocolate syrup and strawberry syrup. We never had strawberry syrup at home so it was an awesome treat at Grandma’s house!

  • My favourite milk memory was when I was having a sad day a few years ago, my partner made me a milkshake and served it to me in bed. As I was in the process of moving, my bedroom was quite empty so I just sat there drinking my milkshake in bed. It cheered me up quite a bit.

  • My favourite milk memory is actually touring the old Dairy Producers facility when I was kid in Regina. It was so neat to see how our milk and other products (like ice cream — I was a kid, that stood out!) were processed and made their way to store shelves. It’s something I still remember vividly almost 30 years later.

  • My favorite milk memory is when my grandmother taught me how to bake. Diping your fingers in the milk to need and could dip our fingers in the milk until we got the milk from Daisy in the barn. What a great memory! Wish i could show my children that same experience. Thank you for the chance!

  • My favourtie Milk memory is a messy one. When my son was 5 he try to get himself a glass of milk. The 4 litre was full and he drop it. There was milk everywhere and I mean everywhere. The poor kid he felt so bad. We had a good laugh clening up.

  • My favourite milk memory is making Orange Crush and yummy Milk shakes with my kids when they were little and now i’m making them with my grandkids….oh boy the years are passing to fast.

  • I would say drinking chocolate milk every once in a while. I would enjoy it slowly as I didn’t get chocolate milk often.

  • I loved the smell of the milk-chute in my parents house. My more recent memory was an event a month ago when my 12 year old and I were baking – she spilled the milk and we had a big laugh. Moments later she spilled the food colouring – not such a big laugh then. But the cupcakes were fun.

  • Dairyland has always been my parents go-to milk brand while growing up. We grew up in a small rural Alberta village with no grocery store. My milk memory is remembering being in high school and having three younger brothers ages 15, 13 & 11. My mom would buy 5x 4L jugs of Dairyland milk PER WEEK. My brothers choice of beverage was always milk, milk was always on the supper table and after school snacks were typically cereal with milk. Even now that we are adults, mine & my brothers choice of milk is still Dairyland ❀️

  • My favourite milk memory was when my Mom deemed me responsible enough to go to the store to get a 4 quart glass jug of milk. It was the one with the red plastic handle. I always enjoyed taking off the tin foil and the cardboard thing a ma jig and having a glass of refreshing milk.

    Also buttermilk was just the best in the summer!

  • my favorite milk memory is Mom making homemade hot chocolate for us; milk, Coco powder, sugar and a mug. Delicious and we enjoyed it immensely.

  • hen I was young, we had a men who deliver the milk because I was in a little village. My mom place the glass bootle beside the door outside and he just give us new one. My mom even let the money beside. Wow, I don’t think we an do that today!

  • My favorite milk memory was enjoying a glass of milk with Nesquik when my brothers and I were real young. Oh and all the times we dunked our oreos πŸ™‚

  • My favorite memory of Dairyland was the milk delivery. We would always wait as kids by the front window for the milk truck to come. The nicest man drove that truck and he would always tell us a funny joke and give us lollipops if we ran to the door when he came. We have been drinking Dairyland milk all our lives. Happy 100th Anniversary Dairyland!

  • I would say that helping my boys leave milk and cookies for Santa is the most special milk memory for me. I can remember doing the same as a child and how magical it was. Milk is a big part of that moment!

  • My favourite milk memory is the mustaches my sisters & I would get, some days they were white & when we added Quick to the milk, chocolate.

  • My milk memory would have to be going to visit the cow barn with my friend when we were 4 or 5. there was a goat in the barn and one time he scared the bejezus out of me. hated that thing. OH and kittens were in the hay loft

  • My favourite milk memory was selling milk at lunch time when in elementary school … and treating myself to a small chocolate milk as I sold it!

  • My favorite milk memory is actually being able to have milk delivered to the house for about a year. Milk deliveries are now a thing of the past. It was so handy especially because that was the summer my son grew 6 inches.. He’d drink about a quart a day just to keep the growing pains (they are actually real) at bay.

  • My favourite milk memory was pouring milk into my cereal on Saturday mornings. I’d cross my fingers that I wouldn’t spill the milk and then feast in front of the tv back when Saturday morning cartoons were a big thing! A close second would be the time I made my cousin laugh so hard he blew milk out of his nose.

  • My favorite milk memory was when I was younger and I was the milk monitor and also took part in getting a milk each day at lunch. Gotta love chocolate milk during lunch. Loved blowing bubbles in it.

  • My favourite memory would be racing my little brothers down the hill to our house, after we got off the bus, to pour the BIGGEST glass of milk to dunk our cookies in. We would even see how long we could leave the cookie in the milk before it got so soft it fell in. But after we inhaled about 10 cookies, the taste of that cold glass of milk would be so satisfying. On a side note, I think my parents actually considered buying a cow at one point as my one brother would frequently drink so much milk they’d find it all gone by the time breakfast came around the next day!

  • The only thing my son would drink for 3 years was warm milk. — Servers were very nice about warming it up for us anytime we went out.

  • My milk memory was when I was 44 or 5, we had milk in 1L bags that my parents put in a container on the fridge door. Whenever I was thirsty after school, it was the only drink I could reach and light enough for me to lift so I ended drinking lots of milk. Was the tallest girl in my class for a few years because of that zip think!

