Giveaways and Reviews

Share Your Confessions and You Could Win a $250 Fairmont Hotels Gift Card! #ColgateDailyRepair

Disclosure: Colgate-Palmolive has provided product for this post. As always, all opinions are my own.

Spring is here, and while many of us have either tossed our new years resolutions out the window (I may have done that), some of us are still going strong. The thing is, we don’t have to use January as the only time of the year to resolve to do better – to be better. We can strive to improve our lives one step at a time, anytime! Maybe you’ll decide one Monday morning that coffee really isn’t your best friend all day long, or maybe at the start of next month it will finally be the time to start that daily evening walk after dinner. Little changes are what it takes (or at least that’s the motto I live by) so what are some things you can change this spring?

Colgate Total Advanced Health Daily Repair Toothpaste

Colgate is challenging you to confess what you could be doing more of to improve your health – specifically your mouth health. Interesting question, right? I have some confessions to make, and since I’m a blogger I get to do them publicly!

I rarely – if ever – use mouthwash. I see those commercials about how mouthwash cleans a larger % of your mouth than brushing alone, think “wow, that’s pretty gross” and them promptly forget about it two minutes later. And it’s right under my sink. Sitting there.

I don’t floss unless I had popcorn the night before during a TV binge because inevitably I get one annoying kernel stuck in my teeth. I also floss the day before I go to the dentist even though my sore and bleeding gums are a clear indication of my attempt to be sneaky (apparently if you floss daily that will stop, but I’ve never tested it because I’m a lazy flosser!)

OK, so based on my confessions maybe I have a feisty mouth in more than one way? Yeesh.

Colgate Total Advanced Health Daily Repair Toothpaste is new to the Colgate family. This toothpaste contains a multi-active formula that helps repair early teeth and gum damage (perhaps from some of those confession-worthy habits) before you may know it even exists. Here’s what makes this product your new best friend (and it won’t even judge you on those habits):

* Remineralizes weakened enamel
* Helps kill bacteria that cause gingivitis and protects against plaque
* Freshens breath, whitens teeth, helps prevent tartar with brushing
* Toothpaste helps prevent sensitivity with continued use

I received Colgate Total Advanced Health Daily Repair Toothpaste from Colgate-Palmolive for review purposes and have been using it for 2 weeks now. I admit, knowing I was sharing this post and my confessions within has made me more cognizant of my oral health and I’m actually flossing a bit more than TV-binge nights. Having a toothpaste that I know is doing extra for me, because of my bad habits, is helpful too.


gift card giveaway

You didn’t think I was the only one sharing my daily confessions did you? Now you can let it all out, and it’s for a good reason – purging yourself of that guilt could win you a $250 Fairmont Hotels Gift Card!

Fairmont Hotels locations are across Canada (and the world!) but I have to tell you – the Banff and Jasper locations are breathtaking!

To enter to win, simply share your #ColgateDailyRepair confession in the comments below. Don’t worry, I won’t tell anyone, only the internets. 😉 (You can find full rules and regulations here).

No purchase necessary. The Contest is open to legal residents of Canada, excluding Quebec, who have reached the age of majority in their jurisdiction of residence as of the date of entry.  Must correctly answer, unaided, a mathematical skill testing question to be declared a winner. Entries for the contest must be received between April 4, 2016 and April 18, 2016. For a complete list of rules and regulations, please click here.
“This giveaway is sponsored by Colgate-Palmolive.”


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  • oh man. Well, I’m doing ok by brushing at least twice a day… but I know I really need to start flossing daily. My problem is that I get gum stuck between my teeth… and then it stays there until it hurts and then that’s the only time I floss. It’s silly. I don’t want yellow teeth.


  • I have skipped brushing ym teeth in the morning when I am in a hurry. I know I shouldn’t but I have. #ColgateDailyRepair

  • I have a few secrets, I don’t floss ever..I always get the floss stuck between my teeth and it always breaks..not sure exactly what I’m doing wrong..other confession is using my lack of using mouth wash..I hate the taste and don’t use it..ever

  • I brush regularly, but I tend to forget to floss…. and I don’t use mouthwash as much as I should.

  • My #ColgateDailyRepair confession is that I do not brush in the afternoon after lunch. I am trying so hard to do that. I floss daily and brush am and pm but I know brushing in the afternoon would be a benefit.

