Giveaways and Reviews

When I Glam It Up – 7 AM

It’s funny how seemingly odd things in one household become very normal things in another. Having always been comfortable behind a mic, I step out from behind my laptop often now for TV segments locally on Global Regina and CTV Regina, as well as speaking engagements, commercial filming and more. Some days I’m up early, applying make-up and dressed to go out the door by 7:30 AM like many mothers do except that in my case most days I’m getting up with the kids at that time, shlepping around in my pajamas and robe and perhaps washing my hair that morning, depending on the day.

Tenille Lafontaine

On those early mornings, my kids (11, 8 and 4) simply know that “mom has TV”, said as casual as if they were saying, “Mom drinks coffee.” It’s no big deal to them, this is the life we live and I love our new normal.

Tenille Lafontaine Global Regina

Truth be told, I love those mornings. I get to do my hair, take my time applying full makeup, and dress up (a typical day is yoga pants, a ponytail, and a quick powder, eyeliner and gloss.) I get to share whatever I’m currently writing about on the blog with a wider audience in my province. Sidenote: I also get a morning off making school lunches and doing the school drop off, there are many perks!

I feel better with my makeup done, my hair done, and when I’m wearing a great outfit. The point isn’t missed here that wearing yoga pants and t-shirts everyday can bring a person down. If you look good you feel good, right? In contrast, of course, make sure you’re lookin’ good for yourself, moms, because that’s the only person any of us have time to worry about impressing, right?

If it’s been awhile since you’ve “done a full face” as I can it, or are looking for some tips and ideas to freshen up your glamma mama makeup routine, here are some tips from Covergirl and Pantene:

Start with a base: Every expert agrees that having happy and healthy skin can have you glowing in pictures. Moisturize before applying primer, and when you do apply, make sure it’s a product that works with your skin type. TruBlend Primer concentrates on both the skin texture and the skin type- these formulations work with your skin to create a flawless canvas. After your face is prepped, apply TruBlend Liquid Foundation to cover imperfections.TruBlend BB

Say goodbye to winter blues: Who wants to look in the mirror and be reminded it’s winter?  Use TruBlend Blush and Bronzer to contour your face and give you a natural sun-kissed glow.

Highlight your eyes:  In the past, celebrities sometimes made the mistake of being overly bold with their eyeshadow colours, this season it’s all about natural tones and blending colours. COVERGIRL has developed a colour scheme of roses, nudes and golds that are universally flattering with matte and shimmery finishes. trunaked Shadow palettes can be worn on their own for a soft smoky eye or combined to create a bold dramatic look. To finish, use Trunaked Palettetrunaked Eyeliner Duos, a line of pencils that glide on effortlessly to let you define your eyes & create countless luxe looks.

Give your lips a treat: Lips are one of your best accessories, make sure you treat them with care. Before, or even in place of applying lipstick, use a moisturizer to keep your lips looking and feeling like a million bucks. Oh Sugar! Moisturizing Lip Treatment is infused with grapeseed oil, avocado butter and Vitamins C & E. This incredible lip nourishment comes in ten tints of lightweight colour.

Let your h(air) flow: All professional hair stylists agree, hair is meant to be flowing and natural, not crispy and dry. The products you use in your hair should be as natural and healthy as the food you put in your body! Pantene’s Airspray is alcohol free, giving it a light, fresh scent.

Great tips for everyone! I love Pantene Airspray in my hair, not only because it gives it light hold (and my bangs out of my eyes, just a little hold keeps them perfectly side-swept) but because it smells so good!


One of our readers is going to win an awesome beauty bundle from P&G, packed full of products to have you red-carpet ready (Oscar party? I’m so jealous!), or maybe just ready for a much-needed date night or dinner date with a bestie. Check it out:

To win this prize package with a total value of $85, use the form below and enter by sharing your thoughts on glamming it up – do you find you feel better when you have the time to do it?

Disclosure: I am a P&Gmom/mamanP&G. As part of my affiliation with this group I receive products and special access to P&G events and opportunities. The opinions on this blog are my own.


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  • i don’t get the opportunity to glam up often (ever). It would feel so good to be able to look in the mirror, and be at my best. Thanks for a chance to win these marvelous products (my daughter would steal them from right under my nose, i know).