  • My favourite milk memories have to do with cozy winter evenings watching Ed Sullivan Show, and drinking warm Ovaltine and milk that my mom made for us.

  • I grew up on a dairy farm near Summerberry SK. I always felt proud knowing that the milk on stores contained milk for our beloved cows!
    Heidi Spilchuk

  • One of my chores when I was around 8 years old was to get 2 empty ice cream buckets and ride my bike to the next door dairy farm and fill them up with milk and ride back. I had to do this at least twice a week. We drank a lot of milk. I still do and I will only drink Dairyland. It’s the best.

  • My favourite milk memory is having cookies and milk everyday after school at my grandma’s house when I was little.

  • I was just thinking of all the lovely home made milkshakes my mother made us with fresh strawberries when in season.

  • I remember mom buying the NestlΓ© Nesquik Strawberry/and chocolate Flavor Powder. We were allowed to have one glass of milk with this stuff. πŸ™‚

  • My favorite milk memory is from my childhood. Before bed, my siblings and I would have a nice warm glass of milk with homemade chocolate chip cookies.

  • My favourite memory is eating honey comb cereal with milk at my Nana’s apartment when I was little. πŸ™‚

  • My favourite memory is the milk cart in elementary school. You pre-purchased a punch card and at lunch time you got a cold individual size carton of milk to go with your lunch – your choice of white or chocolate. Most kids picked chocolate…. and the savvy parents made a note on your milk card that you had to have white milk unless it was Friday.

  • Eating my moms chocolate cake with a glass of cold milk. Seemed to forget your troubles if just for those few minutes!

  • When I was a kid the school had a milk program and I got to go around to each classroom delivering it to those that had ordered.

  • One of my faves is baking cookies with my 5 year old (he’s a self professed expert egg cracker now) and sitting down with a cookie and a glass of chocolate milk enjoying the fruits of our labor! Snickerdoodles and Dairyland chocolate milk – best combo ever!

  • My favorite milk memory is making homemade icecream in my donvier with my kids when they were small and we added marshmallows, chocolate chips and peanut butter!

  • One memory growing up, I drank milk with everything, when everyone was having soft drinks with their pizza, hot dogs or hamburgers, I was choosing milk!,…I will still choose milk over a soft drink anytime!

  • My favourite milk memory is when ever I would go to my best friends house (often) we would drink milk fresh from the cow as they lived on a dairy farm. The best milk ever.

  • My favourite milk memory was my mom bought little plastic milk tokens from the milkman once a month and then we would leave tokens and empty milk bottles in a milk chute. It was a little cubbyhole built right onto the back of the house with a door that the milkman put the milk in. There was another door that was locked on the inside for us to bring the milk in the house. We were brats and when we saw the milkman drive up we sometimes waited for him to open the outside chute door and we would open the door on the inside and shout BOO! He got wise fast and would try to scare us back.

  • Cookies & Milk before I was 8 years old…..then I got sick and was in Hospital for 2 months and I could never drink milk again!

  • My favorite milk memory is when I was in elementary school my uncle was a milkman & he would give my friends and I little chocolate milks.

  • my favourite memory is buying milk in jugs from Beckers. Also trying my first taste of strawberry milk – mmm, love it!

  • My favourite memory was teaching my youngest sister the art of dunking cookies into milk. Whenever she attempted a dunk, and the cookie fell in but she just would start laughing. It was quite amusing even though a lot of cleanup was needed in the end. I can’t wait to watch my daughter learn how to dunk cookies into milk.

  • I remember watching the milk man deliver milk to my aunt’s house across the street when I was younger. I always wondered why the milk man never came to our house.

  • When I was child we didn’t have much to eat, but each morning before school my mom served me cup of milk before she sent me off to school. I looked forward to it each morning! Cup was sitting on table and my mom on a chair sitting with me watching me drink until I was done. She served it in my favourite cup that had small teddy bear on it .

  • My favourite milk memory is after playing outside in the snow, my grandmother would always have hot chocolate milk with little marshmallows waiting for me.

  • I remember being the milk monitor when I was in Grade 1 and 2. I collected tickets and we had the little cartons of milk in the mornings.

  • My favorite memory was when my sister and I we having milk and cookies for a snack. While drinking her milk, I started tickling her and the milk shot straight out of her mouth and nose, it was and always will be one of the best memories I have.

  • My husband has told me repeatedly about watching his dad (in the 60’s) drink cold buttermilk from the carton. His dad has passed away and that is a memory that always makes him smile. Love milk!

  • My favorite milk memory or at least one I can recall I was maybe 6 or 7 visiting my Dad’s great uncle and uncle’s farm It was a dairy farm old school where they did have some milking machines but still did hand milking as well. Following Uncle Walter in his green galoshes to milk his cows ,he would aim the cows teat at the cats who would catch the milk in mid air. He tried to get us to have some the same way . My older sister did lol and she was not fond of it being suburban dwellers. I had a glass of fresh milk from the fridge and it was really good. just needed to be cold for me I guess. Then there is the rice pudding my mom made with whole milk ,fresh cinnamon and love.