  • My #ColgateDailyRepair confession has to be that while I brush twice a day or more, I am EXTREMELY lazy about flossing! I need to do it more!

  • I always say i’m going to floss all the time..then i do the same as you and floss just before the dentist appointment 😉 #ColgateDailyRepair

  • Well like a lot of people I’m constantly on the go and I’ll admit I’m a devoted brusher, taking a min of two min on my teeth, but not so diligent on the flossing or mouthwash. I always make sure my kids teeth are taken care of but for myself, well not so much!

  • I confess that I don’t use mouthwash daily . . . I can’t seem to find one that I really like. I’m hit and miss with flossing too! #ColgateDailyRepair

  • I keep a toothbrush and toothpaste at work, with the good intention of using it after lunch. How often have I done this? Once in five months. Yikes! At least I am a regular brusher at home! #ColgateDailyRepair

  • My #ColgateDailyRepair confession is that I don’t floss unless I can see or feel something stuck in my teeth – even though I know that flossing is required regardless of whether you can see or feel anything. I should try more, but I never seem to find the time.

  • My confession is that I almost always forget to floss. (And by forget I really mean I am just too lazy to do it) I know it is horrible!

  • #ColgateDailyRepair On work days I only brush once! Yep. When I am at work I only rinse – and I have a brush, floss and tooth paste in my drawer. I sometimes floss at work if there is a visible need.

  • I confess that I bought a bag of 50 of those little plastic individual flossers about 3 years ago. I just took a peek and there appears to be approximately 47 flossers still in the bag!

  • I never ever floss! I just don’t like doing it, so I only do it the night before a dentist appointment

  • #colgatedailyrepair my confession is that i sometimes fall into bed without giving the pearly whites a scrub down. Eep!!

  • My #ColgateDailyRepair confession is that I usually just floss twice a week, even though I brush twice a day.

  • Ok so I hang my head down in shame now. I have maybe once or twice skipped brushing, flossing, and using mouthwash and INSTEAD I chose to take a towel and wipe the plaque off. OMG I have confessed thisLOL #ColgateDailyRepair

  • I don’t floss as much as I should and when I’m really tired at night I cheat and do a super quick brush which probably isn’t too helpful!

  • My #ColgateDailyRepair confession. While I get my kids to brush twice a day, sometimes I neglect my own brushing in the morning. Plus, I only floss when I have something in my teeth that is bugging me. *sigh* I keep trying to improve and then I get busy and it goes right out the window. Thanks for the chance to win! I could sure use some time away!

  • Confession: Im super on top of making sure my four year old brushes/flosses her teeth, morning & night. Me, not so much 🙁 We took her for her first dental check up in the fall and she got her photo taken and pinned on the “wall of awesome” in the dental office for having healthy teeth. Me= 4 cavities, intensive cleaning & 4 wisdom teeth removed. Lesson learned.

  • Sometimes i can be real terrible taking care of my oral hygenie I rarely use mouthwash and I rarely floss but i do brush about 4x day! #ColgateDailyRepair

  • My #ColgateDailyRepair confession is I don’t floss unless something is literally stuck and hurting between my teeth.

  • I was just saying the other day. I have dental coverage and I should be getting my teeth cleaned more often. I should be taking advantage of everything my plan offers as soon as it is available. I do brush and floss everyday. #ColgateDailyRepair

  • My #ColgateDailyRepair confession is that while I am dedicated to flossing every night before bed and using mouthwash every time that I brush; I sometimes skip my morning brushing if I’m just chilling in my jammies for the day.

  • My #ColgateDailyRepair confession is that I rarely use mouth wash, just learned how good it is for you so will start soon:)

  • My #ColgateDailyRepair confession is that I don’t floss often enough! And it’s been way too long since i have been to the dentist! I know I know, so bad!

  • My confession…I’m really bad at remembering to floss. I do remember to get my stepson to floss, though! #ColgateDailyRepair

  • My confession is the opposite, I’m addicted to floss, can’t go without some in my purse lol. I never was until I got a couple of crowns, since then, need to floss after every meal or I feel gross. I get made fun of frequently by friends. 😉

  • I don’t floss my teeth daily, and I don’t visit my dentist as much as I should. But I do brush regularly and I do use mouthwash. #ColgateDailyRepair

  • I will only floss if I have my earphones in and am listening to music or else I don’t have the patience to do it.