  • I tend to be a minimalist when it comes to makeup, but love to put a little extra on when it’s time to get glam. I’d really like to learn how to do my eyes. Right now they’re lucky if they get a smidge of shadow!

  • Agreed 100% – even just mascara, lipstick, and a nice top makes a huge difference in confidence. And good hair of course! 🙂

  • I do feel better when I “glam it up” and do my hair and put some make up on beyond my usual foundation. I feel more confident when I take time to dress up etc.

  • Definitely! I cannot start my day without mascara .. that is a necessity for me. Anything more than that is considered “glamming it up” by my definition.. and I feel 100% better about myself when I take that effort. I am so glad when I make the time!

  • L.O.V.E this article!!!! Yes I do have feel better with my makeup done, my hair done, and when I’m wearing a great outfit! I’m still me regardless of how I dress…however it all to easy to stop self love….the make up, the hair done and wearing a great outfit for me is about self care/self love.

    Thank-you for reminding me to look my best…as well as its ok to wear yoga pants now and then.

    Can’t wait to glam up!!!!

  • I wear makeup every day now, but never lip products….I feel ‘overdone’ if I wear lipstick, too big of a change, gotta glam it up a bit and take the plunge…..

  • I find even if I am just staying at home I feel better once my hair and makeup are done. I skip the mascara and eyeliner for everyday but put the rest of my makeup on each morning.

  • When I get the opportunity to put on some make up, even if it is just some BB cream and mascara, it makes me feel so much better about myself. Totally worth the time 🙂

  • I love glamming it up, But only get to do it every so often. Sometimes hubby just picks a night to surprise me & take me out for an evening just cause!

  • I don’t get the chance to “glam” it up that often but when I do I love it and yes do feel much better. Just getting my hair done makes a difference.

  • I love glamming it up! it doesnt happen near enough. sure i put on make up to go to work, but its not the same. i just throw on some foundation and mascara and off i go. but when hubby and I are going out or im going out with the girls, I love glamming myself up.

  • When I have the time, i like glamming it up a bit as it does give me a little boost of self-confidence and makes me feel pretty. Although i feel pretty without makeup too, but for special occasions it’s nice to get glam!

  • I usually do not have time to glam it up very often but when I do it makes me feel great. When I do wear it I like to take my time and enjoy myself while getting ready, good music, a glass of wine and some time to myself. I always feel good when I feel like I look good.

  • Glamming it up makes me feel like a new woman! Being a single mom, theres not much time to do so, but when I get the chance it is amazing!

  • You have it right, I feel much better about myself when I get dressed up, do my hair, and apply the makeup, but that hardly ever happens anymore because I just don’t go anywhere, there is no sense on getting all dolled up to do housework, and yes it can bring a person down. I think if I win this contest I am going to make a habit of getting dolled up once a week, just so I feel better about myself!!

  • I don’t get glammed up very often but I do feel great when I do. I just got back from a trip to Vegas and I got to get glammed up a few times.

  • I always feel better after getting glammed up. I work from home too and it’s so easy to just not care. But then fedex and ups shows up and they’re wondering ‘is this woman homeless?, why does she look like she slept in her clothes?’
    Glamming up is good for you.

  • While I don’t have much time these days, I do enjoy how I feel when I’m dressed up and feeling as though I look good! I’m really not a make/up kind of girl, but just washing and styling my hair makes me feel like a million dollars these days!! And as my hubby says, happy mum & wife, happy kids & life!! ??

  • I do. I like to see myself in the mirror and think it’s a good day.
    That said, coffee goes a long ways too.

  • I always feel more confident when I glam up and feel positive. I don’t feel as productive when I don’t put any effort into my appearance.

  • I’ll admit it, I Really hate to put a lot of stuff on my face. Particularly foundation. It must be from years of dance recitals and competitions! But I totally agree that now in my more “Mature” age, sometimes I need a little help to even out the skin. And yep, some days I just want to look extra special. I however never know which primer, foundation or powder/bronzer to use. So I think I’ll stick with one line and try the Cover Girl Trublend ! Thanks for some suggestions. Now if I can only apply it gingerly and not like I’m 12 yrs old going onstage! LOL

  • I do feel better when I actually ‘glam up’ but I don’t do it often and when I do I feel like I probably don’t do it right either. Eyeliner is a must every day though

  • I know my girlfriend feels better when she has time to glam it up, I try to give her a chance to get away from the kids so can do that.