  • My favorite milk memory would be when my sister and I were young. We would spend a lot of our summer on my Grandma’s farm. Every night after we had bathed and put on our pjs we would go to the kitchen where a plate with four cookies, 2 glasses of milk and the canister of Nestle Quik would be on the kitchen table. Grandma would finish cleaning up the kitchen while we drank our chocolate milk and ate our cookies.

  • Strawberry quick and the nestle quick. Who remembers the container where you would open the metal lid with a a spoon? Best part of Saturday morning cartoons πŸ™‚

  • When I was growing up we always had our milk delivered onto our front porch. Before cartons and plastic gallon jugs we had bags, even in Victoria! I would come home from school and bring thim in with me. Well one day our cat discovered the bags of milk! I came home to discover a stream of milk snaking its way across the big front porch and down the stairs. This happened a few times, and it always made me laugh. 😊

  • My favourite memory us Milk Delivery at first every house had a milk cupboard where the milkman would leave the milk and then in the late 60s and early seventies you could go to the truck and pick things out and I loved it, I remember the cottage cheese came in a fancy glass that were to be used as candle holders when you were done and I was excited for those and fresh chocolate mild and butter, right after him the bread man came and you would have fresh butter, bread and chocolate milk and cheese….yum

  • My favourite milk memory is giving myself milk moustaches with my friends when I was a kid – we used to laugh hysterically, we thought it was the funniest thing!

  • Getting Vico at school is definitely on the top of the list because we were farmers with milking cows so “bought milk” at school was a treat…

  • My favourite milk memory is when I tasted chocolate milk (vico) for the first time. It was (and still is) awesome! I am happy that I got to watch my children have the same experience for themselves. Milk is great!

  • I never slept well as a kid, still don’t. I remember lots of night around midnight sitting at the kitchen table with my Dad drinking a glass of milk, sometimes warm. He would have a glass too and we would sit and talk about life. We would only have the little light on so we wouldn’t wake up everyone else in the house. Some nights we would get away with our late night milk dates, but others…my mom would hear us laughing and come flying into the kitchen! “She has to go to school in the morning, let that girl sleep!”
    My teenager does the same thing now. I’ll hear him coming down the stairs and we have a glass of milk together.

  • My favourite milk memory is my very first milkshake. It was a chocolate one. I was quite little but I remember it tasting so amazing.

  • I remember visiting my uncles farm and shrieking with delight and fear as he taught me to milk the cows. And then all the cats that come from hiding to get a taste.

  • My favourite milk memory was Mom baking us peanut butter cookies and we would get a big cold glass of milk to dip our still warm & fresh from the oven cookies into it. Yum! Thanks for the chance to win such an incredible prize, this surely would be helpful at the rate my 5 daughters go through milk!

  • My favourite milk memory is coming home after school, pouring a tall glass of milk, getting some chocolate chip cookies, and watching Transformers – the cartoon one – when I was a kid!

  • We always loved Dairyland home service when I was a kid. It was so much fun opening the door and seeing what the milk man had left!

  • My favourite milk memory is drinking it like crazy at the start of my pregnancy to help with morning sickness. I was going through a four litre jug every two days! I had a glass as soon as I got up and it immediately settled my stomach. I was always thirsty but water made me queasy. Milk was the answer!

  • My favourite milk memory is when we had milk delivered to our homes in glass bottles with the “pogs” that kept the bottle sealed when not in use. I wish I had kept them all…probably would have been worth a fortune now! Milk seemed so much better back then, especially at dinner time as the glass kept the milk colder longer. We were not allowed milk while eating only water. Mother found out very quickly that if we drank milk during dinner we would fill up too quickly and not eat certain foods we disliked… Brussel sprouts. So it was only during the dessert portion of the meal that we were allowed to drink milk.
    Ahhh so many fond memories!

  • We bring a carton of milk with on our road trips and then stop at a picnic spot for cereal as the sun comes up. Whole family loves it.

  • My favorite milk memory has to be back when I was a child. I remember my mom had bagged milk delivered to our home. She’d order enough bags to last throughout the week, keep a couple of bags in the fridge and the rest she stored in the freezer. We’d always have fresh ice cold milk! I miss the bagged milk days. Pretty sure I’ve just revealed my age mentioning bagged milk! LOL! πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ What a super fun giveaway! Happy 100th Anniversary to Dairyland! ☺ Thanks so much for the chance to win milk for a whole year!

  • I remember when I was a child, we had animals and my dad gave us fresh milk with chocolate syrup in it. Nothing better than those hay loft picnics.

  • Standing in line at the ‘milk machine’ to buy milk at noon or getting the dairyland cow erasers in elementary school

  • My favorite milk memory is going to my Gram’s house for milkshakes. She has a counter like an old fashioned ice cream store and we felt like we were at a restaurant as she would serve us and had little menus.

  • My favorite milk memory was when the milk man would come to our house and deliver containers of milk each week. We would watch out the window and wait for him to arrive at our house. Then give him the empty bottles back. It was an exciting part of our week!

  • I remember getting milk delivered to the house in those plastic bags. I’m sure my mom really appreciated that service as a stay-at-home mom. I know I would!

  • My uncle had a dairy farm in Ontario and we loved to go there… one day I went and he took me to the barn to introduce me to a calf that he named after me! Sort of a milk memory.