  • I confess, flossing is not part of my daily routine. I have bad hands so it is difficult to grip and move around the way needed to floss. #ColgateDailyRepair

  • i put off going to the dentist. i see them less then once a year because i find it so annoying it takes most of my day.

  • Some nights I do not brush my teeth before bed. It is always when my husband has an early shift so he is already in bed and my toothbrush is in the master bathroom. Since he is a really light sleeper and has trouble sleeping -I never want to wake him. I should really move the toothbrush into a different bathroom ahead of time but I never remember. #ColgateDailyRepair

  • I rush brushing my teeth to get to where I’m going. I don’t think I spend the 2 minutes recommended basically ever.

  • My #ColgateDailyRepair is that I never use mouthwash, find the taste horrible. I try to compensate by brushing my teeth more often though 🙂

  • My confession is that I didn’t floss on a regular basis and ending up getting many cavities between the teeth. Now I’m a regular flosser…feels weird if I don’t floss before going to bed! #ColgateDailyRepair

  • #ColgateDailyRepair I’m guilty of only brushing with water if I’m going to be picking up coffee. I don’t like the mint coffee taste…LoL

  • My #ColgateDailyRepair confession is similar to yours… the only time I floss is right before I go to the dentist. I don’t think we’re fooling anyone but ourselves 😉

  • I don’t usually floss. Did it last week and busted a filing. Probably because I don’t floss regularly but now I don’t want to floss. Ugh!

  • I am good about brushing but not very good at flossing. Just after each dentist visit I really try to floss every day but then it slips by the wayside until just before my next appointment 6 months later.

  • I don’t always brush twice and day and need to floss more not just when things seem stuck in teeth.

  • I confess that I am a brushing and flossing fanaaaaaatic. Started when I was a teen. I will brush and floss before bed no matter what, and brush in the morning and after lunch. Alas, I still have fillings created before fanaticism which have required refilling. Big sad face to that.

  • My confession is that I sometimes get into bed, all comfy and cozy and realized I didn’t brush. Some nights I get back up to brush but if I’m really tired I don’t..

  • My confession is that I haven’t been flossing as much lately and it has been a year since I’ve been to the dentist. I need to make an appointment.

  • Ok here goes! I only brush with Colgate Total when my teeth feel gritty OR I can smell my own stinky breath lol and yes I am still married. I floss daily sometimes twice ?

  • My #colgatedailyrepair confession is like yours. I almost never use mouthwash.

  • I rarely brush my teeth before I go to bed, I guess I am just so tired I put it off. #ColgateDailyRepair

  • I drink too much teeth staining drinks and should start brushing every meal vs morning and night.

  • I brush and floss several times daily but I confess I will not use mouthwash because it reminds me of floor cleaner.

  • I am not a huge fan of flossing (seems to be a common confession lol!). i have a permanent bottom retainer and the floss always frays and breaks there. The dentist does give me “superfloss” to use, but i’m lazy and prefer to use the hook thingie ti pick between my teeth 🙁 #ColgateDailyRepair

  • While I do brush twice daily with my electric toothbrush, I rarely brush for the full three minutes . Flossing? Hate it – get scolded by my detail hygienist every time I go for a cleaning. I have to get my teeth cleaned every 4 months! You would think that would motivate me to floss more regularly, but it doesn’t!

  • I have read that an electric toothbrush is the best so that is something I need to focus on for 2016. Dental work is expensive so the more I can do for my teeth the better

  • I don’t floss daily…only when I feel I need it…which is….rare… shhh don’t tell my dentist! #ColgateDailyRepair

  • I’ve been known to not brush long enough as I tend to vomit a bit when brushing ….. just the brush in the back of my mouth, trying to get to the back teeth can do this

  • Sometimes when I am totally exhausted I just crawl into bed without brushing! Gasp…I know it’s so bad but it only happens about 5 x per year!

  • There have been many nights I’ve gone out for drinks with friends & have basically passed out without brushing my teeth. Then I wake up with a dark purple tongue stained from consuming wine & it looks and feels so gross! #ColgateDailyRepair

  • #ColgateDailyRepair my confession is that I brush my teeth morning & night daily and use mouthwash before going to bed, but rarely ever floss, even though my dental hygienist and dentist recommended that I do it.