  • It always feel good to get dressed up and glam up. I don’t do it much anymore but feels good when I get the opportunity to do so.

  • I rarely have time to glam it up but when I do I feel like a million bucks. I have a gala on Saturday for international women’s day this coming weekend and I can’t wait to get glammed up!

  • I LOVE investing time in myself, using my creams and putting on makeup and doing my hair! It’s important for me to look my best most days, and going that extra mile to “glam it up” is always fun- as long as my kids are away for the night, otherwise I’m just doing the things to them that I wish I could do on myself!

  • I feel beautiful when I’m glammed up but I only get glammed up for special occasions because I’m usually just at home. But it makes me feel awesome when I take my time to do it properly.

  • I definitely feel better when I glam it up. And I always find time LOL which usually makes me late. Ooops! I actually find the process of getting ready calming.

  • I rarely have the time to Glam it up. With 3 littles 3 and under, I just don’t get much me time. ANd when I do, I’m not usually that happy with the results. :s I’ve never been very good at doing my hair or makeup.

  • I don’t do it often, as I’m not very good at it. The few times I’ve paid someone to glam me up it has felt good!

  • I need to add definition to my pale, round face to look not washed out, especially in winter. I try to glam up a bit for work and definitely if I am going anywhere with fluorescent or LED lighting!

  • I’VE never been centered around my looks or cared what others thought of me, and I tend to only do lip gloss and mascara these days (and nothing for work due to what I do ). I think if you can only look on the surface and don’t want to take the time to see whats underneath, then you prob arent worth my time LOL ..I’m old…there are more important things in life then to worry about sagging boobs or perfect cat eye liner

  • I don’t glam it up as I am not good at applying makeup and look more goofy than glam lol. I would love these quality make up products as I’m sure I would look better with professional products and would love to learn to apply them. 🙂

  • I’m very laid back and don’t always know HOW to glam it up so I love it when someone else does it for me. I can do the basics though and I always feel better

  • I love to glam it up! I feel more confident and comfortable when I have time to put on makeup, style my hair and dress a little nicer.

  • Yes definitely! I feel so much better when I glam it up! I just get more of a happy feeling and feel more attractive and pretty.

  • I used to wear makeup & do my hair every day for work but since I’ve become a SAHM I’ve fallen into the pony/yoga pants trap. I definitely feel better about myself when I take the time to do my hair/makeup & wear a nice outfit.

  • I definitely feel better when I have time to glam it up, but with the little ones I find it hard to make time.

  • It always feels good to be able to glam it up once in a while. I enjoy it even more during the dreary winter months.

  • I definitely feel better about myself when I have the time to dress up and do my makeup nicely.

  • They are lovely products that make me look better and definitely feel better about myself.It’s awesome
    to take a little pride in our appearance and these products make a girl feel really pretty.Thanks so much
    for the great giveaway!! #PGmom and #PGmomGiveaway.

  • It feels good to glam it up once in a while. I rarely ever get glammed up, but when I do it feels nice. 🙂

  • I always feel better when I glam up, but I am usually too lazy to do so lol. Just makes the look that much nicer when I do do it because it’s not a look that hubby sees often lol.

  • I hardly get to glam it up, small town with only a walmart to walk to lol.
    But when I do, it increases my self esteem because all those small pimples and insecurities are covered better.

  • I’m pretty lazy, I love my sleep so if I have to be somewhere early I’m a lipgloss & mascara only kinda gal! On days when I want to look fantastic I start about two hours early so I have time to shower, dry my hair, put contacts in, chose an outfit, do my face, switch handbags & get ready at my own pace. I add an extra half-hour if I’m curling or straightening my hair. lol, so glam for me doesn’t happen all that often, 2-3 times a week max!

  • I love to “glam up” and I do feel much better. It tends to be a weekend thing for me. It is alot of fun. Going and getting my hair done is a favourite activity for me.

  • It doesn’t happen often, but it’s fun to get glammed up. I feel better on a daily basis when I can take the time for the basics, even if I’m not going anywhere!