  • I remember coming home from school as a child and smelling fresh chocolate chip cookies as soon as I walked in the door. I loved the cold days when my mom had cookies and milk waiting for me.

  • while growing up, I would spend summers at my grandparents dairy farm. Learned alot about cleaning the equipment and getting the cows ready.

  • When I was in grade one.I was given a nickel every morning wrapped in tissue to pay for a small container of milk for my lunch.It was the best milk ever as I paid for it with my nickel.

  • We had milk delivered in glass bottles when I was a kid. One day I went to knock on the door of friends up the street when I inadvertently knocked over a bottle of milk sitting on the concrete landing. I ran home, horrified at what had just happened. I don’t remember if I ever even told my mother, or if they figured it out…….but Ramsay family…….if you remember this……I owe you a quart (well, litre now) of milk!

  • My Favorite milk memory is every year Mom and I would Leave Santa Cookies and a Full glass of White Milk. Mom would say Santa Loves white milk and he shares his cookies with Dancer and Prancer cause those are his favorites. Mom is the Best and Dairyland Milk would be wonderful to Share with my Mom too! Thanks for this chance to share:)

  • My favourite milk memory is heating up the chocolate milk after a day of playing in the snow with my kids, they prefer heated milk instead of the hot chocolate mix haha

  • When my oldest son was a baby (he was born in 1994) we lived in Victoria for about 2 years and we used to get our milk delivered. The milk man! As recently as 1995! It was awesome, fresh milk in glass milk jugs delivered to our door weekly. It was something to look forward to.

  • I remember sitting at the kitchen table with freshly baked cookies made by my grandma and drinking a huge cup of milk. best afternoons ever

  • My favorite milk memory was going into the barn and scooping out fresh milk out of the cooler at my Grandparents farm.

  • My favourite milk memory was when my mom bought chocolate syrup and I get to mix it with my milk to make ‘chocolate milk’. It was a ritual I have passed on to my kids.

  • Mine is spendign at my grandparenst who lived on a farm. Before you get excited about the cows – not that. But they would have a a 1L of dairyland 2% in the freezer – in case there was a milk shortage and you couldnt drive to town!

  • Milk bags being delivered to our door step! do they even do that anymore? We had a yellow jug we put the bags in and clipped off the corner. IF you clipped that corner to wide you’d have more milk than cereal in your bowl.

  • My favourite milk memory was when it was chocolate milk day at school. I work the lunch program at my sons school and they go nuts on Fridays when it’s chocolate milk day. They are so excited. I have 3 kids I could use this prize!!

  • Milk was the go to snack in our house. When there was nothing else we always had milk. SO I heard the words “have a glass of milk” at least 1000 times. Even as an adult milk is my frequent go to.

    That all said, there was a ‘challenge’ when we were in college to drink 4L of milk at a time. I ended up dating a guy after bragging that I could totally do it. Thank goodness I never had to, a human stomach can not hold 4L of milk.

  • Do you remember the milk song? The one that started with “MMMmmoo cow, mmmmake milk, its the only drink that we adore…” Yup, loved that song so much, thats what I sang to my twins when they were babies… Hey, they loved it!!

  • My favourite milk memory is in the summer, whenever I was thirsty, I would love to have milk and sometimes, when my mom was not home, I love to add in some chocolate syrup to make it a chocolate milk

  • Oh no

    I entered not realizing it was western Canada

    That sucks ! I use that product but in Ontario

    I’m surprised it is not a Canada contest?

  • My favorite milk memory is of my Oma. She used to make homemade hot cocoa on the stove top and the taste was just incredible because of the milk used.

  • My fav milk memories are actually of those milk crates! Used to be much easier to get them! Love how they stack and how from childhood to now, they act as great stools to sit on! (User to play lots with my sisters with these milk crates)

  • Definitely mornings with cereal- we werent really allowed the ‘sugar’ cereal so when we were allowed fruit loops or lucky charms (lol) could sit at the table with my sisters and eat many bowls

  • My favourite milk memories was from when I was 10. My friend and I use to ride along with the Milk man and we would help him deliver to a couple of the house and then he would give us a small carton of Chocolate milk. That was way before the days where we worried about Stranger Danger.

  • My favourite milk memory is making hot chocolate as a kid. It was always a special day because I didn’t get much sugary food as a kid.

  • We used to make milkshakes and watch a movie on Friday nights when I was little – it was one of my favourite nights!

  • I have fond memories swirling chocolate syrup into my tall glass of milk. It was one of my favourite treats growing up.

  • Oh My! Favourite milk memory was when I was in elementary school and at this particular school, every Friday we had a special snack time in the afternoon. We had a choice of either white or chocolate milk and a choice of a white glazed or chocolate glazed donut. This was the most favourite time of the school week – Friday afternoon of milk and a glazed donut. Now tell me, could anything be more delightful than this to an elementary school child in those days – I think NOT!!! AND boy were we well behaved all Friday morning ready for our afternoon treat!