  • I confess I drink coffee and soda pop and don’t do enough to fight staining and the damage to my teeth. I love that Colgate Daily Repair will help remineralize weakened enamel – this is my current ‘battle’ in my mouth. And I only floss when something gets stuck in my teeth!

  • #colgatedailyrepair I can’t stand it when something is stuck in my teeth so I carry dental floss with me in my purse.

  • My #ColgateDailyRepair confession is that I bug my son and husband to brush longer but then I am done in a flash.

  • I brush everyday and floss but need to use a rinse everyday to get in between the teeth better.

  • I hate mouthwash so I don’t use it but I’ve recently started using Perio Plus which I buy at the dentist’s. This is an antibacterial mouthwash but doesn’t contain any alcohol so it’s better for your enamel. I’ve been known to stay up too late & forget to brush before going to bed because I’m too tired then. #ColgateDailyRepair

  • I’ve gotta admit i take excellent care of my teeth because I hate the dentist. I went 12+ years without a visit and they were shocked my teeth were so sparkly lol

  • At my last cleaning, I vowed to use mouthwash daily as is now recommended. Haven’t remembered to do it once yet. #ColgateDailyRepair

  • Oh dear, my #ColgateDailyRepair confession would be, not flossing enough, not even daily.. I know.. *hides face*

  • My #ColgateDailyRepair confession is that I tell my kids to floss every day but then I don’t!! Is that bad?!

  • my confession is that i don’t go to the dentist nearly as much as i should be… i for sure have some cavities that need filling.

  • My confession is that without dental coverage, I haven’t been able to see a dentist in 9 years. #ColgateDailyRepair

  • I brush regularly but flossing is a challenge. I do it regularly for the first little while after a cleaning than eventually fall off the wagon for a bit.

  • Oh gosh, I am terrible at flossing! I rarely floss, or use mouthwash. Luckily I seem to have great teeth anyway, and I do use my electric toothbrush twice a day always so at least I have that as a regular routine!

  • Even though my dentist recommends that I floss after each meal, I am too lazy to do that #ColgateDailyRepair

  • #ColgateDailyRepair I floss every morning after showering and before brushing my teeth. But, I confess, on the occasional lazy Sunday morning I skip my morning shower, and skip brushing and flossing my teeth too! :-0

  • My #ColgateDailyRepair confession is that I drink way too much pop and the acidity is causing my teeth to be very sensitive.

  • #colgatedailyrepair

    I will confess, that I have fallen asleep while eating ice cream. Thus, not brushing my teeth. And been awakened by the dog licking spilled melted ice cream off my shirt. Sigh.

  • my confession is that I don’t always brush my teeth at night, I am so tired, I just fall into bed and crash, I know I should brush but…

  • we honestly I rarely floss & never did as a kid either…I only do if I feel like something is stuck in my teeth. I’m trying to make it habit. but it’s hard sometime – BUT I do brush my teeth 2-3 a day! #ColgateDailyRepair

  • I brush regularly, but I usually forget to floss & I don’t use mouthwash as much as I should.

  • I sometimes fall asleep at 9pm with the lights on and wake at midnight and stumble to the washroom to brush, mouth feeling gross #ColgateDailyRepair

  • My confession is that I only floss my teeth about 3 times a week oops! About a week before a dentist appointment I try to make up for it by flossing a couple times each day and by using mouthwash! #ColgateDailyRepair

  • My #ColgateDailyRepair secret is I eat too much CHOCOLATE & forget to brush my teeth at night. Too many missed nights & my teeth start to get sensitive & then I need to use special sensitive toothpaste to help me out.

    Teeth are such a vital part of our make-up & neglecting them leads to problems over-all.

    Thanks for the lovely chance @feistyfrugalandfabulous ♥

  • It doesnt bother me to have a bite to eat before bed AFTER brushing my teeth… :S Hubby on the other hand, even if he has a glass of milk after, he has to brush his teeth again…. BUT, I canNOT leave the house without brushing my teeth.

  • I always brush and floss, but I don’t like using mouthwash and i know I should… i also have heard that Electronic toothbrushes are gentler and i should use one because my hygenist says I have “scrubbed” my teeth and gums and been too hard on them. but old habits die hard… #ColgateDailyRepair I also have sensitive teeth so I am going to give your new toothpaste a try!