Giveaways and Reviews

Look Ageless This Summer With Olay

I love when I connect with a  brand in a timely and perfect way. With summer upon us and me committing to a 3km walk/run every day (entirely new for this girl), I realized quickly that I needed to ensure my skin was protected. While spraying a sunscreen on my arms, legs, and chest helped to avoid any sunburn, I hated putting that same sunscreen on my face. It always felt greasy and that, combined with heavier than normal makeup for TV, resulted in new blemishes that made me commisserate with my 12 year old tween.

I realized I’m not alone either. While 67% of women put “Contains SPF/UV to protect against sun damage” in the top 10 properties a facial moisturizer should have*:

– Only 45% use a daily moisturizer with SPF
– 40% don’t use any SPF in the winter

As confirmed by Olay’s Multi-Decade and Ethnicity Study done in collaboration with Professor Alexa Kimball at Harvard Medical School, the sun is the number one cause of external skin aging, causing the degenerating of elastic skin tissue-which leads to deep wrinkles.

Skin is affected by the sun every time it comes into contact with UV rays, even without a visible sun burn. In fact, up to 90 per cent of skin aging is due to the harmful effects of the sun. To see the effects of sun exposure, simply compare the skin on an area rarely exposed to the sun with skin on the face. You’ll see a difference in tone, colour and texture. The natural aging process is dependent on time and genetics, and is unchangeable. However, photoaging – the premature aging of the skin due to UV light exposure – can be avoided with good sun protection habits.

Olay Regenerist Micro-Sculpting Cream SPF 30It’s frustrating. We finally find a moisturizer that we love, but then have to apply sunscreen under it, which causes greasy skin. I can understand why only 45% use a daily moisturizer with SPF, the rest of us are still looking for one!

That’s why I was so thrilled when OLAY reached out and offered some of my favorite OLAY products with added SPF! Perfection! OLAY Regenerist Micro-Sculpting Cream SPF 30 offers the same anti-aging benefits as the best-selling Micro-Sculpting Cream, instantly reducing the look of fine lines and wrinkles and firming skin over time.

I love OLAY Regenerist products, and use them year-round. Now, I can substitute my usual OLAY Regenerist Multi-Sculpting Cream moisturizer for this version with SPF for the summer months. Yes, I know SPF is important year-round, but I spent a substantial amount of time outdoors in the summer compared to winter months, and will likely switch back to my usual OLAY moisturizer in the winter, with SPF added when I need it.

I don’t notice any greasy residue from using this product, and also happily haven’t noticed a pink nose or forehead either! It’s a no-brainer, you don’t have to worry about forgetting sunscreen and putting your skin at risk for sun damage when SPF is already added to your daily product.


Good news for users of OLAY Total Effects, you can now find OLAY Total Effects SPF 30 on stores shelves now too!







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