    Thanks for the chance 🍩πŸ₯›πŸ©πŸ₯›πŸ©πŸ₯›πŸ©πŸ₯›πŸ’•

    Double #YUM πŸ’•

  • I remember my Mom leaving empty glass milk bottles with money or tokens in them and place them inside a white styrofoam cooler by the front door. In the morning the Milk man would drive up in his delivery truck & take the empties & replace them with fresh bottles of milk. πŸ‡¨πŸ‡¦

  • When I was a teenager I figured out that you could spray aerosol whipped cream straight into your mouth. My life has never been the same. πŸ™‚

  • My favourite memory, or at least the one that stands out the most, is when the Loonie was introduced in 1987. I had won a contest (radio contest?, it was so long ago) to win about $100 in Loonies. As I was still a kid at the time and loved chocolate milk, what did I spend many of those Loonies on? That’s right, Vico chocolate milk which, for the 1 litre carton, happen to cost $1 (or give or take a few cents). Today, 30 years later, I still drink a lot of chocolate milk.

  • I grow up in Ontario and milk came in a bag, I hated the bags they would always spill. I remember one day my dad making cereal for me and trying to pour milk the whole bag spilled all over him and the cat. The cat ran and hide in the closet, I am not sure if it was scared or just wanted to lick off all the milk but it was pretty funning to see.

  • I remember as a child my mom asking me to go to the store to buy a jug of milk and I remember it being so cheap. Now it’s crazy expensive to buy. Times have definitely changed

  • Drinking milk mixed with the old quik cans mmmmm! Our house is cereal fanatics and it wouldn’t be possible without milk πŸ™‚

  • I grew up drinking milk everyday. Supper just wasn’t supper without the ice cold glass of milk. When we were little, we would use chocolate and strawberry flavouring in our milk and it was the healthy treat we all wanted after school with our friends.

  • My husband and I served milk instead of wine at our wedding (we did no alcohol because of some alcoholics in the family). We had bottles of white and chocolate milk put out on all the tables for the toasts.

  • You know when you really want something and you go to get it and there’s either none left or a crappy selection? That was my “milk life” in grade school. It was mandatory for lunches and there were no other drinks available unless you were lucky enough to have a parent that would make your lunches everyday (most kids were on the school food plan). Our school was dividing into wings and they would stagger our lunch times. I was of course one of the last groups to go so the options in my first statement were spot on for me. However, when I moved into high school, is was a more “posh” type of environment as it was a private school. Most would buy from the pop machines or have coffees. Lucky me though – I almost always had my choice of milk ;P

  • My favourite milk memory was making milkshakes for my kids when they were younger. We had so much fun making up flavours and colours.

  • Ice creams at the corner store after the beach! I still remember what the shop smelled like, and I’m sure it was dairy land ice cream.

  • Dipping chocolate chip cookies into a big glass of milk is a big memory of mine and also blowing bubbles with a straw into a big glass of milk…i would end up with a mountain of milk bubbles

  • Growing up I loved ice cold milk and cookies. Now I have a 2 & 5 year old and they love milk and cookies. So after school when the 5 year old gets home we love to sit at the table and enjoy this snack together.

  • When I was a kid I wanted to leave out carrots and milk for the Easter Bunny and my mom says “bunnies don’t like milk”, I said “yes they do!” And the next morning I saw milk poured down into the kitchen sink lol I assumed my mom was right!

  • My favorite milk memory is making hot chocolate with milk on the stove. Watching the foam bubble up and getting to eat the chocolate skin that formed on top as the milk cooled.

  • Favorite milk memory is the milkman bringing milk to our house. On St. Patty’s day my mom would add green food coloring to it and tell me the leprechauns did it! I do the same for my kids now. πŸ€β˜˜β£

  • I remember when milk was delivered to your front door by the milk man. The clanging of the glass bottles was a welcomed sign in the morning for my bowl of cereal. Eventually the glass gave way to bags of milk for the plastic jugs and then the cartons!

  • My favourite is steeling myself away for some chocolate milk while the kids aren’t looking, lol! And seeing how happy the kids get when we give them milk or yogurt is always a great feeling. Love making our kids happy! Of course, any moment involving ice cream or cheese is magical, too.

    I guess I wouldn’t say I have a favourite milk moment, but that we always enjoy moments that involve milk ❀❀

  • Squirting strawberry quick in to a tall glass of milk and swirling it until the glass turned pink πŸ™‚

  • My favourite milk memory is actually milking our goats myself as a kid. It is very satisfying to hear the stinging plop of the milk hitting the pail.
    My favourite drinking milk memory would probably be having Dairyland cow’s milk on commercial cereal (at a friends house since we didn’t get that at home).

  • My favourite milk memory was getting Vico from the cooler at the grain elevator when we hauled with our dad or poppa. It was a huge treat as we had millions at home. We also loved it when we would get the extra milk from the school milk program before a long weekend or school holidays so it wasn’t wasted. It’s funny how such a little things brings back so many big smiles and memories@ ☺

  • Making chocolate nesquik with my younger brother. The powdered kind of course! We loved those chocolatey sugar crystals that were left on the bottom of the cup

  • My mom used to catch me up in the missile of the night when I was about 2. I would get out of bed open the fridge put the chair next to it and take the carton of homogenized milk back to bed with me. It became a problem when I didn’t finish it but fell asleep with it open in my bed.

  • So many milk memories… from baking with with Baba, to making my sister laugh so hard that milk came out of her nose, to road trips across Canada…
    I always loved getting a Vico as we travelled through Saskatchewan to Alberta, and once you hit Alberta, Vico was no where to be found. It was called chocolate milk. The good old days of Saskatchewan! ❀

  • Homemade chocolate cake right out of the oven with a big glass of cold milk that contained ice crystals because our fridge would freeze the milk! I love my milk really cold to this day!

  • My favorite milk memory has to be making cream soda floats and laying outside under our pear tree as a family just enjoying the summer πŸ’• Another would be when we were camping and the fridge got really cold and Dad would call it prickle milk cause it was so cold on your teeth.

  • My favorite milk memory is from Kindergarten, 1973, Langenburg Saskatchewan, our teacher was Mrs. Bieber. the whole class would get a paper cup, the kind that you couldn’t put down because it had a point on the bottom, filled with wonderful cold milk and 2 Dads oatmeal cookies, then it was rest time and we got out our special rest blankets to lie on the floor for an afternoon rest. Such great memories, and I still enjoy cold milk and Dads cookies!!

  • My favourite milk memory is my grandma making my brother and I a milkshake every year on the first day of summer vacation. She made the best milkshakes!

  • I remember my sisters and I when were were small, we used to get the glass milk containers delivered to our house, it was awesome how they did that, I miss those days where I could get milk and bread delivered

  • My favourite milk memory is funny, but kind of not nice. See, we’d have a glass of milk with supper daily as kids. About once a week, my sister would be talking or something while trying to drink her milk. Inevitably, she would start coughing and spray milk everywhere. I was always across from her so I ended up taking a milk bath and we would start fighting. Now, I love talking about it for the humour value.

  • My favorite milk memories are when my grandpa would have Oreos and milk with me when I was younger.

  • When I was a young girl, my mom used to always let me have a cup of warm milk before i went to bed. I just loved it back then.

  • My favourite memory would be making strawberry milkshakes as a bedtime snack on Saturday nights. We would enjoy them while watching a family movie. A tradition I continue with my kids.

  • My favourite milk memory is milking my uncles cow Daisy as a kid and being given a fresh cup. I really appreciated store bought milk after that!

  • Nothing beats milk with a fresh batch of homemade cookies. Dunked into the milk of course. Yummy!

  • My favorite milk memory is when I broke my arm as a kid and the doctor told me I needed to drink more milk. I got so sick of milk! When I started refusing they gave in and bought chocolate milk – that never got old! Eventually Mom and Dad switched me back, but it was good while it lasted.

  • Best memory is def slurping the flavored milk at the bottom of my cereal while watching Sat morn cartoons!

  • Milk on cake!! I grew up on a dairy farm and it’s always been a favorite in my family. I’ve now passed it onto my 5 kids. Mmmmm…milk 😊

  • Coming home after elementary school to a fresh warm homemade cake with no icing or frills just beautiful flavor, my mothers love. While enjoying cake, my Mom would give us a tall glass of milk and tell us how good it was for our bones and growth. Twitter fan@plumerea

  • My favourite milk memory is giving my oldest her warm milk before bed to get her nice and cozy for bed!

  • My memory is when I was maybe 6 or 7 I went over to my cousins house and we had Oreos and Milk as a snack. I never had Oreos before so I was really excited and it was even better because I never really ate cookies much so dipping it in the milk was even better! I now love milk and cookies. It’s my go to snack here and there when I have a sweet tooth!

  • One of my fave memories was when I was 8 & playing on my first softball team, the Chiefs. Occasionally when we won our coach would buy the team milkshakes, mine was usually Strawberry, once in awhile. I would switch it up with chocolate!

  • When I moved into my first apartment and went grocery shopping finally, I remember how grown up in felt because I could buy and drink ALL the chocolate milk I wanted, and didn’t have to share! Favorite memory:)

  • My sons first birthday was a
    Milk-oholic party…everything was cows with a variety of milk and cookies provided. His smash cake photos included cups of milk which he enjoyed more then the cake. My son hates sugar, cakes, chips and treats but he can’t get enough dairy. With every meal, every day, in any way! We as a young family would benefit from this giveaway as diary is a large part of our grocery shop. Also our second son will be switching to milk soon!!

  • I loved to run to the high school side to go buy milk at lunch time from the milk program. It only cost 25 cents for the small carton.

  • I used to love to run to the high school side of the school to buy milk at lunchtime. It was the highlight of my lunch. The little carton cost 25 cents!

  • My favorite milk memory has to be milk being delivered at school in the yellow crates – you could order it to have with your lunch – I didn’t get it often but when I did I was always allowed to order chocolate mmmmm it was so good!

  • I drank so much milk that we had regular Dairyland milk deliveries. I remember placing the bag of milk into the plastic holder and snipping off the corner of the bag for a fresh glass of milk. Doesn’t seem like much, but I remember being so excited when the milk delivery arrived.

  • My favourite memory is blowing giant milk bubbles in both white and chocolate milk as a kid. I always got in trouble and was told to stop. I have an eight year old daughter now, and she has tried to do the same. I’m always torn on what to do because as much as I know it’s bad manners, it’s so much fun… And well sometimes you just need to blow milk bubbles!

  • I remember the milk truck doing deliveries. Walking into the babysitters in the morning with her bags of milk the milk man delivered at the crack of dawn!

  • My favourite milk memory would have to be going to this bakery with my dad every Saturday as a child I would get a slice of apple pie with a large glass of MilkπŸ˜‹ I would always eat the whole slice of pie and share the glass of milk with my dad!

  • My favourite milk memory: Having a bowl of cereal with my dad for a late night snack while we were watching a movie on the weekend. A little family tradition:)

    • OK, but to be entered to win, that’s the task – hopefully you’ll come up with one so you can qualify! πŸ™‚

  • One of my favorite memories from growing up is making ice cream floats with Orange , Grape or Cream Soda Crish with my mother. We had them often but not often enough for it to stop being a real treat! Another favorite memory is milk day at school. We would get to choose 2% or chocolate and of course the chocolate ran out first. At home we would mix some 2% with some Nesquick but it never tasted the same as the Fairyland chocolate milk!

  • My two-year old gets her milk before bed. We microwave it in a glass and then pour it into her sippy cup. One of her first words was beep, like the microwave. She still calls her milk her ‘beep’. ‘Mommy, I have beep please?’ She’s even got my five year old calling milk ‘beep’.

  • Blowing bubbles in my milk is my best memory… and my mom mixing strawberry syrup in it too. Love be milk so much!

  • As a family of 6, we go through tons of milk! I ONLY buy Dairyland, other milk just isn’t the same!!

    My favourite milk memory was for sure the milk deliveries! As a child I loved waiting for the milk man to come by in his truck. We always begged for more and more of those Dairyland fridge magnets!

    I can’t wait to see the old logo back! Oh the nostalgia!! πŸ™‚

  • When we were kids, every once in a while our parents would let us indulge and buy chocolate milk!!! My brother and I would feel like we had won the lottery and savoured every sip!

  • My favourite memory happened while i was a nanny, many years ago. The 2 year old little sister “helped” with breakfast one morning and dropped the 2 litre of milk on the floor of the very tiny kitchen. Because the kitchen was so small, the milk was contained in a small area and we were able to “swim” in it. It was a great way to spend the time before I had to mop it all up.

  • My favourite milk memory is a nice glass of cold milk and some Dad’s oatmeal chocolate chip cookies to dip in it!!

  • I remember learning to bake chocolate chip cookies with my mom when I was young. When we were done I got to pick one to eat, still warm, with milk. So good! I still use my baking skills all the time and have started to pass them on to my own daughter.

  • I remember the Dairyland delivery guy coming and getting our mild right to our door. It was pretty awesome in the summer when we were home as he would always say hi and wave.

  • My favorite milk memory was when my 4 kiddos would leave milk and cookies for Santa. We had a special plate and mug. They always wrote a special letter to go along with it. They would look in that mug right away Christmas morning. Hoping to.see some crumbs in the mug. They said they knew that Santa was a dunker. Now that I have my first grandchild I am looking forward to carrying on this special tradition.

  • My favourite memories are when my mom used to warm up the milk in a small sauce pan in the stove and then she would had cubed pieces of her homemade bread cinnamon and some sugar and we would put into a bowl and eat this warm yummy delicious milk and bread it was so good. It’s an old Italian recipe from when she was young and I now make it for my son. Keeping the traditions going. Thanks Dairyland

  • My favourite memory was going to a dairy farm as a kid & getting to Mike a cow. Ever since then I couldn’t go a day without milk!

  • my brother and I used to have a contest to see who could blow the most milk bubbles the fastest and over flow the cup. drone my mom nuts. now I love to share a glass of milk with my hubby for our cookie addiction.

  • I grew up on a dairy farm in sk. I used to watch for the Dairyland milk truck driver. I had a favorite driver who always seemed to love to chat. He would listen to my child updates of the newest farm kittens, bale fort adventures, and arrowhead discoveries with interest. #bestchildhoodever

  • My favourite milk memory is waiting impatiently for the milkman to deliver our milk & favourite yogurt πŸ™‚

  • My favorite memory is eating cereal in the mornings and reading all the French on the 2liter old style pink font milk carton. Seeing this back in stores for the 100th Anniversary flooded back my childhood from the 70s! Fantastic! I showed the old cartons to my kids yesterday and they were floored!

  • drinking buttermilk – it was accidental but I’ve never forgotten – biscuits and pancakes wouldn’t be the same but I’ve never had the desire to drink another glass ha ha

  • My favourite memory would have to be the eggnog/milk milkshakes my mom still make every Christmas, my kids now enjoy them!

  • My favourite memory is always having a glass of milk with dinner. Especially when we had pasta!

  • I loved coming home from school to find our Dairyland milk delivery on our front porch, containing our bagged (!) milk. The best thing ever was drinking a nice cold glass of 2% with my peanut butter and banana sandwich on fresh homemade bread.

  • I remember the milkman delivering our milk to the milk chute on the side of the house. You always knew it was the milkman because the glass bottles would clink and clank all the way up the sidewalk.

  • Buying a carton of milk with my baby’s due date as the best before date made me giggle. I thought for sure she would be late but she was right on time!

  • My favorite milk moment would be dunking my mom’s chocolate chip cookies until they get so saturated that they are about to disintegrate in your fingers, then quickly slipping the whole thing into your mouth!!!!!!!! Mmmmmmm!!!!! πŸ˜€

  • I remember my Mom teaching me to thicken milk and the amazing Mac n cheese we were able to make with it. It was then I realized that milk makes everything better!

  • My favourite milk memory took place while riding my bike alone from Kamloops to Scotch Creek Provincial Park, Shuswap Lake, when I was 16 or 17 years old.

    After cresting the long, steep Chase hill, I was fatigued and very thirsty. Once I saw the Jade Mountain Restaurant, I knew what would quench my thirst. A big glass of milk! That milk was the most delicious thing I could ask for! Being, homo 100%, instead of our family’s usual 2%, it tasted like ice-cream. I felt revived, truly refreshed and ready to complete the rest of my bike trek to our beloved annual camp ground. Yum..

  • have a great cold glass of milk with fresh hot cookies is still to this day one of my favourite things… but as a kid, knowing that that milk came from the farms surrounding us, and living right next door to the milkmaid were two things that I was very proud of!

  • My favourite milk memory involves my second son. His first words were milk please which comes out sounding like mualkpeez. So cute! It is his favourite drink so we hear this all the time. And once he has his sippy cup of milk he drinks it so fast without taking many breathes like he is racing. When he finishes (usually within 2 or 3 minutes) he proudly and slightly breathlessly holds up his cup and announces “Done!”.

  • My favourite memory is using crazy straws and having contests of blowing milk bubbles in (out of)your cup! Used to drive my parents bonkers!

  • I remember early mornings growing up and always a hot meal to start the day. We called it “porridge” and I will always remember my mom making it for us hot and fresh and letting us add our own milk and sprinkle on the brown sugar.

  • I fondly remember growing up on the farm as a child and my mom always making us a hot breakfast of porridge to start our day. It wasn’t complete until we covered it in milk and a sprinkling of brown sugar.

  • Many great memories ! My mom always gave us a nice tall, cold glass of milk every morning before school. After school we were allowed a special treat sometimes of mixing in chocolate syrup!

  • My favourite memory would be seeing who could make the biggest milk bubble between my sister and brother while blowing through the straw.

  • My favorite is making milkshakes with the kids on a hot day when they get home from school.

  • We’ve always had Dairyland in our home. I miss the Cherry Custard ice cream. One of my favourites. We used to get bag milk as a kid and I always remember the yellow bag in the grocery store and coming home and it being in the green jug. We were young and always cut the bag wrong and neither my sister or I would fess up as to who cut the bag as one of our parents poured more than a glass of milk lol. I have always bought Dairyland for our children. Tried, trusted and tru

  • My favourite milk memory was when I tried to recreate Carol Burnett’s skill with blowing it out my nose. Nearly drowned myself πŸ˜‚
    Hmmm. Not sure I should qualify that as a ‘favourie’ memory. πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

  • My favourite memory was the nice milkman that we had who would give us rides home from school in the milk truck on milk delivery days!

  • When we were kids we we never had chocolate milk unless it was hot dog day at school. Oh how my brothers and I looked forward to hot dog day!! So gooooood!

  • I remember the milkman in the Dairyland truck delivering milk in bags! We had a special pitcher that held the bags once the corners were snipped off. I have fond memories of Dairyland vanilla ice cream in the pail served with homemade hot fudge sauce. Mom had a recipe for “microwave hot fudge sauce”. That was when microwaves were new, cost more than an iMac and were these huge boxes that took up most of the kitchen counter. I still use that recipe!

  • So many favourite Dairyland memories, a lifetime worth! Home delivery at my parents’ house then my own house… Dairyland milk and cookies left out for Santa, making chocolate milk with heaps of powder when we only had white milk…
    Then there is my Dad the milkman. Or so my much older siblings liked to tease me on occasion!

  • My favorite memory was when the milk truck would pull up and the milkman would leave about 4 quarts of ice cold milk on the doorstep.They were in glass bottles and we would be so excited to get them.Those wee the good old days!! πŸ™‚

  • Loved going to the Dairyland Farmers picnic at Cultus Lake when I was a little girl. It was such a treat to get the free chocolate milk cartons and little ice cream cups with the wooden spoons! We had so much fun with all the activities that were planned, especially the tug-o-war! Was always the highlight of the year for this farm family!!! Grew up on a dairy farm and really miss it but dairy farmers are always appreciated as our family goes through 4+ litres a day! Got Milk?… Not for long – back to the store we go… πŸ˜‰

    • My Dad organized those picnics and my brothers and I worked at them handing out free cartons of milk, chocolate milk, and buttermilk. Good times!

  • My favourite milk memory is in the winter, finding frozen milk in the bottles, expanding up above the bottles with the caps still in place at the top.

  • Living my first years in Saint John NB, we enjoyed Vico whenever we could afford it. At age 8, we moved to Toronto Ontario and no one knew what we/I was talking about. When I asked my Mom if we could have Vico she knew I was referring to chocolate milk as that was the only name we ever called it.
    I remember being very sad when I was given the alternative. That was over 75 years ago but I shall never forget my delicious Vico.